The First Legendary Beast Master

Chapter 677 Cleanliness Is Paramount

Chapter 677  Cleanliness Is Paramount

The delivery took nearly ten minutes, just long enough that Karl could see the stress building on the faces of the Clerics as they snacked, then carefully sanitized their hands in preparation for writing.

Their dedication to cleanliness was admirable, and Karl was gaining a new respect for what it took to keep a Library full of books in readable condition. But as soon as the axes arrived, along with the chisels and small hammer that would be needed to carve the Runes, they were as giddy as small children in front of a candy bowl.

Karl double-checked the descriptions that were in the book, then referred to the details on how much mana each alloy could transfer. These weapons were stainless steel, which was not even on the list. It was probably counted as the ‘generic human steel alloys’ that were mentioned near the bottom, so Karl would be careful not to give them too much of a boost.

The actual power of activation would depend on the user for this sort of weapon, unless you added something to make it always active, which Karl assumed came later in the book.

The total for the weapon was only thirty runes, not more than a few lines of written text. But when you had to precisely carve it into steel, the practice was much more nerve wracking.

The book noted that that depth of the carved runes would have different effects on the outcomes, so he couldn’t just paint them on and call it a day without sacrificing an unknown amount of the effect. That was unfortunate, as Karl wasn’t well known for his skills as a sculptor, and the intent as you were carving the runes mattered, so he couldn’t just have Rae or Remi carve them for him.

Fortunately, the chisels were enchanted, and given his enhanced strength, they cut through the metal with little resistance. Even without Karl using a skill. If he had coated the chisel in [Rend] or [Disintegrate] he could have written the runes as easily as writing with a pen on paper. But that would come with the risk of messing it up and carving too deep, which would ruin the axe head. Definitely not worth the risk on a piece that could be completed without it.

Line by line, the piece came together, and the somewhat plain axe with its dimpled surface began to take shape as a piece of metal art.

Even Rae agreed that it was worth the title, and her tastes in artwork were much more particular than any of the others.

Karl checked the work to ensure that he had not made any major mistakes with the runes, either in the depth of the carvings or the shapes. But this was intended for beginners such as him, and the symbols were all quite straightforward.

“I believe that it is done. I will first increase the level of the enchantment to Awakened, and make sure that the weapon is holding up. Then I will bring it to an Ascended, followed by a Commander Rank weapon enchantment.

It’s just a durability carving so that the weapon holds an edge well enough, but it should sharpen the steel to the point where it will actually cut through a Commander Rank plant.

At least, that’s how I interpreted the description.”

Going on half to two thirds of what the runes might actually mean was a gamble, but if he could make Commander Rank or better magical weapons with a half hour’s worth of work, Karl knew that he was about to become a very wealthy man.

Well, wealthier. Remi’s space was beginning to regrow all fresh sprouts from what was burnt away during her advancement, and her swamp was all at Monarch Rank now. With the resources that he had available, Karl could probably never claim poverty and expect anyone to believe him.

The first bit of mana made the runes glow in a dull copper tone, and Karl smiled.

“Is that for the success? Your smile has a nostalgic look.” One of the clerics noted.

“The Runes advance similarly to the badges at the Academy. Except that the Runes are Black for Common, Bronze for Awakened, Silver for Ascended, Gold for Commander.” Karl explained.

“I see that the Runes really did turn bronze when you brought them to the Awakened Rank.


I wonder if that was a hidden meaning in the badges themselves? The Archbishop decreed that they were the colours to be used, but most of us never questioned it, as bronze, silver and gold are the standard progression for awards of all sorts.” “Do we have something to test on” Karl asked, then realized that he was the one with the test materials.

A branch borrowed from Thor’s space, from a durable Commander Rank bush, should be enough to test it.

It was flexible, but strong enough that a regular blade wouldn’t cut it. Awakened Rank might not be enough either, but it would serve as a reliable test sample.

“I will try with this. First, with a regular blade, if someone has one.” Karl informed the group.

One of the clerics handed him a dagger, and Karl sliced at the branch, scratching the bark, but not doing any real damage.

Then again with the axe, slicing across the same way he had used the dagger.

That cut through the bark with moderate force, but only scratched the wood inside.

The clerics nodded, and then made entire pages of notes on the test.

One of them put a barrier on the countertop, and Karl set the branch down to hack at it with the axe, using what he hoped was a regular human’s strength. He was basing it off Dana shoving him, so it should be close enough.

The axe made chips in the wood, and would eventually cut through the branch, but not efficiently.

“Yes, I believe we can call that suitable for an Awakened Rank blade.” The lead researcher agreed.

“Wonderful. Now, to Ascended Rank, and I will repeat the process.”

As he increased the mana input, the Runes turned from Bronze to silver, shining on the dull metal of the axe head. They didn’t glow, but they were clearly silver, and not polished steel. At that point, Karl was certain the weapon could be sold for a decoration, even if it wasn’t as effective as he was hoping.

Ascended scratched the wood much more easily, and took solid chunks when swung as an axe, but it still took a half dozen hits to cut through the branch.

“You know, this test is giving me a whole new appreciation for the value of a Cleric’s blessing on the weapons of the line soldiers, the ones without superhuman strength or magic. Just one Rank higher, and the effect is so much more noticeable, even while using the same amount of strength.

Now, on to Commander Rank.” The Runes turned golden as he increased the power once more, and the whole axe head appeared to smooth its surface, gleaming like polished stainless steel in the light of the kitchen.

A gentle swing of the axe cut right through the thin branch, carried mostly by the weight of the weapon itself.

“Gentlemen, we have a winner. The weapon has undergone a qualitative improvement as Commander Rank, and it cuts through Commander Rank wood with ease. Against Awakened Rank monsters, this level of enchanted weapon should be immediately lethal.”

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