The Cursed Prince

Chapter 205 - The Wedding Night (1)

Emmelyn giggled when her body was lifted by those strong arms. She immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his broad shoulder. There was no place she'd rather be, than here in his embrace.

"I love you," she whispered to his ear as she closed her eyes and enjoyed his scent around her. She loved him so much and this was the happiest day of her life.

"I love you too," he whispered back.

Edgar smiled faintly as he saw the loving couple leave the dining room in a hurry.

Athos and his wife were herding their two sons to go to their chambers and sleep, while Gewen got ready to pick up a certain lady he always met whenever he was in Southberry to warm his bed.

"I guess, I'll be the only one drinking tonight," Edgar shook his head seeing everyone leaving already.

Normally the men would stay up late over wine to wind down after a long day at the training field or discussing war strategy. However, now, it seemed they all had other things to do.

So, Edgar took a wine jug and one cup with him to his chamber and decided to drink alone.


Emmelyn was excited to find out how the servants decorated their bridal chamber. None of her siblings got married at home, so she didn't know what their bridal chambers were like.

All her three sisters were sent out to marry their husbands in other lands. Emmelyn only came there for the ceremony and was not allowed to see their chambers since she was considered too young to know adults' business.

Her three brothers were not married. Prince Louis was too carefree and always found an excuse to postpone getting married. Actually, Gewen kind of reminded Emmelyn of her oldest brother, Louis.

Since he was the crown prince to Wintermere, Prince Louis set a really high, almost impossible, standard for his future wife. That's why on the day he died, he was still a bachelor.

However, Emmelyn knew his standards were fake.  The main reason Louis wanted to postpone getting married was because he, just like Gewen, looked down on women and only thought of them as his bed warmers.

Her second brother, Liam, she suspected was gay because he never showed interest in any woman. Instead, he was very close with one of the minister's sons.

Liam never cared about how other people saw him. Since he was not the crown prince, he was more outgoing and could do whatever he wanted in life.

Killian was probably the only decent man among Emmelyn's brothers.  He loved their family and was a filial son.

That's why he was willing to be sent to Glasswell to be married off to Princess Llewelynn. Sadly, before the marriage happened, Wintermere was gone.

Emmelyn secretly assumed that her brother was kicked out of Glasswell since the alliance between the two kingdoms was basically worthless after Wintermere fell.

Gosh... why did she think about her brothers on her wedding night? This was supposed to be a happy occasion for her and her husband.

Thinking about her family would only bring her sadness and suffering. She better focused on her life together with Mars going forward.

She opened her eyes and kissed his cheek.

Right at that moment, they had arrived in front of the door. Mars' steps halted and he turned to Emmelyn with a big smile. "We are here."

Emmelyn smiled too. She lowered one of her hands to push the door open. As soon as they saw what was inside, both gasped in surprise.

It was really the most beautiful chamber Emmelyn had ever seen. She knew right away that Lily was the one responsible for designing her bridal chamber.

The huge chamber was lighted with so many scented candles and they could smell a really nice and relaxing fragrance in the air.

Emmelyn could recognize the scent of musk, vanilla, and fresh cedar among others. She inhaled deeply and filled her lungs with the most amazing and relaxing aroma she had ever smelled.

She made a mental note to ask Lily for the ingredients too.  It would be nice to have this back in Draec when she was in need of relaxation during her pregnancy.

"This is amazing," Emmelyn turned to Mars and motioned the man to keep walking. As the prince walked inside the chamber with candles spread on the floor and tables, Mars could feel his feet stepped on flower petals.

"Can you see those?" he whispered to Emmelyn in his husky voice. Emmelyn nodded softly. She was all smiles when she saw the flower petals on the wooden floor.

She knew Lily liked her a lot for going all out in decorating her bridal chamber to spend the first night as a husband and wife with the man she loved.

"This chamber is really beautiful," she whispered back. "I like it a lot."

Mars walked toward the beautiful comfortable bed in the middle of the room and gently placed Emmelyn there. The bedding was made of the softest and most luxurious materials in soft blue colors.

The windows next to it were decorated with myrtle flowers, and there were so many roses of different colors in vases by the bedside tables. Emmelyn felt like they were walking in a garden full of flowers.

"This would be as good as having sex in a flower field," she chuckled. "I always wonder how it would feel like."

Mars was amused when he heard her words. He climbed the bed and sat beside her. His hand tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and said, "So, you have been fantasizing about having sex with me in a flower field? I see."

Emmelyn pressed her lips and stared at him with a shy smile. "I am a woman with a healthy dose of curiosity. Is that so bad?"

Mars shook his head and grabbed the back of her head and pulled her closer to kiss her luscious lips. "No.. not bad at all. I am actually wondering the same thing."

And he claimed her lips greedily.




From the author:

I'll publish one more chapter in a few hours. Btw... have you seen the announcement for the Web-no-vel Spirity Award? It's NovelFull's biggest writing competition.

I am very tempted to join since one of the awards is the opportunity to get the story adapted into a movie or TV series.

Also, I suddenly have this pressing idea that keeps nagging me to write it. Uff... what do you think? Will you be interested in reading if I write a new book?

That will mean I will only focus on The Cursed Prince and that new book. My other books will be updated even more slowly than they already are now. "Finding Stardust's book 2" and "The Alchemists" will have to take a back seat temporarily.

If you are interested in reading the new book before I publish it officially on NovelFull, you can send an email to my personal email: [email protected], with the subject <Beta Reader For Missrealitybites' new book>

I will include you as my beta reader and send you the files after I write the early chapters. I think I will start publishing the book in May on NovelFull so I could get a decent amount of stockpile.

What the story will be like?

It's about the loneliest man in the world, who had been living alone for over 15 centuries

He took an immortality potion so he could find the woman he loves. Where is she? Well, she was cruelly sent to the future by the evil Time Master before he died.

Since the man didn't know when exactly she was sent to, he had no choice but to wait forever until he could see her again. He realized, he must not die.

So, the man fought 'monsters' and 'gods' to reach Olympus from the myth and got the elixir of immortality so he could stay alive until the moment he could meet her again.

And so, he roamed the world and looked for her throughout the centuries.

Now, in the year 2045.. after being alive for over 15 centuries and witnessed the rise and fall of humankind, he finally felt like giving up.

But, on the day he decided to die, he met someone looking exactly like HER.

But is it really her?

Okay, that's what I know so far about the male lead. I haven't got a clear picture of the female lead. I also don't know their names. I still need to sleep on it and visualize the story.

What do you think?

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