Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 365 - Follow Or Die

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The market rang like a bell, some voices raised in applause and cheering, others in protest. There were screams alongside sobbing—tears both of joy and fear. Anima leaped to their feet and Aaryn stood quickly, one of his hands thoughtless towards her, ready to pull her out of the line of fire if needed.

Her heart swelled at the protective focus he gave to the crowd, measuring the people and their responses, looking for danger, no doubt preparing to pull Elreth out the back door through if they should become violent. But—she hoped he noticed—as many of those on their feet were cheering and dancing, as looking stunned or horrified. 

Aaryn did glance at her then and she smiled back, but both of them turned their eyes back to the people immediately, speaking through unmoving lips under the noise of the crowd.

"It could have been worse," Aaryn muttered.

"Yes. It's also going to get better. Just watch," Elreth murmured back. Then, setting her jaw, she raised a hand and some of the noise in the crowd eased as her Alpha power buffeted those that didn't want to acknowledge her.

"I recognize this comes as a surprise to you!" she called over the crowd. They quieted slowly. 

"How will the disformed protect us from humans?!" A gruff voice called from the back of the market. Elreth saw Gar's head snap to identify the speaker.

"I do not expect you to understand how we reached this decision so quickly," Elreth said to the entire crowd. "But I also cannot afford to spread my time as the threat of the humans approaches. So Alphas, hear me, whether you rule family group, trade, or tribe, you are called to the council buildings in one hour where I will answer your questions and explain the events leading to this point. You will then take that information back to your people. Tomorrow evening we will meet in the amphitheater, all of the tribes together. I will answer any further questions then as we prepare for the Rite. 

"Have patience, Anima," she called firmly as the noise began to increase again. "In the coming days our society will change, yes. But it will be to the asset of all. We face a cunning enemy who has remained in the shadows of Anima. But with the help of the disformed we will drag them into the light and remove them from our land completely. I will defeat this enemy and keep you safe, or die trying. You are my first priority, Anima. Your family, your tribes, your wellbeing and your prosperity. I make not decision I do not wholeheartedly believe will benefit all of Anima—not just one tribe or group. 

"Do not allow the negative among you to cast doubt where doubt should not lie. Look around you! If you want to keep your comfort, your safety, and see your children thrive, then believe me… this is a necessary, and a useful change.

"With the help of the disformed, and our allies in the human world, we will keep you safe for generations to come. However, our common safety is reliant on our unity. If you have concerns about the power of the disformed or what it may do for the WildWood, come to the Rite. Your questions will be answered and our hearts drawn to unity. Do not fail me, Anima. Your hearts are strong! I do not want to lose one among you, but where our choices must be made, we will work to save those who work for the good of all, not just themselves or their own tribe.

"You are watching history unfold, Anima. You will speak of these days to your children and their children. You will remember this moment until the day of your death. Anima is moving, Anima is shifting, but our purpose—for your good, your strength—is not."

When the cheer that met that declaration was fainter than she'd expected, her nerves got the better of her for the first time. Her hands shaking as she clutched at the hem of her shirt.

But then Aaryn's scent washed over her as he leaned close to whisper in her ear, "You are right. Don't lose sight of that…. You are also beautiful when you're leading, my mate. I can't wait to get you back to the cave tonight." He'd leaned close, so behind their bodies, he trailed a finger up the back of her thigh, where there was no audience to see.

A spear of desire shot straight to her gut. She stifled it immediately, not wanting the people to catch her scent and feel she was distracted at such a crucial time. 

But Aaryn caught it, and smiled as he straightened and turned back to face the crowd. 

Elreth cleared her throat and growled when his smile widened.

"Stop distracting me!" she hissed.

But as she turned her attention back to the people, she realized he'd done exactly what he hoped to do—he'd distracted her from her fear, and made her feel powerful again. Strong. Certain.

"Follow me, Anima!" she called over the crowd, and many voices, barks and calls rose with her. "Follow me from strength to strength!"

Aaryn howled in triumph, and Elreth's cheeks pinked with delight—blooming deeper when the rest of the wolves picked up his call, and the other tribes soon joined them.

Elreth roared and it echoed over the heads of the people gathered—some celebrating, others fearful—to reverberate through WildWood, announcing to any who would listen that their Queen was there. She was powerful. And she would not broach resistance.

As her alpha power thrummed through the room again, the people were caught up and Elreth's heart lightened as more and more voices rose to greet her, to herald her, and to celebrate the news.

When they finally quieted and Elreth excused herself and Aaryn to prepare for meeting the Alphas, her heart was not entirely at ease. But she didn't have to leave the market under guard. She didn't meet challenge as she passed through the crowd—indeed, many reached out for her hand, to thank her or celebrate the news.

So Elreth left the market with a smile. Because even though her people were divided, they were not broken. And she would knit them back together, one by one, if necessary.

Whatever was needed.. She would bring them through this. 

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