Sweet Beauty

Chapter 940: If I Were You, I Would Think A Way To Escape

Chapter 940: If I Were You, I Would Think A Way To Escape

“Celene, go to the production team and look around. Try to approach the crew.”         


Celene was Shen Xieren’s assistant. Ever since she had been hired by Shen Xieren, she had been doing useless chores. The last time she watched Shen Xieren used an unspeakable way in order to meet Fan Xiaobo. And she really did not like it. In her heart, she really despised Shen Xieren.     

She also knew that Shen Xieren had ordered Li Lingxin to frame Qin Yu, and now that Shen Xieren asked her to visit the production team, she immediately knew her intention.     

This was because Shen Xieren, herself, was unwilling to go out and had asked her to commit a crime!     

“I am not going.” Celene sat there steadily and had no intention of getting up.     

Shen Xieren’s face changed instantly. She glared angrily at Celene and asked threateningly. “What did you just say?”     

Celene raised her head and fearlessly met Shen Xieren’s gaze. “I said I’m not going.”     

“Good!” Shen Xieren was so angry that she grabbed the tissue box on the side and threw it hard at Celene. “If you don’t want to go, then get lost!”     

“Ha…” Celene laughed coldly and grabbed her bag before standing up.     

Shen Xieren was stunned for a moment and then became restless. “What are you doing?”     

Celene looked at her in amusement. “Didn’t you tell me to get lost?”     

“If I tell you to get lost, will you really get lost?” Shen Xieren shouted, “Why are you so obedient? Let me tell you, if you leave now, then don’t even think about appearing before me again! Also, I will not pay your salary for this month!”     

“No need.” Celene nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders and walked towards the door with her bag. “You can keep my salary for this month and spend it in prison!”     

“What?” Shen Xieren jumped up from the sofa in surprise. “Celene, stop right there! What did you just say?”     

Celene suddenly turned around and looked at Shen Xieren mockingly. “You have done so many bad things. Qin Yu and the others will definitely not let you go. If I were you, I would not think about how to harm her now. Instead, I will think of a way to escape!”     


Shen Xieren was very anxious these days. Logically, as soon as Li Lingxin entered the police station and was a little smarter, she would have confessed to the police to protect herself. But until now, the police did not come for her (Shen Xieren).     

Shen Xieren could not believe that the police could not find her.     

It was too quiet. It was really too quiet.     

Seeing Shen Xieren standing there in a daze, Celine scoffed and opened the door, and walked out.     

The more Shen Xieren thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong.     

Even if Li Lingxin did not confess, there was no guarantee that she would not suddenly change her mind and decide to confess to the police in the future.     

Shen Xieren immediately began to pack her bag. “Run, I have to run. I cannot stay in Los Angeles anymore. I have to go somewhere else.”     

How could she even think of hurting Qin Yu? At this time, it was wise for her to run away.     

Shen Xieren even went so far as to disguise herself in a special way.     

She put on a mask and sunglasses, and then hurriedly dragged the suitcase out of the room.         

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Just as she was waiting for the car downstairs, two police cars suddenly drove up to her.     

Shen Xieren’s expression changed instantly. She pulled her mask up to her nose, then dragged her suitcase and turned to leave.     

A police car pulled up behind her. Two officers got out and shouted at her. “Shen Xieren, stop right there!”     

Shen Xieren did not dare to stop. It was impossible for her to stop. She ran like a mouse seeing a cat, running wildly across the street.     

The police were not to be trifled with. One of the cars turned a corner and stopped in front of her. Shen Xieren immediately changed her path and ran to the other side. Because she was anxious, she tripped and fell to the ground with a thud.     

The two policemen ran to her side with a few steps and held her back. “Shen Xieren, you are suspected of committing murder. Please come with us to the police station to help with the investigation!”     

“I do not!” Shen Xieren would not admit it even if she were beaten to death. She fought back, “How can I be involved in a murder? You are wrong. It’s not me!”     

“If you had nothing to do with it, why did you run away when you saw us?” A police officer had already taken off his handcuffs.     

Shen Xieren was so frightened and shouted, “You are chasing me. Of course, I ran away! Let me go. I said it has nothing to do with me. Let me go! If you don’t, I will scream!”     

With the sound of “Ka”, the handcuffs were fastened to her wrists.     

Once again, she was handcuffed by cold handcuffs. Shen Xieren was almost going crazy. “Let me go, let me go! Ah! Ah! The police are beating up people on the street, ah!”     

This was not a downtown area. There were not many pedestrians on the street, but there were still a few people who stopped and watched the spectacle.     

Shen Xieren’s hair was scattered to the side, and the sunglasses on her eyes had also fallen down as she struggled. Her mask had also fallen down to her chin, revealing her entire face. Many people recognized her.     

“Hey, isn’t that…”     

“Shen Xieren!”     

“Right, the celebrity! What’s wrong with her? What has she done?”     

“Who knows? Look at those handcuffs. She must have done something bad!”     

A passerby sighed. “I didn’t expect to see her again after a period of silence. And she was actually arrested by the police on the street. The situation is really chaotic.”     

Overhearing the passersby’s discussion, Shen Xieren shouted loudly, “I didn’t do anything! They are persecuting me. Please! The police are beating people up!”     

The police officers wasted no time on her and forcefully pushed her into the police car.     

Liang Jiahao hadn’t been able to return to the production team. He was at the villa and was ready to cooperate with the police at any time with this investigation.      

With all the evidence they had, even if Shen Xieren did not plead guilty, the judge would make her plead guilty.     

As for the organization, it was unfortunate that they ran into the Han Family this time.     

Not only were they caught and their organization collapsed, but their superiors also could not escape either.     

The person who had been bribed by Han Szeto had become a dirty witness. It could be said that not only Shen Xieren but also the organization was wiped out in one fell swoop.         


At this time, Li Lingxin was locked up in the detention center. She still fantasized that Qin Yu could not find any evidence against Shen Xieren’s crimes and would come to plead with her.     

She looked forward to the stars, to the moon, the day, and the night. She was looking forward to everything, except the indictment of Qin Yu and Fan Xiaobo.     

Li Lingxin immediately broke down. She pulled the guard who was standing outside and asked, “Why are you arresting me? I’m not an American. You cannot convict me!”     

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