The First Legendary Beast Master

Chapter 700 Chat Log Love

Chapter 700  Chat Log Love

Gareth began to do a happy dance around the room, confusing the maids. Then they began to laugh as he took Cara by the front paws, and they began to dance together.

“What did you teach him?” Lotus asked.

“Lightning Zone. It’s a great skill for blue dragons.”

The maids did their best to keep their professional expressions at the sight of a dragon dancing with a Void Badger. The only thing working in their favour was that Cara was still wet and shaking drops of water on the stone floor as she was spun around the room.

Thinking about having to clean up that mess before someone tripped made it much easier not to laugh.

The happy pair stopped dancing, and Gareth sighed. “Perhaps I will stay for dinner, then. If I can’t know what you will be doing here, then at the very least, I can get a meal for my trouble delivering the Acolytes.”

{The Overlords will tell you when it’s not a secret anymore.} Karl sent as a system message.

That had been part of Gareth’s original purpose here, to awaken the messaging function. That was the only System Function that the dragon wouldn’t have had operational yet.

“Oh, a new way to communicate. And it comes with a log. This really is much more convenient for research than talking.”

Karl was afraid to find out what the chat logs of the Librarians would look like after even a single day of group discussions. They spent all day discussing the research subject, and without the need to wait for each other, they could just bombard the group with their thoughts in text form.

Tessa and Dana came out together, both in casual wear. For the Priestess that was a simple red robe, for Dana it was cargo pants and a hoodie.

Karl turned to Gareth, who was wearing a blue business suit in this form.

“I have wondered, what are the rules on Cleric outfits? Tessa and Lotus always wear robes, but you seem comfortable in a suit.” He asked the dragon.

Gareth smiled at the two Priestesses. “There actually aren’t any rules unless we’re doing official work, or inside a cathedral. It’s just a tradition that we always wear our God’s colour.

Nature Priestesses usually change outfits under the robes for different situations, since they’ve got so many pockets sewn into their robes. But for the Red Dragon, the robes are official uniform in battle and at the Orphanages. So, they would normally be worn while travelling, in case there was a fight.”

Tessa nodded. “And dragons tend to underestimate humans, so I would guess that bright blue suit was intended to be camouflage for himself while he was in the city, to appear more like one of the common people.”

Gareth nodded happily. “Yes, it was quite effective. They even thought that I was a petitioner when I arrived at the gates.”

Karl strongly suspected that they were humouring him, as Guard Captain Scruggs would have noticed instantly that it was a dragon in front of him, and not a human. But how could he say anything when the Librarian was so pleased with himself?

Lotus made her way over to the main room before flopping down on a plush chair. “Did you at least bring us cute acolytes? We were going to go to the Whiton Temple at the end of our last trip, but it got cut short by the Archbishop and his friend.” She asked.

“His friend?” Gareth replied, unsure how to take that description. The Archbishop had subordinates, assistants, faithful followers. But he wasn’t aware of any actual friends.

Karl smiled at the confused dragon. “She means Nacht, the Totem Rank Black Dragon.”

Gareth snapped his fingers and waved his hand vaguely at Karl. “I knew it. I just knew it. They pretend like they just happen to be in the same city, but I knew that they were actually friends.”

Karl chuckled at the dragon’s overstimulated antics. “They’ve been travelling together and having daily meetings for over a month now. Ever since they were in Newbon. I believe you met them there as well. I seem to recall that Nacht said something about being given directions to find us, and only you would have remembered where we were going.”

Lotus’ maid whispered something to her, and the petite cleric moved towards the door. “Dinner time. You know, we really should have gotten those Acolytes from the temple and brought them with us. They could have done all the alarm clock work for us. This is very convenient.” She declared, while her maid tried very hard not to laugh.

The stone corridors of the Palace were designed to be deliberately deceiving, and the entire complex was carved out of a mountain, giving many dozens of kilometres of tunnels for visitors to get lost in. But the maids knew the directions very well, and Karl quickly realized that the portions where they were intended to stay were close together, so that even if they wandered, they wouldn’t actually get lost.

The informal dining hall looked more like the Capital Cathedral mess hall than Karl had expected, given the opulent furnishings of the rest of the visitors’ section of the Palace. It was simple, with banners of past leaders and Generals on the walls, giving a sense of history to the room otherwise filled with long wooden tables.

Each could seat close to a hundred, but there were only a few dozen people in the room so far, all gathered in small groups and widely spaced.

That was fine by Karl. He had an early day tomorrow, and there would be plenty of time for socializing before he had to leave again.

Their dinner was served as soon as they sat, and Karl couldn’t help but compare it to what he had gotten used to. It was similar to what was served at the apartment tower, but the chef had a distinct style here, with a preference for bold and spicy flavours.

It was definitely different, but Karl could see that Lotus was making mental notes, and there would certainly be some sort of spicy lentil dish in his near future.

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