The First Legendary Beast Master

Chapter 732 Coronation Begins

Chapter 732  Coronation Begins

Breakfast took nearly to lunch with all the interruptions and people showing up to talk to the ranking Elites.

After the first hour, everyone but Karl, Othello and Ahmad managed to excuse themselves. The Monarchs with Othello’s team didn’t make it far before they were caught by someone with propositions or a history with them.

But at least they got to try.

The Coronation was exactly at noon, so Ahmad ended up leading them directly to a VIP box in the throne room, above floor level. The rest of the teams would be in the crowd below, and Karl spared a moment of sympathy for the Guards who had to maintain security with so many active skills in one room.

After the recent events, nobody who had the power would agree to go without defensive spells. Especially not here in the Throne Room, where the resident members of the Royal Family were killed.

The cause hadn’t been officially announced, but both Rae and Niall were certain nobody went in or out. Even the guards outside the door survived the battle.

Niall had questioned them, but the door remained barred from the inside, and they hadn’t heard anything thanks to the silencing spells on the Throne Room.

Ahmad smiled as Karl extended [Eternal Lightning] over him. A Totem was nearly impervious to the attacks of those below his Rank, but activating a Totem Ranked barrier would be an incredibly oppressive force for the unawakened humans in attendance, as well as most of the Elites.

Trumpets began to play a marching tune, and the room fell silent.

King Axel looked exhausted, but his back was straight, and his expression was grim as he entered the room with a pair of familiar Overlords walking behind him.

One was Overlord Drake, who had been travelling with him when Karl first met them, and the other was a female Bishop from the Church that Karl had seen multiple times before, but never officially met.

The King stepped up in front of the throne, and his grandmother came out with the crown on a pillow.

Then, the silence of the room was shattered when King Axel extended his hand and led the Bishop to the throne on his left. The Queen’s Throne.

Ahmad whistled softly. “Oh, things are going to get spicy now. The King has always been a secular force in the nation, but it appears the rumours about King Axel’s love life were true. He has taken a Bishop as his Queen.”

Karl didn’t even pretend to understand the politics, but they made a cute couple. Both were in their late twenties, so they both would be considered prodigies of the Elite Program, assuming they were both awakened that way. While Karl was distracted, the speech by the elder Royal had begun, and Karl snapped back to attention partway through.

My dear grandson, it is with great pride and admiration that I address you on this momentous occasion. You have shown extraordinary courage, wisdom, and compassion in your ascension to the throne. Your father would be proud of the man you have become – a leader who understands the importance of serving others, a monarch who recognizes the weight of his responsibilities.

As we bid farewell to an era and usher in a new one, let us remember that our kingdom has faced trials before, and each time, we have emerged stronger. The loss of your father was a devastating blow, but it is now up to you, King Axel, to lead us through these dark times and into a brighter future.

“… You King Axel, beloved of the Gods. With the admiration of the entire nation, from every region, every caste of society and every Rank of Elites who defend our sovereignty. It is that unwavering spirit that makes you the most suited to stand here in this hallowed chamber today.”

Karl wondered if there were some form of contest for the throne that he wasn’t aware of. But then realized he really should be paying attention to the old Royal’s speech. “As we bid farewell to an era and usher in the age of the Elites, let us remember that our Kingdom has faced trials and betrayals before. Each time, we have emerged victorious and stronger than ever. So shall it be again in these trying times.

The loss of the King was a blow that devastated the hearts of the nation, but there is no doubt in my heart that The King will once again lead us through these dark times to a brighter future than any could have foreseen.

In this time of sorrow and change, let us be reminded of the words of our ancestors. ‘The strength of a nation lies in its unity. The power of a king is measured by his ability to serve his subjects.’ May you, King Axel, embody these principles as you lead us forward.

As we move forward toward vengeance and retribution, the nation stands behind The King and supports him with all our might. The path will not be easy, but with Faith and determination, the Golden Dragon Nation will overcome any challenge put in our path.”

King Axel knelt and the Queen Dowager placed the crown upon his head. From beside him, the new Queen raised her voice.

“To King Axel, may he reign forever!”

The room burst into shouts and cheers, accompanied by a stomping that shook the stone of the throne room.

The entire coronation ceremony had taken less than fifteen minutes, there was nearly no pageantry, and while the Throne Room was decorated, it was no more than would have been done for a Royal Banquet. There simply hadn’t been time.

But to the new King and the Elites in attendance, it didn’t matter. The old Queen had been right. What was coming was vengeance and retribution on those who would dare to launch such an audacious attack on the nation.

Karl could hear the murmurs among the Elites, plans to exact revenge, sharing evidence of the specific forces that had been found dead in the Capital after the battle. None would escape their wrath.

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