Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 460: Patroclus 2.0

Chapter 460: Patroclus 2.0

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Running his finger along the heroic cigar, Kaost gathered himself and stood up. As the Captain of the ship, he should not show even a shred of doubt about his actions. Ever since the day he became a METAL fighter, he knew that the real challenge like this would come one day.

The Zergs didn't attack in the following days, which gave the Ark and its crew a short respite. Not only was the tension between the authority and the passengers eased, but the promise of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel also gave everyone a smile on their faces.

However, Kaost and Samantha were becoming increasingly nerve-wrecked as the quietness continued, and even the air felt still and stifled like that before a terrible storm.

The recent participation in the real war had invigorated many students. It had been a thrilling experience even for the ones who merely observed the battle, much less for those who actually took part in the fighting, such as Karl. Thanks to his near-perfect aim, he was drafted into the firing team. Each day during dinner, students would gather around him and listen to his bragging about the heroic deeds of the day. Ever since the first attack, Karl had become more popular than the heirs of the great houses and rightfully so, as his accuracy was the highest on the ship; he was a natural shooter.

The second best shooter was Zhou Sisi. Not only was she deadly accurate with her aim, but she was also an excellent team player. Flash and Bisu's performance was also outstanding, but they were not as praiseworthy as Zhou Sisi.

Students such as Flash and Bisu could do much better in the classroom than in a real war. Meanwhile, Zhou Sisi and Karl were the opposite, as the real world situation seemed to have invoked their innate abilities that were otherwise hidden.

Karl and Zhou Sisi's talent quickly caught Kaost's attention. As a veteran in the Confederation force, he had seen many talented soldiers—many were serving him right at this moment. However, no one could compare with the abilities of these two. Karl was a deadly shooter while Zhou Sisi, with some training and guidance, would be the best fleet commander the world had ever seen. Kaost made a mental note to remember recruiting Zhou Sisi as soon as he was done this mission. What impressed Kaost even more was their rise to the top from their ordinary family background, much like the path he had taken. Every time he saw the silly but enthusiastic smile on Karl's face, memories of his teenage years came back and flooded his mind.

Suddenly the alarm went off. Kaost heaved a sight: it had finally come.

Everyone in the commander's office was shocked by what they saw on the radar screen. Swarms of Zerg Fleets appeared out of nowhere and had already formed an encirclement around the Ark. This was the largest attack the Zergs had waged yet.

Although Ark was well within their shooting range, none of the Zerg ships fired. Instead, the Zergs kept on shrinking their encirclement.

When Kaost walked into the commander's office, he could feel everyone's anticipating gazes on his face. They were afraid; the promise of death loomed in the air.

In last hundred years, Human had always fought the Zerg with an upper hand either in terms of manpower or firepower. But it was not the case today. The sudden loss of advantage had taken a huge toll on the morale. Hopelessness was evident on everyone's face.

"Captain, there are ten Zerg fleets out there... What should we do?"

Kaost remained calm and glanced at the radar screen, then walked to the captain's seat and sat down. He was ordered to attract the attention of the Zergs' main fleet force, and he had succeeded.

"We will fight! This is our only choice."

"Aye, Captain!"

"Samantha, gather all the students in the meeting room eight… Now."

"Yes, sir! I request to go to the front line after our meeting."

"Your place is on the ship, inside the commander's room," Kaost said with a taut face and an uncompromising voice.

"Yes...Captain." Samantha murmured.

"This is the Captain's order. The following students, please go to meeting room number eight: Wang Tong, Li Shiming, Lie Jian, Zhang Jin... "

The list includes most of the top students of different academies. They paused for a moment after hearing the announcement, and then walked to the meeting place, all the while wondering what the old captain's plan was.

"Go now, Wang Tong." Tee knew that she would be on the list as well. The vast number of enemies had formed a terrifying force even for the formidable Ark. Although the spaceship was the strongest the world had ever seen, it, after all, would have a limit to its capabilities, like everything in this universe.

Soon, Tee heard the radio call out her name.

The Zergs had poured all of their forces at the Ark. It was evident that all of the previous skirmishes were carefully planned by the Zergs to lure the Ark deeper into the trap. It was unheard of the Zergs pulling off a cohesive strategy; the development had caught Kaost by surprise.

"Main cannon energy level at thirty percent."

"Port cannon energy level at sixty percent."

"Starboard cannon energy level at seventy percent."

"Auxiliary gun energy level at twenty percent."

"Replenishing the energy shield. Initiate the backup power source."

This was a fight of life and death. Ark had given all it had in trying to push the attackers back.

The battle seemed to have rekindled the fire inside the old captain as Kaost's face gained lively colors. This battle would determine the fate of the human race, and it was a blessing for Kaost to be the commander.

Suddenly, a shadow streaked across space above the Ark, and then the shadow—vaguely resembling a human—appeared on the screen.


"It looks like the Dower's METAL."

"Isn't that the Deva Lance?"

"Patroclus… It's Patroclus!"

"Haha! I knew he that was still alive. He is the heir of the Dower after all."

"Thank God he is here!"

The appearance of an Einherjar during the battle gave everyone a confidence boost.

"Captain, the Zerg fleet has stopped advancing." One of the officers shouted at the top of her lungs. However, Patroclus hovered motionlessly in the space, and didn't seem to want to join the rank of human fighters. Something was amiss.

From a distance, Patroclus's METAL would easily pass for a typical high tier METAL suite. However, upon a closer look at the screen, people quickly found out its oddities. Not only was the arrangement of the METAL pieces unconventional, but the energy crystal was also out of proportion when compared to its standard counterpart. It flickered with a sky blue light, a color that had never been seen on any energy crystals.


The dark shadow unsheathed the elegant lance. It was the Deva Lance, and therefore, it had to be Patroclus under the shroud of darkness. From an opening in the moving shadows, people finally caught a glimpse of the face, and it was indeed Patroclus.

Everyone inside the meeting room eight sensed the strangeness in the development. Doubts and suspicions filled the room.

Patroclus pointed the Deva Lance at the Ark as everyone heard a voice in their ears, "Wang… Tong."

The voice wasn't a usual sound but an energy wave. Instead of traveling through space, it appeared inside the listeners' ears like a voice inside one's mind. It sounded angry, and trembled a little due to great anticipation.

"Wang… Tong!"


Every syllable sounded like thunder, and many people were so disoriented by the voice that they had to find a wall for support.

"Wang…Tong! Where…are…you?"

As the sound became louder, the dark shroud that surrounded Patroclus's face started to thin out and revealed a shocking image to the people on the ship.

Patroclus had turned into one of those humanoid creatures. Although his features didn't change much, the subtle and creepy transition in the color of his iris was hard to miss.

People's hearts sank as the sudden turn of events dumbfounded them.

How was it possible that Patroclus, the heir to one of the most powerful houses, and a recent member of the unequivocal defenders of the human race, the Einherjars, surrendered to the corruption of the Zergs?

It might sound like an absurd thing to say that Zergs manipulated the prince of the Ivantians, but the sad and undeniable truth laid bare in front of everyone.

At the sight of the hideous creature and the even more hideous realization of what had happened, many people covered their mouths with hands to suppress a scream but failed.

"Don't move! You will die if you go out there and fight him right now! "Tee said as she blocked the exit.

"We need time to charge up the Ark's defense. Otherwise, if Patroclus starts attacking the ship right now, all of us will be in trouble."

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