The First Legendary Beast Master

Chapter 673 Efficient Study

Chapter 673  Efficient Study

After a few minutes of focus on the Epic Guard Skill’s outer layers, the clerics started to really get into the book, with one researcher dedicated to feeding the others breakfast, so that no greasy fingers would be touching the manuscript.

It was a well practised routine, and Remi thought that it was hilarious.

Most species only hand fed their beloved ones, or the young. But the blue dragon clerics did it so that they could research more efficiently, without even taking meal breaks.

[Give them a few minutes, and they will realize that they got entirely too comfortable around Karl, and they will be all embarrassed.] Remi laughed as they finished eating, and then the designated food holder carefully washed her hands before replacing her white cotton gloves.

“Is there a reason that the gloves are always white? Is it just so that it is easier to see if you’ve gotten them dirty?” Karl asked as they delicately flipped the pages.

The clerics all shook their heads. “Cotton is naturally white. We choose white cotton gloves because there are no dyes added to them which might transfer to the pages if they have something on them or our hands are a bit wet.” Lotus sat down beside them and began picking her favourite parts off the plate of breakfast snacks.

“As if a blue cleric would ever let wet hands around a research book. They’re so mean when we go to the library, like the books were their beloved children.” She complained.

The others all rolled their eyes in unison, but didn’t respond. “Are you sure it’s not because they never know where a green cleric has been, and there is a greater than zero chance that you have both tree sap and peanut butter on your hands?” Karl asked.

“That might be part of it. But they’re not only mean to us.”

The middle-aged woman leading the research team shrugged. “Well, we did personally write most of the copies that are in the Library. But nobody properly respects the books. We have entire teams dedicated to just cleaning and removing stains from our collection.” She reminded Lotus.

“Don’t I know it. I had to spend a whole week helping them after my botany textbook had an unfortunate mishap.”

The clerics all laughed, and even Karl chuckled, knowing that almost anything could have happened to the book.

The day that he had met her, Lotus wanted to take Rae to go nap in the trees.

For the most part, they worked in silence as the rest of the team woke up and ordered additional breakfast items.

The ones that the Blue Dragon Clerics had brought appeared to be mostly chosen for ease of consumption, but they didn’t cover everything that the others were used to eating.

Once they were done, the rest of the group all prepared to head off to the training grounds, leaving Karl with the Librarians, while the beasts helped train the team.

Well, not totally alone. Hawk had no intentions of going over there, though Remi was back in Spirit Snake form and accompanying Cara on their mission to educate the students in the proper methods of training their bodies.

She wasn’t going to feed them questionable resources today, as they were already advanced far enough that they would be suffering side effects. But she did have a number of nutritional beverages to help them through Thor’s physique enhancement training.

Today, not even the small beasts would be spared his tender, loving care. Without Karl to keep them safely entertained, they would be training with their partners for the day, and that meant they had to keep building muscles and working towards an evolution.

Thor had become his strongest after he evolved and his scales changed. So, naturally, the same should be true of them young ones.

“Gather them all in the courtyard before you start so that I can activate the training skills on everyone. If I don’t, it’s mostly a wasted day anyhow.” Karl reminded Thor, who was about to leave the apartment in human form.

“No problem. We are trying to prove to the government people that we’re good at the job.” The Cerro agreed.

It never crossed Thor’s mind that being too good at your work could just lead to you being assigned even more work every time that it arrived. He was just happy to have hatchlings to train.

What Cerro wouldn’t be?

Rae was doing her best not to laugh at Karl being stuck in here with the Librarians, while they got to go outside and play and watch the newbies come up with new and inventive ways to avoid hard work.

Everyone did their best to slack without getting caught, and this group had proven to be quite creative with their ways of doing just enough that they didn’t get in trouble.

Of course, that didn’t work on Rae. She just kept pushing until her senses told her that you really were about to collapse.

She had a nearly perfect track record with it, and almost always managed to stop them for a break before that point. It was only when they stumbled and simply wouldn’t get back up again that she had to admit defeat.

“Is it really that important to train a group of new recruits before they get to the Academy?” One of the Librarians asked.

“In this case, yes. The Archbishop himself wants to know how far and how fast we can push various new Elites, in order to build up a military force that is capable of replacing our losses during the war.

We all know that the Giants aren’t going to give up that easily, so we are going to need to get the number of new Commander Rank and higher Elites up above the numbers that we have lost.”

He could see that the clerics were doing the quick mental math to determine if that was possible. They would need many new Commanders, more than any Academy group had ever counted among their ranks before, but it wasn’t too farfetched.

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