The First Legendary Beast Master

Chapter 689 Job Fair

Chapter 689  Job Fair

Once the sales pitch for the job fair was open, the announcers declared that the students could come up and meet with the Elites. There was no need to do that for the others, they were about to become the Elites, but for those left in the auditorium seats, this was a big event for them.

Karl came down from the stage to meet with the kids, who looked shocked that someone was actually coming down to talk to them, not just answering questions from above.

“Mister Monarch, is it true that you led the soldiers to defend the north side of the city?” One of the kids asked, eyes sparkling with hero worship.

“Not just me. My whole team spread out along the north side of the city so that we could coordinate. With so many brave soldiers on the line, we had to do our best.” Karl agreed.

A group of the kids immediately swarmed him to hug him, reminding Karl that many of these people had family in the army.

The rest of the team remained on the stage with the school officials, though Lotus was sitting on the edge to talk to the students.

The kids were mostly chattering to each other as they formed another question, then one of the girls pointed at Karl and gasped. “I know who you are. You were on the news with the Lightning Cerro. I think you were still a Commander or a Royal then, weren’t you? Did you just advance? Can we see the Cerro?” She asked.

Karl smiled. “Thor is standing up on the stage right now. Green hair and shining armour. It’s a transformation spell that lets him look human. He will be glad to hear that you’re a fan, though.

However, I do have one more friend that could come out to say hello. Cara, would you like to meet the students?”

Cara came out to stand on the edge of the stage, looking down at the students, then spread her wings to hop over to Karl’s shoulder. She leaned down with her paws on his chest to get a closer look at the kids, then nose bumped the girl and licked her cheek.

Cara revelled in the attention as the kids began to praise her, and Karl sensed Thor mentally rolling his eyes. Were the kids not praising him and looking forward to seeing the Cerro only seconds ago? That shameless sister was just happily stealing all the attention.

But Thor was fine with watching over his pack while they were among so many strangers, and not many things in the world could harm Cara.

Not that the kids were trying. They seemed to think that Cara was some sort of domestic pet, and she had no problem basking in the attention for a few minutes.

[We have a plan. Remi and Lotus and I are going to go find the baby Rogue and fix her ears before she leaves. Make sure that the humans don’t try to stop us.] Cara informed Karl as the attention began to die down.

[I will get you an escort.]

Karl gestured for one of the soldiers to come over, and briefly explained the situation. Remi would come out once they were in the back rooms, so they didn’t terrify the public with a Naga Queen appearing out of nowhere.

Rae thought it would be great fun. But she was also considering just turning back into a spider for a bit to make people stop asking her dumb questions.

Cara was happy to communicate with System Messages, so that Sybil knew they were coming, and Lotus didn’t misunderstand what they were up to when they started using destructive magic on the Rogue.

It took them a few minutes, but after carefully examining the inside of Cara’s ear and comparing it to Sybil’s, Lotus was certain that she could shape her healing magic to recreate the destroyed tissue into a properly functional inner ear construct.

Sybil was still quite leery of this whole idea, as it did involve using [Disintegrate] to destroy her entire inner ear, then a healing potion and Lotus’ [Regrowth] healing spell to rebuild the missing portion of her head.

Lotus patted the Rogue gently as they finished their preparations. “Relax, and sit perfectly still. We will have you fixed up in no time at all. Remi has done extensive research on the topic, and she made custom potions to help you recover. The odds are excellent that you will be able to hear as well as anyone else in the group before we leave this room.” The rest of Sybil’s team was watching in tense anticipation as she reluctantly nodded, and Remi took out two small potions before nodding at Cara.

The Void Badger focused intensely, then activated [Disintegrate] a half second before Remi splashed the potions in both of Sybil’s ears at the same time, and Lotus began her healing spell.

For five long seconds that felt like hours to those watching, blood trickled from Sybil’s ears, then slowly vanished. When the process was over, her ears had changed shape, getting slightly pointy instead of small and round. But other than that, Lotus was certain she had done the spell properly. It was probably just because she thought pointy ears were cute. That had to be it.

For a few more seconds after they finished, there was silence in the room, then a squeak from Sybil, followed by a wince of pain.

{I can hear heartbeats. You did it wrong. Hearing is painful, make it stop.} She complained by message.

“Oh right, there is no earwax to dampen sounds. Here, put these in.” Lotus’ voice pained the Rogue, but once the earplugs were in place, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She shaped her mouth, and let out a series of squeaks before frowning and sending a mass message to her team.

{I don’t know how to make the mouth noises.}

Collective facepalms ensued.

“I didn’t think about that. Do you even understand what people are saying?” Lotus asked quietly, not wanting to hurt her delicate ears.

Sybil nodded and gave them a thumbs up.

{I think that the System translates for me like Mister Karl said it does for Orcs because I understand perfectly without even seeing you talk. I’ve never heard words before, but I believe that you have a beautiful voice.}

Lotus hugged Sybil, who was laughing silently at how happy the Priestess was to get a compliment.

[Is the world supposed to be this loud? Is there a volume control? I can hear people talking in the auditorium, and it’s distracting.] Sybil asked, messaging everyone in the room.

The rest of the team of recruits looked at her like she was crazy, but Cara just shrugged. {Sounds right. Our Dana has candy in her pocket, I can hear the wrapper crinkling.}

Joan snapped her fingers, catching everyone’s attention, and making Sybil wince again.

“You used Cara as a pattern. Cara doesn’t hear like a human does. You made her hearing far too sensitive. I can’t hear heartbeats, or anything outside this room with the door closed. If Cara can hear candy wrappers from fifty metres away through a closed door, that is definitely not human hearing.” The young cleric explained.

Cara and Lotus stared at each other for a moment, then Cara shrugged. {Echolocation should work really well now, though. Right?}

Sybil sighed as she realized no help would be coming from the beasts, who viewed the mission as a success, now that she could hear. Fortunately, she had some points available, and there was one which she could use to solve her problem.

[Silence] dampens all sound within a specified area.

If she just cast it on her head, she wouldn’t have to listen anymore.

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