The First Legendary Beast Master

Chapter 668 Epic Guard

Chapter 668  Epic Guard

The whole group made their way down to the first training room in the lower levels, where they lined up against the wall, waiting for the trio with new skills to show off for the group.

“So, how do we do this? The mages first, or the mages second?” Karl asked.

Othello smirked at him. “I say we do the mages first, in case you come out with something ridiculous as a Golem. We already know that they got something normal for their first ones, but your friend Rae got spiders made of wood that evolved into something else, and then there are your Bodyguards, who appear to be real living monsters.”

Dana nodded and Ahmad shrugged. “She has a point. Giving all of us the same skill does not guarantee similar results, given your track record.”

Karl stepped back to let them work, and the two mages began to focus on the desired form and attributes for their new summon. Naturally, they would get the same one every time after the first, so this particular summoning was the most important.

Ahmad finished his focus first, and summoned his new Golem. It was similar to the four he had from the main Golem spell, in that it appeared to be a human in ancient Legionnaire armour. But this one was different. It crackled with magical energy, and had a barrier spell active.

Ahmad didn’t say anything to disturb Dana’s focus as she called forth her own creation.

Her first ones had come out like Stone Karl statues, but this one was shorter, and much more slender. The Golem was wearing form fitting black armour with black plates over it, very similar to Tabitha, but the head and hands were different. Her golem was not human, but a violet skinned Demoness with a scimitar in both hands. When Karl looked closely, he could see that it was not living like the Bodyguards, but a stone facsimile of an actual Demoness. But its weapons were coated in black energy, and Dana was smiling.

“It can use my skill [Disruption Blade] as well as the [Windwalker Combat Style]. I believe it’s an Epic Grade agility type summon.” She explained.

Compared to Dana, the Golem was still huge, over two metres tall, but that put it a full metre shorter than the standard summon for the other Golems. It was large enough to block for Dana, and presumably fast enough to intercept most attackers.

It wouldn’t be Epic Grade if it wasn’t at least that fast.

Ahmad nodded, and then his Golem duplicated itself. “Mine can use my [Duplicate Summoning] skill, as well as [Arcane Barrier] which serves as both an offensive and defensive skill.”

The Librarian snorted in amusement. “Of course, it can duplicate itself. Such a cheat code for the man who already has four Golems.”

The Mages didn’t dismiss their Golems, only moved to the side of the room with them, so that Karl could come forward and see what he would get now that he was performing a proper summoning of his own.

Karl knew that he likely could come up with something great if he really focused. Dana had created a golem that mimicked the basics of her own combat abilities, which was incredibly impressive.

[Alright, group effort. I have no idea what we’re summoning anyhow. So, everyone focus on what they want out of the new Golem and let’s see what happens.] Karl suggested.

[Oh, this is fun. I like this game.] Cara cheered. [SCALES!] Thor insisted.

[And Stabby.] Rae agreed.

[Let’s do this.] Hawk and Remi insisted at the same time, focusing on their desires for the Golem’s appearance.

At first, the creation didn’t make any sense as it formed, surrounded by a black cloud that was making it difficult to see properly. The other Golems had formed properly, but this one seemed to be taking its time deciding on what it was going to look like, even as Karl focused on making a functional humanoid Golem.

For a moment, Karl lost his focus, wondering if he was the problem, as everyone else was focused on entirely different visions of what the spell should create, and they were all linked by their minds.

Once he did, the black cloud began to contract, and the new Golem formed.

It appeared to be a Dryad, but mostly black, and shifting in appearance, as if trying to blend with its surroundings. It had long branchlike fingers, flattened into massive talons, scales over the portion of its surface that wasn’t covered in bark and long flowing white hair that reminded Karl of the stripe down Cara’s back.

But more concerning to everyone else in the room, the lingering black aura around it was [Disintegrate] and it kept vanishing from sight if they weren’t directly focusing on it.

Karl used [Analysis] to get a full overview of the Golem, and found that the skill could actually give him a comprehensive description of his new ability.

{Epic Guard}

{Type} Shadow Drake Treant

{Skills} [Perfect Camouflage] [Disintegrate] [Rake] [Life Link] {Rake} Improved Rend, causes higher levels of bleeding damage

{Life Link} The Shadow Drake Treant’s Healing, Regeneration, and Life Steal effects apply to all Party Members. Allows the Golem to absorb a percentage of damage done to the summoner.

It could be buffed with Void Body, or Trollish Regeneration, which would spread healing to everyone, but if Karl knew some sort of healing spell, or a life steal dedicated ability, he was certain that the Golem would gain much more utility.

Remi had [Healing Splash] and her rarely used [Healing Totem]. That might work if Karl learned it himself. But there should be some other form of healing that he could manage.

“That’s… unique…” The Librarian muttered as the rest of the group stared at the Golem.

“It’s a collaborative effort. You see, we’ve got sharp claws, scales, stealth, disintegrate, and life link. That should cover everything. At least once I manage to learn a healing skill for it to share, it will.”

Lotus frowned. “Now you want to be the healer, too?”

“Life steal on hit would be just as good.” Karl allowed.

That was a little more reassuring for the Cleric. She couldn’t have some random summon coming along and stealing her spot on the team.

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