The First Legendary Beast Master

Chapter 710 Underestimated the Customer Base

Chapter 710  Underestimated the Customer Base

The Gnome sighed. “We have underestimated the stronger Elites. I told them that something like this was happening when they returned the last batch of weapons we tried to send them.”

“What feedback did they give you?” Karl asked.

Duke Ambrose scoffed. “Our researchers didn’t have clearance to discuss the matter with the end users. It was determined that such interaction could unduly affect our development plans to favour the ones who had responded, instead of creating weapons for the majority of the Elites.” “Determined by whom?” Karl asked.

The answer was clear on the man’s face. Determined by him.

“Alright, that’s not going to work. It’s clear that none of you actually understand the usage scenarios for the weapons that you are creating. If the enemy can casually dodge your attacks, what is the point in wasting mana?

No, we need bows that will fire fast enough that even the mighty Overlords don’t have an easy time dodging them. So, don’t shy away from stiffer bows. If you have doubts, ask one of the blacksmiths if they can test it for you. If they can draw it, then it is usable by an average Warrior or Ranger. But for the Overlords, an exceptional set of equipment is needed.

The issue they have is that nothing we can get elsewhere is actually high enough quality for them. Even what I turn out to the peak of my skills and power is still an entire Rank below what they truly need, and my limited skills means that there is a significant chance that we will still be lacking in quality compared to the items created by the Cyclops Forgemasters.”

As Karl finished his speech with a mention of the Giants’ craftsmen, Granite spat on the ground in disgust. “Unacceptable. No way will we lose to the Giants. But the Forgemasters should be extinct. Where did the Giants get more?” He asked.

“There was a Monster Spawn, where multiple Cyclops Forgemasters were obtained by the Giants at Royal and possibly Monarch Rank.” Forgemaster Granite’s disgust turned to something bordering on rage, until one of the Nature Priestesses handed him one of their signature ‘cigarettes’, already lit.

The Dwarf smiled at her and took a drag, then put it out.

“Thank you. Damnable Giants. Alright, I think I know why there is such urgency now. If the Giants have their legendary smiths back, and we’re working with no information and a design team that has two functional brain cells fighting for third place, things are about to go south.”

Duke Ambrose stormed out of the room, sick of their insults, but nobody seemed sad to see him go.

“How many people are on the Research Team now?” Karl asked.

“Just him and a couple of paperwork clerks. The last of his subordinates quit last week, and none have been sent to replace them. The Acolytes coming with you would presumably be the new team.” Fizzspark whispered.

Karl gave her a surprised look before responding. “This doesn’t seem like the sort of place that you can just quit and head home from.”

The Gnome nodded. “They have the mages mind wipe your time here, so you can’t spill secrets when you leave. I don’t think that they’ll try that with you, but most of our team doesn’t get any consideration at all.”

Cara chuckled, making Fizzspark vibrate on her back. “Cara has a point. Even if they wanted to, they probably couldn’t. I am somewhat resistant to negative magical effects, and we already know that they don’t have an Overlord here to do the job every day when I head back to my room at the Palace.”

Fizzspark gasped. “You get to stay at the Palace? Lucky. I heard that it’s really nice. What does the city look like?”

Karl shrugged. “I went underground from the Palace here. I haven’t seen the city at all. Security reasons, they say. But there is a train that goes from the Palace Complex to the University, then it’s all indoors from there to the entrance. Rather dull, really.”

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of the main doors opening. That was unusual enough that everyone in the main room turned to see what was going on. There were no scheduled deliveries today, and they had already gotten a new person who made the head of Research and Development cry.

More excitement seemed like too much for one day.

Five young Acolytes, all in their first and second years at the Seminary Academy, were led in by a security guard. Karl and most of the occupants of the archery room came out to see what the commotion was about, and Cara flew Fizzspark up to the landing.

Then she poked the Chief Engineer with her nose and made a ‘get on with it’ gesture for the Gnome to begin her welcoming speech.

“Acolytes for the Runecrafting project? Welcome to the development lab. Please do come in. Monarch Karl will be taking charge of your training from this point forward.”

They wouldn’t actually be able to learn the Runecrafting skill, Karl feared. Nacht had said that it had incredibly high standards as a skill. But there was some hope that they could learn some subset of it as a trade skill.

If nothing else, they could help Karl with his preparations while he worked out a way to alter the skills he had to the point he could train them properly.

[What would you even blend it with? Don’t you need more useful skills before you can start mixing things for others?] Remi reminded him.

[Good point. They keep promising me more skill books, but they never do make good on their promise before I’m sent somewhere else.]

[Well, now we have captive Blue Dragon clerics. They should have some connections who would love to get more books for us. Maybe they brought books, I hope they brought books.

I’ve already read almost all of mine.]

That was impressive. She had entire shelves full of them arranged around her Altar, hundreds in total. But Remi didn’t really sleep unless she was bored or full, so she had lots of time to research.

It made her a lousy night watch, but a great researcher.

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