The First Legendary Beast Master

Chapter 670 Could That Be Why?

Chapter 670  Could That Be Why?

Back in the apartment, the Mackenzie twins were eager to catch up with the ladies, while Cara stretched out across their laps, taunting Thor with her ability to get her head rubbed while indoors.

As everyone chatted, Karl got to work turning [Epic Guard] into a new Skill Book.

The Librarian had made him promise her that he would, and he knew that the Dragon wouldn’t want to wait for him to make good on his word. Plus, he was looking forward to the look on her face when she remembered that she had agreed to let him use a nickname for her if he did.

As he worked, Karl checked in on everyone. Thor was very pleased that he had managed to give the new summon scales, while Rae and Cara were laughing about the fighting style when it was merged with the Haint Claw. They had a theory that it was actually Leafa’s default fighting style, as the Haint Claw had come from her, and the thought of the distinguished and ancient Overlord clawing someone’s eyes out was highly entertaining.

They were going to have to ask her about it the next time they met.

“So, have you met any cute guys yet? Possibly snag yourself some hunky boy toy?” Ophelia was asking the twin mages.

Donni scoffed. “Do you have any idea how hard it is for a female Elite to find a good man? We already know the true faces of the politicians and the power brokers, so the truly wealthy men are out.

Our powers intimidate most of the civilians, though they wouldn’t openly admit it. So that cuts out the vast majority of the population. Finally, half of the Elites are batshit crazy from too much time alone in the woods.

No offence to those present, but you do realize that Ophelia holds Lotus like a teddy bear, and Karl talks to himself?”

She gestured to where Lotus was sitting on Ophelia’s lap, then to Karl.

The whole group began to laugh, and Tessa decided to explain. “Ophelia likes to sleep in bear form, with Lotus as a teddy. I will admit, it’s odd, but it keeps her from wandering. Karl isn’t talking to himself, though. He’s talking to the beasts, and forgets that the rest of us can’t hear them.”

Karl nodded. “It’s easier when everyone is out, then I can just talk to them normally.”

“What are you even writing? The complete encyclopedia?” Danni asked, cutting off her sister’s answer.

“The copy of [Epic Guard] for The Librarian. If you want to know the skill, I will try to transfer it to you.”

The looks on their faces said it all. They wanted the skill, and they wanted it now.

Karl activated the transfer, and sighed as the message came up.

{Minimum Requirements Not Met}

{Minimum Requirements Not Met}

“Looks like we will have to wait on that. It says that it’s not possible yet.”

Both mages eyes went to the freshly written skill book, and Karl made a reluctant welcoming gesture. Sure, it took hours. But that skill was so good, that he couldn’t bring himself to deny them.

Danni went first, as the Golem Specialist of the pair. No matter what she did, she was unable to get the cover open. It was as if the book were a single block of steel, unyielding and solid.

After a minute, she gave up. Donni traded her places, and suffered the same fate, but with much less surprise after her specialist sister had failed.

“It only said you didn’t make minimum requirements, but Dana can use it. So, you might just need to be a Royal.” Karl offered, as a form of sympathy.

“Well, it was worth a shot.” Danni assured him, visibly annoyed by the situation.

If he couldn’t teach them the cool golem, there were still other Mage type abilities that he might be able to share from Remi to them. Technically, Remi was a Shaman, but a lot of the abilities appeared to be transferrable. But first, he could start with the simple ones.

{Skill Teaching Requests Pending} [Mental Fortitude]

Both Mages gave Karl a raised eyebrow look that was somewhere between intrigued and offended, then relaxed as the skill took effect.

“Oh, this is a wonderful skill. It actually increased my mana regeneration to nearly double its base.” Danni noted.

“Odd, that’s not a listed effect. Could it be a side effect of Mental Fortitude? Just a second, I will pass it around.” Karl offered.

{Skill Teaching Requests Pending} [Mental Fortitude]

One after another, everyone appeared to accept the skill. The beasts carefully watched everyone’s expression, wondering what it had called them.

The first to break was Lotus, who was in a fit of giggles. “How did I become an adorable healing tree? What sort of title is that? I mean, I’m flattered. But does this mean that the System is actually more impressed with my skills as a tree than as a human? I should have spent more time practising my rain dance.” She laughed.

Ophelia laughed. “It calls me the friendly rage bear.”

Dana frowned. “You all get cool and cute nicknames. It gave me: {Pack Master Karl Offers Knowledge} Skill [Mental Fortitude] will be transferred to the Dana Mage.”

Hawk nodded in satisfaction. He knew he had her name right.

Karl shrugged, then patted her on the back. “I don’t pick the names, the System does that. Remember that it called Overlord Tabitha a kitten?”

Danni and Donni laughed, but Tessa had gained a unique insight. “Alright, I don’t feel so bad now. I wonder if this is how the World Dragon sees us all? Like it just picks some aspect of our personality and assigns us a nickname. I wonder if the best nicknames go to the ones with the most favour?”

Ophelia drummed her fingers on the coffee table as she thought about it.

“You know, that is possible. The World Dragon is a God, but he’s also a Dragon.

They don’t really see humans as equals most of the time, and with that much power, a psychic Dragon would probably see the entire world at once. Keeping track of everyone’s preferred names and titles would be a lot of trouble.

In fact, it might be possible that the entire System interface is just a divine notebook, so the Gods can keep track of us all.”

Karl laughed at the thought, then realized there was a greater than zero chance that she was right. There was no real reason that the System had to record and display names or Classes for others. But it did.

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