The First Legendary Beast Master

Chapter 726 Leaving The Lab

Chapter 726  Leaving The Lab

In the labs, Karl and the others were fully recovered and ready to face the chaos of the city.

Overlord Othello was on her feet already, motivating the rest of her people to move.

“Is the train station collapsed? Most of these people are not combatants. And we destroyed all the spare weapons anyhow.” Karl asked.

Forgemaster Granite took the first blade they had made, and the war maul, out of a hidden storage spot under his forge with a conspiratorial wink.

“If they never find them, it’s as good as destroyed. These were too good to give up.”

The other smiths laughed and one of them pointed to his forge.

“We all saved the raw materials. Give it a few days, and we will have a fresh batch ready for upgrading. Or give us six hours, and we will make enough for the Overlord and her team.” One of them suggested.

[I think we should stay and make at least one more weapon. The fight is over, and Rae says that cat mage is likely going to be a Totem now. He got a good thing that didn’t look tasty.] Remi suggested in Karl’s mind.

“Remi says that the fight is over. We can wait here and make a round of weapons, which was our assigned task to begin with. Others will search for survivors and clear rubble, they won’t miss us for a single night.” He explained to Othello and her team.

“You prioritize weapons at a time like this?” The Paladin asked.

“I know, it’s a strange response. But we’re on a project to make Monarch Ranked weapons for the Overlord Special Forces members. I will make one for you tonight, and a few more as gifts, as well as for the Special Forces members. My source says we might have a new Totem, and a new King. Both of them will need gifts.”

Othello had a good idea who his source was, as only the Naga Queen was here with him today.

Forgemaster Thorin smiled. “Well, you heard the man. Forget the scrap of the past. We need a fresh batch of the most mana compatible weapons we can get. Does the lady have a preference? I will make the weapon for you and the VIP gifts.” Othello silently held up her current broadsword, and Granite looked at the one that was currently in his possession. It was a most excellent blade, and Monarch Rank, but they could do better, he was sure.

Plus, it could be precisely designed for a Paladin. Surely, the lady would want a more elegant blade.

Othello turned to Karl. “Are you sure that you can turn out a weapon suitable for Royalty with this team? Normally, you would need multiple Monarch Ranked craftsmen for that sort of work.”

Karl patted her on the shoulder. “You will see. What really matters is the alloy and the craftsmanship. I have Runecrafting as a Trade Skill, and it is designed to upgrade compatible weapons to my level.

These five lovely young acolytes are learning the ways, and they have gained the Runesmith trade skill. Have some faith, they’re blue dragon clerics, they learn fast.”

The Clerics looked dubious about his assertion, but with Karl here, they only needed to get the job ninety percent done, then he could take over the end to activate their perfectly carved Runes.

It wasn’t a perfect system, but even with the transfer in intent between creators, Karl was fairly certain that he could still get the weapons up to a decent standard.

If nothing else, it would be a good training lesson.

All the crafters scattered, getting to work so that there would be a weapon of every type available. But it was a very smug nature cleric that finished first.

“I left a spot for an elemental gem. I think that any mage would be proud to have that gnarled black ironwood walking staff. It’s incredibly mana-compliant and as hard as steel even without upgrading.” He declared proudly.

Remi reached into her space and handed Karl a large stone. Not a gemstone, a rounded chunk of meteoric iron rock that she had extensively carved with Runes.

Karl turned the rock until he found the start of the inscription and read it as it wound around the rock.

She had inscribed the [Meteor Storm] spell effect’s description on the practice piece a few days ago, and it seemed ironically perfect for this purpose.

“Thank you Remi. Now, let’s see what we can do with this lovely staff.”

It would be a nightmare trying to get the runes placed properly for such an oddly shaped weapon, but that was part of the appeal of a true work of functional art.

Karl made plans to increase the spell power, but split the effect into eight times as many smaller stones, with increased coverage area. The damage per meteor would end up being less than half of the original, but the meteors would fall like a hailstorm of head – sized boulders.

An enchantment to trigger more mana flow through the weapon from the outside would go well with that, and naturally an increase in the durability of the staff. Just in case the mage had to resort to beating someone with it.

It took Karl nearly two hours to complete after the Nature Priest had set the engraved stone, which was now glowing with deep red runes, and looked like a small ball of magma from a distance.

“That is incredible. Do you do that for every weapon you make?” Othello asked.

“Well, I usually add a spell stone to weapons for Overlords, but this was overkill. It should only take me half an hour at most to do a blade or axe.”

The Nature Cleric looked sheepish as he realized that his beautiful staff had actually made a lot more work for someone else. But it just looked so spectacular that he couldn’t bring himself to grow out the base and cut it into a staff or bow.

Fortunately, that had given the Forgemaster time to make a blade that he thought was suited to Overlord Othello. It matched the theme of her armour and shield, and when Karl was finished with it, it would definitely be superior as a combat weapon.

Karl smiled as he made up a poem to inscribe on the weapon, which didn’t actually need a highly detailed buff for a Paladin. First, he would put on runes for increased skill effect, physical strength and radiance. That part was mandatory because a Paladin should be a shining beacon of Holiness in combat.

Thor definitely approved of that message.

Then he borrowed one of Thor’s Holy Stones and enchanted it with the [Blessed Item] spell before having Forgemaster Granite mount it in the hilt. Linking that to the main inscription would make the whole sword a Holy Relic, continually blessed by the Holy Stone. Then he added the masterpiece.

[In polished armour, shining so bright, a paladin stands, a beacon of light.

With a sword in her hand, she fights for what is right.

Never will others wish her to leave, but watching her go will make their night.]

Remi and Granite both laughed quietly as Karl finished engraving the blade, then began to pour power into it. For some reason, this one enchanted much more easily than the attempts that Karl had made before, like it was actually eager to reach maximum power. But when Karl touched the blade, it burnt his fingers.

Not that it did actual damage with Void Body active, but he could still feel it burning his hand.

“Alright, it is ready. Once you bond it, you should be able to see the System Status of the weapon.” Karl announced as he finished.

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