The Damned Demon

Chapter 546 Someone I Wanted To Be

Chapter 546 Someone I Wanted To Be

The Bloodburn Kingdom was abuzz with whispers and murmurs that swirled through the crowded streets like the harsh winds—swift and unpredictable.

News of an unprecedented royal alliance had taken the populace by storm.

Their king, a figure both revered and feared, had chosen to marry the young lady of House Thorne.

This decision broke tens of centuries-old traditions where Bloodburn Kings wed only within House Drake to ensure the concentration of power remained undiluted by external influences.

At the bustling market square, merchants and citizens gathered, their voices blending into a cacophony of speculation and awe, “Have you heard? The king’s taking a bride from House Thorne!” one merchant called out, his stall busier than usual as people congregated to discuss the news.

“Yes, and it’s not just any lady, but the young Lady Sabina herself. There’s never been such a union—not with a Thorne and certainly not directly with the throne!” another replied, his expression a mix of excitement and concern.

“So what? It’s not like our king is losing anything through this alliance.?If anything, he is?not only?gaining a powerful consort?but also?influence over the northern lands.?That is over a quarter of the kingdom’s power!” An old man explained in an excited tone.

In the dark corners of taverns, where the ale flowed more freely than the river, the conversations took on a more conspiratorial tone, “They say it’s to strengthen bonds before the war that’s brewing… or maybe to calm the storm between the Drakes and the Thornes. After all the rumors, eh?” a grizzled goblin speculated, his eyes scanning the room for eavesdroppers.

Yet amidst the discussions of alliances and power plays, another, darker tale wove its way through the kingdom—a tragic counterpoint to the?tales?of union and strength.

Edmund Thorne, the man who was supposed to be the next lord of his House, had been found in?a state of?utter ruin, paralyzed and mute, a shell of the man he once was.

“I can’t believe it.?They?say?he?tried to end?his?life, devastated by the news of his fiance’s betrothal to another,” a vulpin shared with a somber crowd, his voice low with shock.

“House Thorne should be mourning the loss of a heir and yet they are busy making preparations for the wedding. Why am I not surprised?” A middle-aged woman said with a shake of her head.

“Madness. I heard?he?became mad after returning from the Quest of the Worthy. Never been the same, he hadn’t. Locked away in that castle, probably brooding over something that happened during the quest. Serves him right,” an old woman added, her tone laced with bitterness after remembering certain atrocities of the young lord.

Within?the?Demonstone Castle, the royal council comprised of various ministers convened?at?the absence of the king and queen, the?atmosphere?charged with a?palpable tension as the ramifications of these events were discussed,?”This alliance with House Thorne, while strategic, brings with it as much potential for division as it does for unity. We must tread carefully,” one advisor cautioned, his eyes grave as he addressed the assembly.

Seron cleared his throat as he said, “True, but let us not forget the power this union brings. Lady Sabina is no mere political pawn; her capabilities and influence are well acknowledged. As for our king, he holds unimaginable potential but lacks influence as of now. Together, they could indeed usher in a new era for our kingdom. I trust you all will make the necessary preparations.”

The other ministers and advisors glanced at each other and slowly nodded, feeling?there was definitely truth in his words.

However, in the cold and windswept courtyard of the Dreadthorne Castle, an intense confrontation unfolded between two women, each clad in dark gowns that fluttered like somber flags against the cool air. Nw ovel chaptrs are published on NovlFir(.)nt

Rebecca, her expression a mix of anger and disbelief, forcefully dragged Esther by the wrist into the open space. The tension between them crackled like the distant thunder that often presaged a storm in these lands.

Esther, with a sigh of weariness, pulled her wrist from Rebecca’s grip and turned to face her with a tired look, “Why are you doing this, Rebecca? What is it this time?”

Rebecca’s eyes widened, her voice tinged with scorn as she scoffed, “You are asking me that? After giving away your daughter to that bastard? Have you not learned what kind of man he is after he toyed with us and your House? Are you really planning to let him destroy us?!”

Turning away, Esther walked past Rebecca, her voice low and resigned, “It doesn’t matter. I wasn’t the one who decided it?but?Thorin. If you have any objections, you should talk to him—not that it would matter anyway.”

Rebecca, frustration etched across her face, stepped forward to confront Esther directly, “What’s wrong with you? You know you could have at least tried to stop this?but?you are not even trying. I was the one who begged our brother to spare your life after that bastard exposed what you did.”

Esther, taken aback, turned her gaze slowly towards Rebecca.?The revelation that Rebecca had interceded on her behalf was unexpected and it made her realize why Thorin?didn’t?execute?her despite her grave crime?towards?the House.

“And despite everything I did, you are doing this??Once he gets Sabina, he will use her to take advantage of your?House, including?you.?He is?definitely?planning to steal more of our secrets or worse,” Rebecca continued, her voice heavy with exasperation.

Esther’s eyes softened, her hand reaching out to gently hold Rebecca’s,?”I appreciate everything you did for me. But I am sorry. I have become too entangled with him that I am helpless when it comes to him. Sabina also wants him. So?there’s nothing I can do.”

Rebecca’s scoff was laden with pain and anger as she revealed, “I hated everyone in our family except you. You always tried to help me when we were very young and discreetly looked out for a rebel like me. That is why I always looked up to you; you were someone I wanted to be, sister. Strong and capable of doing everything?that was?necessary without looking back. But now—”

“No, Rebecca,” Esther interrupted, her voice low yet firm, “I was never truly me until now. I was never alive all these years, and if only Iwaswhen we were young, I could have been a better sister to you and saved you from so much pain.”

“What are you talking about… What did he do to you? You are being like this because of him?” Rebecca’s voice broke with a mix of anger, pain, and disbelief.

Esther paused, hernextwords heavy with resignation, “I am sorry… I will ask him to forgive you even if—”

“Ugh, stop it,” Rebecca grunted, shaking off Esther’s hand with a sharp gesture, “If you want to go ahead and become his slave, fine! But don’t ever speak or beg for me before him. I would never forgive you if you did that.” Read Web Novels Online Free – NovelFire Novel Fire –

With those final words, Rebecca turned sharply and stormed away, leaving Esther alone in the courtyard, herexpression etched with a hint of sorrow as she watched her sister disappear into the shadows of the castle.

Atop the roof of a luxurious restaurant,

“You can’t marry him!” A young lady with a large, tied-up red-

haired bun atop her head shouted out at the silver-haired young lady before her.

Sabina, leaning casually against the balustrade, smirked at Silvia’s outburst, “Fufu, what are you going to do about it? Flaunt your silly hairdo before him during our marriage? Is this why you wanted to meet?” she taunted, her voice dripping with disdain.

Silvia’s lips pressed tightly together, her hand subconsciously rising to touch her meticulously styled hair, doubt flickering in her eyes for a moment.Shetookhours to prepare this hairstyle to look more pretty and mature but was it really silly?

Regaining her composure, she puffed up her cheeksand pointedan accusing finger at Sabina, “Silvia deserves him more than you. He doesn’t like meanie ladies like you.”

The smile on Sabina’s face twisted into something more sinister as she took a step forward, looming over Silvia, “What did you say?Youthink heis going tolike a little annoying lady like you over me? Dream of any such thing, and I will be the one to gouge out those pretty big eyes of yours.”

As Silvia stumbled backward, her heart pounding with fear, a melodious yet elegant voice suddenly cut through the tension, “Whose eyes are you going to gouge out, Sabina?”

Both young women turned sharply at the sound, their expressions shifting instantly upon seeing the stunningly graceful figure of a woman with ruby eyes. Her long, silky red hair cascaded down her shoulders, contrasting with her noble red gown.

“Mother!” Silvia cried out, relief flooding her voice. She quickly ran to her mother and embraced her, then shot a smug look back at Sabina, challenging her to continue her threats.

Sabina, recovering her composure, smiled politely and gave a brief bow of her head to Naida, “I was only joking about a certain someone, Aunty Naida. You don’t have to take it seriously. I will leave you two alone,” she said smoothly, attempting to defuse the tension as she turned to leave.

But as Sabina moved to step away, Naida’s hand reached out, resting gently yet firmly on Sabina’s shoulder.

She leaned in close, her voice a whisper meant only for Sabina, “Be careful, Sabina. Jest as we might, I must implore you to tread lightly, dear.Words,much like steps in a dance, must be chosen withcare,lest we stumble in regret.”

At Naida’s words,Sabina’s confident expression faltered momentarily, a chill seeming to descend around her.

As she glanced down, a ghostly pale child with acircletof sharp, blood-red roses appeared before her. Blood streamed down the child’s face like tears, forming pools at her feet.

How was she here? Sabina felt a sense of terror she had long since forgotten.

As Sabina watched, horrified, tendrils of blood began to rise, threatening to bind her feet.

Sabina’s heart raced, panic setting in as she found herself unable to move and saw the child getting closer.

But just as the child reached out, about to pull her down, reality snapped back. Naida’s hand left her shoulder, and the rooftop returned to normal.

With a shaky breath, Sabina stepped forward, her expression unsettled.

But then she shut her eyes to pull herself together as she walked away silently but stiffly.

Naida watched her go, her eyes cold and knowing, before turning away.

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