The Conquerors Path

Chapter 558-Awakening Of A Woman That Shouldn’t Have Awakened

Chapter 558-Awakening Of A Woman That Shouldn't Have Awakened

As the week of enchanting dates drew to a close, Austin had one more surprise in store for Mira on the penultimate day. He had planned an evening in the Valley of Dreams, a place where sunsets painted the sky with the most exquisite hues of gold, pink, and lavender. It was a place where dreams seemed to come to life, and on this evening, he would make sure, Mira's love would be the most beautiful dream of all.

They arrived in the valley just as the sun began its descent towards the horizon. The sky was a canvas of colors, with streaks of orange and pink stretching across the vast expanse. The valley itself was a haven of tranquility, with rolling hills covered in soft, velvety grass that seemed to invite them to sit and take in the breathtaking view.

Hand in hand, Austin and Mira found a secluded spot amidst the grassy hills and settled down. Austin had brought a soft, warm blanket, and he spread it out on the ground, creating a cozy nook for them to enjoy the evening. As they sat down, the beauty of the surroundings enveloped them like a warm embrace.

The air was filled with the scent of wildflowers, and a gentle breeze rustled through the grass, carrying with it the whispers of nature. It was a moment of perfect serenity, a moment that seemed to exist outside of time.

Austin turned to Mira, his eyes filled with a tenderness that mirrored the colors of the sunset. "Mira," he began, his voice soft and filled with emotion, "this week has been a journey of love and discovery. Each day, I've tried to show you how much you mean to me, how deep my love for you runs, and how much you help me."

Mira's heart swelled as she looked into his eyes. She had felt the depth of his love in every gesture, every word, and every moment they had shared during the week. But now, as the sun painted the sky in shades of gold, she knew that something special was about to happen.

Austin continued, "From our first whimsical picnic beneath the enchanted trees to our dance with the fireflies, our voyage to the starlit sea, our day in the floating gardens, and the serenade in the crystal caves, I've tried to express my love for you in every way I could."

Tears of joy welled up in Mira's eyes as she listened to his heartfelt words. She had been trying to resist her feelings, but with each passing day, it had become harder and harder to deny the truth that her heart held.

At that moment, Austin's magical harp appeared in his hand. It was an instrument that held the power to move hearts and stir souls. Its strings shimmered with an otherworldly light, and as Austin plucked the first notes, the world around them seemed to come alive with a symphony of magic.

The melody he played was one he had composed just for Mira, a piece that spoke of love, longing, and the unbreakable bond that had formed between them. The harp's music echoed through the valley, creating a spellbinding harmony that resonated with the very essence of his love.

As Austin played, the valley itself seemed to respond to the music. The flowers swayed in time with the melody, their petals changing colors with each note, creating a breathtaking display of nature's beauty. The breeze whispered through the grass, carrying the music to every corner of the valley.

Mira's breath caught in her throat as she listened to the enchanting melody. It was as if the harp's music had reached deep into her soul, unlocking the floodgates of her heart. She felt a profound connection with Austin, a connection that transcended time and space.

The magic in the air grew more palpable with each passing moment. The sky above them began to shimmer with soft, ethereal light as if the stars themselves were drawn to the music. Shooting stars streaked across the heavens, their tails leaving trails of stardust that illuminated the night.

Austin's eyes never left Mira's as he played, his fingers dancing gracefully over the harp's strings. He poured his heart and soul into the music, expressing his love and devotion in every note. The melody seemed to speak the words they had longed to say to each other, words that went beyond mere language.

As the final, haunting notes of the harp's music hung in the air, In that tranquil interlude, the heavens themselves stirred. The stars above, which had been scattered like diamonds across the canvas of the night sky, began to move in a mesmerizing dance. Slowly, gracefully, they converged, forming a radiant tapestry of constellations that spread across the celestial expanse.

Mira watched in awe as the stars swirled and twirled, their light coalescing into a breathtaking painting of unparalleled beauty. It was as if the universe itself had become an artist, and the canvas of the cosmos was their masterpiece.

In the heart of the painting, she saw Austin, his form illuminated by the soft glow of the stars. He stood with his harp in hand, his eyes fixed upon her, a beacon of unwavering love. The valley of dreams sprawled around them, its lush grass and vibrant flowers aglow with stardust. It was a scene of ethereal beauty, a testament to the magic of their love.

His loving eyes only focused on her but what Mira saw more was her own eyes, those eyes gazing back at Austin with a love more powerful than she could come to commit, and what blew her off was her smile, one so enchanting that she herself fell into a daze, when or for who had she ever smiled like this?

That smile as her silver eyes narrowed with love at Austin was something she could have never in the past imagined for herself and deep within her heart she knew what she was seeing.

But within the painting, Mira saw more than just her feelings. She saw the turmoil in her own heart, the conflict that had plagued her throughout their week together. She saw her own hesitations, her fears of allowing herself to love fully, and her resistance to the undeniable connection that had blossomed between them.

The painting revealed her inner struggle, her heart's battle between the desire to open up to Austin and the fear of vulnerability. It was a raw and honest depiction of her emotional journey, a reflection of her own insecurities.

Mira's eyes welled with tears as she gazed at the painting, her heart laid bare for the universe to see. She saw the love in Austin's eyes, a love that had been constant and unwavering, even in the face of her resistance. She saw the beauty of the valley they had shared, a place where their love had taken root and flourished.

But most importantly, Mira saw the truth. She saw that her feelings for Austin were undeniable, that she loved him with a depth and intensity that matched the brilliance of the stars above. She saw that her heart had already made its choice, that she was hopelessly and irrevocably in love with the man who had shown her a week of enchantment, her own nephew.

Austin set the instrument aside and turned to Mira. The valley was bathed in the soft, radiant light of the stars, and the magic of the moment was almost tangible as a pair, Austin's hands moved forth as the painting flew into his heart, he slowly touched the painting as the image started to move and the Austin in the painting started to play the music.

The scene widened Mira's eyes as Austin spoke with a smile, one with complex feelings.

"This is the last gift I can give you Mira, the final reminded of our final time together in this place, while I wish to leave all these behind and focus only on Sonia, I want this as the final gift to you, to show the love I once had for you"

Mira looked once more at the celestial painting that had captured their love. She saw the stars above rearranging themselves, forming new constellations that told a story of love, acceptance, and the beauty of two souls finding each other in the vastness of the universe.

As the sun dipped lower in the sky behind Austin, casting a warm, golden glow over everything, Mira felt a sense of peace and contentment wash over her. She realized that there was no more denying her feelings, no more holding back the love that had taken root in her heart.

But the words spoken by Austin, his convictions that she felt, and his half-heart moving towards Sonia suddenly froze Mira's heart.

'Am I to lose such a beautiful love?'

'Am I to never feel such things again?'

'Am I to never see his eyes look at me like this again?"

'Am I to never feel my heart race like this again?'

'Am I to watch this man whose heart that once only belonged to me fade away?'

To watch as Austin takes another woman, to give the same eyes he gives her to another, to see him hold another, whisper words of love to her, to kiss her, and perhaps hold her and even....

As Mira's thoughts reached here, suddenly the entire week flew through her mind, from the very beginning to this moment. The laughs she gave, the talks she had with him, his hard work to see her smile, his hands holding her, the feeling of safety he gave her as she walked within this place as a mortal, his words of love, every moment passed through her mind with crystal clarity.

And then came the understanding that everything is ending, that Austin will never in the future look at her like how he does now. For she could feel the conviction from Austin to end it all here. While he gave her all the romance in the world, he made sure to do it with a perfect line, his feelings for the other girl and the knowledge of 'My loving...'

everything ending making him not take an unnecessary step.

'But isn't this what I wanted? For my loving nephew to finally get over me?....'

'My loving nephew....'

'My loving...'


As her thoughts reached here, Mira shut her eyes, for she, for a moment, had an image of Austin kissing her, and that set her body and heart on fire in ways she can't come to express, and along with it, the image of Austin kissing Sonia passed in her mind, which soon chilled Mira's mind. Her body going cold, for she felt a very ugly emotion...


Raw, pure, bubbling jealousy! And along with it, an extreme level of killing intent. Her mind filled with several unsavory thoughts of ending Sonia's life, her position as Dean slowly slipping away from her mind, as only the thought of making Austin hers filled her.

'That love, those words, those eyes of love are all MINE!...'

'It's for me, and I don't want to lose it!....'

'I-I want his love....'

'It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine!..... It's mine!'

Perhaps in the game, there must have been a reason for Mira being an unattainable goal. Perhaps she was never meant to have her heart broken through. But there exists no woman, be it mortal or God, that will be able to keep their hearts locked away after going through so many sweet moments.

No person will be able to live without the sweet touches of Austin's love, especially after everything he did for her, along with the addition of his secret control with magic and the supply of his feelings towards Mira.

To have had extreme pure love supplied to you for so long and to know that it shall be taken away, to be forever lost....

That is the same as taking away the prized possession of an addict, one fallen too deep into the hole....

And as the saying goes, the woman who looks the most gentle, caring, and loving might perhaps be the craziest among them all.

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