Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 381 - Alpha Vs. Alpha


Tarkyn nodded once and raced from the room as if afraid Elreth would change her mind. But it was Gar that Aaryn left his eyes on.

The massive leonine whirled on his sister and roared, "Call him back! You can't—"

"Stand down, Gar," Elreth snarled, and Aaryn was certain Gar was seeing her lion eyes. "I agree with you that the risks are there. I wouldn't choose it this way, but if we do not understand how they're entering, we cannot stop more from coming. It doesn't matter how much we learn about what they'd doing if we watch them while an army of humans forms at our backs!"

Gar shuddered with the urge to submit, but he gritted his teeth and fought it. The room was painted in tension, everyone present holding their collective breaths. Aaryn was vaguely aware of Reth shifting in his seat, his hand tightening on Elia's, but neither of them spoke as their offspring faced off.

Aaryn had positioned himself at Elreth's shoulder, reminding her of his support without interfering. She leaned into him imperceptibly—the only clue he had to her nerves about calling out her brother.

To Gar's credit, he visibly tried to bring his anger under control. His jaw rolled and he took a deep breath. When he spoke, his voice was very measured. "But… they aren't attacking us yet," Gar explained. "If you take this group their leaders will know they've been discovered—"

"I know, Gar, but that is the risk we have to take. There's no other options."

Her brother's upper lip curled and Elreth tensed further, preparing to fight if it was needed.

"Elreth, please," Gar said, and there was a new note in his voice—a tension that hadn't been evident before, as if he was frustrated that she wasn't understanding something. Did he not hear her words? "Let the disformed—let me handle this. Just… give me two days, I can—"

"Gar, hear me. This isn't about thinking you can't handle it. If I was sure we had more time, if I knew how they were getting through, I would have chosen your course. I agree with you. But Aaryn's right, I have to prioritize and… and you have a Rite of Veneration to face in three days. You remember that right?"

"There will be no Rite if the humans attack us because you've stolen their people!"

"And there will be no Rite—no Anima to hold a Rite—if they invade us unexpectedly because we don't know how they're getting through the traverse!"

Gar shook his head. "You're… you have no idea what you're—"

Elreth tipped her head. "What aren't you saying? What else do you know?"

"Nothing!" Gar answered, too quickly in Aaryn's opinion. "I'm terrified of a misstep. I'm trying to get you to see—"

"Gar, this conversation is over. I want you here. I want your input when we receive them. I want you helping—and I want you leading your people to their rightful place. But I don't want to hear this argument anymore. Listen: I have heard you. I've have decided differently. It's time to submit."

The unspoken threat was there for any to see or hear and Aaryn held his breath as the brother and sister faced each other—the massive Gar looming over his sister, whose strength outshone even his.

Aaryn's heart brimmed with pride as Elreth's unwavering stance.

Gar stared at her moment longer, then shook his head and, snarling, whipped around, shifting to his beast between one step and the next, then running from the room.

Reth was on his feet with a shout, but Elreth grabbed her father's arm and shook her head. "Let him go."

Gar was already out of the cave, only his tail flashing around the corner until he was out of sight completely.

Something sat uneasily in Aaryn's gut. He waited for Elreth to turn back to the room and catch his eye, then signed quickly, 'He has something else. Knows something.'

She flashed 'yes, speak later.'

Was she protecting her brother? Or did she have a plan she didn't want the others to know?

Aaryn didn't know, but he looked forward to getting her away from them to find out.

"Now," Elreth said, only a slight edge in her voice. "Until Tarkyn returns, and the guards come back with our prisoners, we have some urgent decisions to make. Lhern, Huncer, can you call an emergency meeting of the elders please? You have two hours to gather everyone. There are some issues I've been planning to explain that under these circumstances, look like we need to clear them quickly." Lhern and Huncer both nodded and got up from their seats, already heading for the door. Elreth turned.

"Dad, I need to spend those hours with you and Mom and Gar—I need to learn as much as you know about dealing with humans as I can digest in that time.

"Aaryn, give Gar twenty minutes to calm down, then can you find him and tell him to come here? Tell him that the others will be gone and… and that I'm not angry. I'm just decided."

Aaryn nodded, breathless at her composure.

She gave a glance to the messengers along the wall. "I think this would be a good time for privacy, but keep everyone close. Who knows what kind of support we're going to need in the next few hours," she said grimly.

Aaryn squeezed her hand, then strode over to the wall to instruct the messengers to gather out in the meadow with the rest of the guards.

With a wink at Elreth over his shoulder, he followed them out. He'd walk to the City and find Gar—probably at the disformed cave, complaining to the others. It was fine. It would give Aaryn a chance to fill everyone in about why things were happening the way they were.

  As he reached the door and started to pull it closed behind him, Elreth caught his eye and he nodded at her once, flashing the sign for 'love.'

Her eyes softened and her mouth tipped up on one side, then she was gone from view because he'd closed the door and started out of the cave.

He took a deep breath and pushed it out… this was going to be a helluva night.

It was better than staring at the dark ceiling, he supposed. He just prayed that the newfound unity between Elreth and her brother wouldn't be marred by this.


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