The Damned Demon

Chapter 565 Everything Is Connected

Chapter 565 Everything Is Connected

In a dark hall, where darkness clung to the stone walls like a suffocating cloak, Rebecca’s consciousness fluttered back from the void.

Her vision, initially shrouded in blackness, gradually adapted to the faint glow of dark fiery light that seemed to seep from the very air around her.

Recognition dawned harshly as she realized she was back in his tower, a place that filled her with revulsion.

But her heart jolted as a flood of memories from before her collapse surged through her mind, igniting her cheeks with a flush of humiliation and her eyes with a cold, seething rage.

In a frantic motion, she looked down, her hands exploring her body, half-expecting to find remnants of her recent ordeal.

To her surprise, her skin was unmarred, the vile lettering and wetness that had marked her now gone, leaving her skin as pristine as usual.

Did that bastard actually bothered to clean her up? Ughh…she was really like a toy to him.

Yet relief mingled with anxiety; she was clean but not free, and the memory of the filthy town and its pigs was fresh in her mind.

Swiftly, she dressed herself in a spare black gown, her movements hurried and shaky.

Did that bastard bring her back here? But…what did he do with her after she was out cold? Did he throw her to those…Feeling unbridled resentment, she felt the urge to bleed him dry before finding out what he did.

But as she attempted to rise, a sharp pain shot through her, a stark reminder of the physical toll her body had endured.


With a grimace, she fell back onto the floor, realizing only now the extent of her exhaustion and the soreness that gripped her, particularly acute between her thighs.

Not only the soreness, but she could still feel an annoying heat lingering deep within her womb.

Considering the number of times that fiend filled her womb with his dirty seed, what if she gets pregnant? She didn’t even take any pills yet.

Frantically, she took out a pill from her spatial root and swallowed it immediately, hoping it wasn’t too late. Ever since she became his slave, she began to store these pills just to be safe.

If he ever made her pregnant, it would be better to kill herself at that point.

Just then, Asher’s voice cut through the dimness, cold and mocking, “You should catch your breath since your body expelled every wisp of mana to satisfy me,” he said, his tone laced with derision.

Rebecca’s brows knit together in anger and confusion. She turned sharply, her glare piercing through the gloom to find this bastard leaning casually against the stone wall, his presence as menacing as ever, “You… What did you do with me after you made me collapse?” she demanded, her voice a mixture of fury and dread.

“What do you think? Ah…You must be wondering if your slutty pussy was ravaged by those drunk pigs, right? I thought you would be able to figure that on your own,” Asher said with a mocking gaze.

Rebecca clenched her fists, blood trickling down her palms as she slowly struggled and forced herself to stand, trying to meet his gaze head on, “You dare…have the cheek to play smart with me after humiliating me like that? Tell me what…YOU DID TO ME!!” Rebecca cried out as her fangs extended fully, her blood shaking with cold rage.

Asher suddenly moved with supernatural swiftness, his figure blurring before he materialized right before Rebecca.

His hand shot out, gripping her hair and yanking her head back sharply, exposing the vulnerable line of her slender neck, “Urgh!” Rebecca clenched her teeth as his dark yellow eyes loomed above hers.

He leaned in close, his breath hot against her cold skin as he whispered menacingly, “You dare raise your voice against your Master? Do you want me to drag you back there and let you find out the answer for yourself?”

Rebecca’s chin quivered, her eyes darting away as a wave of fear washed over her. She remained silent, though her body tensed under his close and heavy presence.

Why was her body acting weird like this?

Asher’s lips curled into a satisfied smile at her submission, “That’s what I thought. But it should have been obvious to you by now that only I get to lay hands on my property. Otherwise, wouldn’t it just be easier to send you to some lowly brothel where they even tear up and literally eat women like you for fun?” His words sliced through the air with cruel precision., making Rebecca’s eyes quiver. Saʀch* Th website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

With a final push, he released her and stepped back, casually leaning against the wall as if distancing himself from the intensity of their encounter.

Breathing heavily, Rebecca felt a bitter mixture of relief and humiliation, realizing that even if her dignity was shattered by him, she still didn’t get touched by any of those dirty pigs. She could have really ended up with a horrifying fate if he really threw her into some disgusting brothel. Was he really merciful-

Wait a second…Did she actually feel relieved and grateful towards him for a moment there??

She remembered how this bastard humiliated and wasted her before that crowd of drunk dogs, turning her from one of the respected noble women to nothing but a filthy slut before all of them.

Even if her identity wasn’t exposed, it felt like she lost all face and self-respect. She even begged and cried before him to stop in the end. How humiliating!

She knew she had no face left to stand before her son proudly like before.

Just like he said so himself…she was just his property.

As she collected herself, her gaze slowly lifted to meet Asher’s, her voice a shaky whisper laden with resentment and nervousness, “Are you going to…do that again to me?”

“If I have to, I will. But for now, I see no reason to do it again. You didn’t kill Rowena’s mother, as you told me yourself. Even if you hadn’t told me, I already had a feeling you didn’t,” Asher replied, his voice tinged with a resigned sigh, as if the storm of their confrontation had passed, for now.

Rebecca’s eyes widened in disbelief, her voice rising in a mixture of shock and anger, “W-What?? You knew, and yet you…made me endure all that? You despicable—”

“You only have yourself to blame. You should have just told me that when I warned you, I would only ask you once. You should think twice before you speak with that hot tongue of yours. Besides, I was bound to try since the answer to my questions are in your head,” Asher interrupted sharply, his scoff cold and unforgiving.

Rebecca’s frustration was palpable as she let out a grunt, her voice sharp with agitation, “How…How did you know it wasn’t me? You wouldn’t have accused me unless that little nightshade princess told you something.”

Asher’s response was measured, his gaze narrow and probing, “You are right. She did try to tell me who it was, and the picture she painted greatly resembles you. But even if you talk big, you don’t have the guts to kill Rowena’s mother. Otherwise, you would have done it long ago.”

Rebecca clicked her tongue, annoyance etched on her face, yet she offered no rebuttal, silently conceding to his point.

Asher continued, his tone growing more pointed, “And last time I remember, a Thorne doesn’t have the power to cripple a person’s mind, especially you. So either Kayla remembered it wrong because of her trauma, or I am missing something huge here. But I have a feeling you already know what I am missing here,” he stated, his gaze piercing as he watched her reaction closely.

Rebecca averted her gaze momentarily under the intensity of his scrutiny before returning it with a cold scoff, “I told you. My memories are fuzzy. You won’t get anything from me. I won’t give in to your threats…ever…” Her words were laced with determination, her teeth gritted in defiance, bracing for whatever Asher might attempt next.

“The more desperate you seem to protect those memories, the more I feel as if all this is connected…especially to Oberon. Otherwise, you wouldn’t give a shit if I learned about them,” Asher speculated, his voice laden with suspicion, causing Rebecca to clench her fists behind her back.

Asher’s observation of Rebecca’s unbreakable will only made him feel more glad that she was his slave even if it was inconvenient for him at times.

Yet this meant that he will just have to keep looking for a way to find out the true mastermind.

Not too long ago,

In the serene beauty of one of Bloodvine Castle’s lush courtyards, Silvia was ensconced on an elegant marble bench, an emblem of grace amid the verdant flora.

Her fingers, delicate and precise, played with the petal of a crimson rose, brushing it against her lips, which mirrored its color.

With a chirpy smile, she lovingly affixed the petal onto a blank page with the title ‘Proof of Silvia’s first kiss with her beloved’. It was a whimsical proof of a moment cherished, preserved among the pages as if sealing a pact with time itself.

She still couldn’t stop giggling and beaming to herself, thinking about that warm and lovely moment she never thought she would experience like this.

The tranquility of the moment, however, was gently shattered by a voice that carried both warmth and an undeniable authority, “Silvia… Why did you cause trouble for the king?” The words floated through the air, touching down softly yet firmly around her.

Silvia’s reaction was instantaneous; her eyes widened, and a gasp slipped through her lips as she stood swiftly, the book clutched to her chest.

She turned around, her movements heavy as she stood before her mother with her head lowered, “Mother…you heard everything?”

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