The Damned Demon

Chapter 577 Till The End Of The Line

Chapter 577 Till The End Of The Line

Ceti’s surprise upon seeing the man before her was evident in her voice, “Silvan? What are you doing here?”

Silvan’s response came with a gentle smile, the sound echoing softly in the quiet of the dark, “We used to come here for our walks, remember? Both of us liked this place because usually, it’s empty.”

“Right… There isn’t really another place like this where you could clear your head…” Ceti mumbled, her voice trailing off as memories of the nightmare she saw flashed in her mind.

“Clear your head? What happened?” Silvan’s voice carried a tone of genuine concern, pulling Ceti back from her reverie.

Ceti paused, her gaze drifting to the shadowed outlines of the trees around them. The hesitance was clear in her eyes, a silent struggle whether to share her turmoil, especially since it was Silvan.

“You don’t have to make it awkward between us by avoiding me or anything. Just like we agreed, you can talk to me as a friend. It’s not like I have any other friend to talk to anyway,” Silvan said, his smile brief but sincere, casting a warm light in the cool darkness.

A low sigh escaped Ceti’s lips, touched by his words and feeling bad that she might have offended him, “It’s nothing serious. It’s just a nightmare, and I only came here to shake it off,” she confessed, her voice a mixture of dismissal and underlying tension as she started to walk forward slowly, her steps hesitant.

“Does that mean you still remember the nightmare? It takes a lot to make you feel distressed,” Silvan probed further, his footsteps quiet as he fell into pace beside her.

“My nightmares are strange in a way… as if they’re trying to tell me a message but in the worst way. But never mind. I am probably overthinking it,” Ceti said, shaking her head as if to dispel the lingering shadows of her dream.

“Maybe not. People say dreams are a mirror to the mind. Maybe you can learn something even from nightmares. It’s better to face it head-on rather than run away from it. Otherwise, you might never feel at ease,” Silvan advised, his words thoughtful and encouraging.

Ceti slowed her steps, considering his words. She wondered if she could really face it head-on.

She knew that since Luna was the next Moon Guardian, she could see glimpses of the future. But this wasn’t the first. Before she even knew of Luna’s existence, she had a few nightmares revolving around Asher, most of which she couldn’t remember, but the lingering sensation of horror was still there.

It even made her distrustful of Asher at first, but after falling in love with him, she hasn’t had such dreams for a while. Why was she only seeing bad things surrounding him, and why again?

It was not like she could go and ask him about it or make him feel hurt for even asking. He would never do anything to harm his kingdom.

But maybe Silvan was right. Even if she can’t talk about this to Asher, she can at least keep probing her own mind for answers, even if it means she might see more nightmares.

In the dark painting hall of the castle, splattered with hues of various colors, Asher and Rowena stood side by side, lost in the tranquil world of painting.

The two of them found it quite pleasant to spend time together like this, away from the burdens of the responsibilities, even if it was just for a few minutes.

The smell of mana-infused oil paint hung in the air as Rowena delicately stroked her brush across the canvas. However, she noticed Asher’s hand growing heavier and his movements less fluid.

“What are you thinking so deeply about?” she asked, her voice cutting through the silence as she turned to face him, her eyes searching his.

Asher’s expression was troubled, his usual focus on the canvas now clouded with concern, “I learned some things during my trips to the Severed Realm,” he began, hesitating as if weighing each word, “The most troubling one is that the WHA is planning to destroy our world.”

Rowena’s brush halted mid-stroke, her frown deepening, “Destroy our world? That…That cannot be possible. They might have abundant resources, but we are stronger. Where did they suddenly get this confidence they never had before?” S~aʀᴄh the website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

Asher nodded, acknowledging her point, but countered, “I know. But humans keep evolving faster than we do because of these very resources and how they are socially evolved as well. They aren’t the same as the ones during your father’s time. They are technologically advanced, allowing them to build things that we can only imagine, like the teleportation portals around the world. We can’t even build a single portal outside the kingdom because of the way our world works. They are united comparatively, and we are not. That is their biggest strength over us.”

Rowena furrowed her brows, the gravity of his words sinking in, “What are you trying to say?”

Asher’s eyes grew determined, a fire kindling within as he leaned closer, “We have to be united as well. All we have been doing ever since the birth of this world is fighting and killing each other over even a single life crystal. That is why we were never able to win against the humans, and we never will if it continues that way.”

Rowena shook her head slowly, her hand lowering in the air, the paintbrush forgotten, “I understand what you are trying to say, and you are not wrong. But you know how our world is. The last thing we can do is stay united. Even my ancestors struggled to maintain unity in our kingdom due to the diversity. Do you think the werewolves or the draconians would agree to unite when we are all busy trying to destroy each other for thousands of years? There is so much blood debt between us that it won’t be forgotten without destroying each other.”

Asher’s gaze didn’t waver, “We have the Moon Guardian’s granddaughter on our side, and she is the next Moon Guardian. Then there is Lysandra, who wants to change her kingdom for the better and does not want a war. She is the queen consort but has agreed to help us take down Drakar. Once Drakar and his influence are eradicated, she might be willing to fight for a common cause along with her kingdom. Doesn’t this all mean that it isn’t really impossible? Once they follow us, all other kingdoms, tribes, and clans will follow our lead. We can create a better world in this lifetime and achieve what your ancestors wanted,” Asher concluded, his voice fervent with passion.

Rowena’s nod was slow, her expression a mix of contemplation and concern, “What you said is possible, but only if the werewolves and the draconians fall in line. We might have the Moon Guardian’s granddaughter with us, but she is hidden and stuck in Ceti’s body. Ceti is not Luna. We don’t know what kind of person Luna really is, if her true allegiance still lies with her grandfather, or if she is staying with us for some ulterior motives. The same goes for Lysandra. She might be cooperating because she wants the throne for herself, and we can never trust a draconian’s words. Some of my ancestors had already suffered from it, and I am not going to make the same mistake. I also want you to be more careful about her, no matter what she says.”

Asher couldn’t refute her since he knew she had a point. He can’t confidently trust Luna or Lysandra based on just his gut feelings.

Even if Lysandra seemed sincere about her promises, there was the troubling fact that none of it would matter if she came to know the truth about Agonon.

But of course, he just has to make sure the secret stays with him.

Asher sighed as he asked, “Then what do you think we should do? Let me tell you what the WHA is exactly planning…” He went on to explain Project Mars, and as he spoke, Rowena’s expression grew increasingly somber and grim, her eyes quivering with a mixture of disbelief and fear…not for herself but for their fate, including her kingdom’s.

“How long have they been planning this? None of our spies picked up anything related to this,” Rowena mumbled, her tone reflecting her concern and surprise that Asher managed to learn all this. Did he have a spy deeply planted in the WHA?

“I don’t know, but that doesn’t matter now. What matters is their plan might be very ambitious, but it isn’t a bluff. Even if it might take centuries, they can eventually destroy us easily. Without life crystals, not even the Moon Guardian can survive,” Asher said, his voice filled with urgency.

Rowena clenched her fist, breaking the paintbrush she held. She walked to the window and stared out at the crimson sun dipping below the horizon, “Are we doomed to get destroyed, Ash? We are fighting and struggling for our survival against those in our world. Now, how are we supposed to fend off those from a different world? Maybe I should take on the Last Judgement quest before they can advance their plans and try to buy as much time as possible for you.”

Asher stepped forward quickly, his hands gripping Rowena’s arms firmly, and said fervently, “Nonsense! Don’t you ever say such things before me, Rona. If we are to do anything that concerns our very lives, we will do it together. I will find a way. I promise. You only need to worry about the matters in this world, and let me worry about the humans. You don’t have to feel burdened.”

Her expression softened under his touch, a warm glow lighting her crimson eyes as she caressed his face gently, “I am sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you like that. I was just worried for our future…for you. I want you to live a long, happy life. That is my only wish as your woman.”

“I can’t be happy without you. So you better stay with me till the end of the line,” Asher declared, pulling her into a tight, warm embrace.

He kissed her pale face gently yet with passion, his mind already turning over strategies to move things forward with Lysandra, all the while vowing to protect the world they both cherished.

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