Supreme Harem God System

Chapter 1781 Yrniel's mistakes.

Chapter 1781 Yrniel’s mistakes.

“Honestly, I only won because I was lucky. If the opponents were stronger, I would have lost.”

Nux sighed.

Saying these words when the so-called ‘weak opponents’ were beings who were an entire phase above you, and that too, five of them at the same time, made Aeliana’s mouth twitch.


The Vampire, however, didn’t say anything.

She knew that going forward, she needed to get used to this man’s shamelessness.

“I still cannot believe that you are already strong enough to take on almost half of the Order I created all by yourself,”

Aeliana suddenly commented.

Yes, the woman seemed like she wanted to continue playing their little ‘game. This time, Nux’s mouth twitched.

Wasn’t this woman flexing a little too hard here!?

How could one forget? Together with being this monstrous and being able to face Progenitors, who no one else in the entirety of Yrniel could face, this woman was also the Leader of the Ancestral Order.

This woman not only trained herself to the level she was today, but she also took the responsibility to strengthen the messy Yrniel that always needed the Progenitors’ protection, creating an organization and making it strong enough to withstand foreign threats without needing the Progenitors.

An organization so strong that its position in Yrniel was absolute, with no other force having even half the power to oppose it.

So not only was this woman strong enough to surprise even Supreme Level Worlds and most likely hold the title of the strongest Primordial in the entire Universe, but she was also a great leader who could influence masses like no other.

Just the fact that the entire Ancestral Order would happily give their lives away for her sake was enough to tell just how ridiculously good of a leader this woman was.


“The strength of the Ancestral Order is insignificant when seen from a grander scale, Acliana, and you, out of all people, should know that.”

Nux spoke.

Yes, the Ancestral Order was strong, but only in Yrniel.

Their forces didn’t mean anything to the major forces in the Universe.

Aeliana was talented. Her talents, however, were being wasted here, and Nux could not ignore that.

“You cannot grow the Ancestral Order more than you already have,”

Nux spoke, his head still rested on her shoulder.

Seeing that she didn’t move her head away either, he knew she was listening.

“Not everyone is like you, Aeliana.

Not everyone can break the limits imposed by the world they are born in, and even you, despite being the strongest Primordial I have ever encountered, are still being limited by Yrniel as well.

Yrniel cannot be strengthened any further, no matter what you do.”

Nux spoke with a serious look on his face.

“Limited energy, huh…”

Aeliana acknowledged the problem.


Yrniel has made too many mistakes.

Making the first protection barrier last so long, recreating the protection barrier, strengthening the Progenitors, forcefully making them Pseudo Transcendents, connecting with Lord Azriel, then Lord Azriel accepting the foxes-there are just too many things to fix. It cannot be done.

Honestly, just the fact that Yrniel has more than 100 Progenitors and so many different. races is a big mistake as well.”


Aeliana’s expression changed.

This was something she hadn’t heard before.

“That’s correct.”

Nux nodded as he then continued,

“The Progenitors didn’t form their Laws when they had the chance to.

It can be said that it was probably because they didn’t have enough exposure.

They were still inside the Protection Barrier; they had no clue that a vast universe outside of what they knew existed.

It not only killed their motivation to get stronger, but it also took away one of the most common ways for them to get stronger, which was to meet beings from another world and explore the Universe.

However, this wasn’t the only reason behind it.

There was another reason.

And that was the number of Progenitors.

Because Yrniel had too much energy, it gave birth to too many races. Generally, normal worlds had three or maybe four races; some just had one single race. Because of this, those worlds were able to support their people and help them grow. However, Yrniel created too many Progenitors, so it couldn’t support all of them.

The Progenitors of Yrniel were weak even when compared to other Progenitors born in worlds with less energy than Yrniel because those worlds had managed their energy


Like Umbrasol.

Umbrasol was only a High-Level World. Compared to Yrniel, an incarnation of a Supreme World that should have around 80% of its energy, it was much weaker.

However, Umbrasol didn’t make the mistakes Yrniel did.

It only gave birth to a single race. However, the Progenitors of this race were so gifted that despite Umbrasol’s Protection Barrier being higher than what was considered normal, the Umbrasol Progenitors figured out a way to form their Laws on their own and even made further breakthroughs.

By the time their Protection Barrier disappeared, they were already Transcendent Level Beings, and unlike our Progenitors, who were pushed by Yrniel, those beings were True Transcendents with strong laws.””

This time, Aeliana moved her head from Nux’s head to look into the man’s eyes.

The question she had in her mind couldn’t be more obvious, and Nux nodded.

“Yes, beings in Umbrasol didn’t ‘devour’ other worlds to understand their law structures

and whatnot.

They didn’t need any external help.

They were gifted enough to understand and explore their Laws on their own, using their

own ways.”

“So we…”

“People of Yrniel had no choice but to rely on external help because our potential is


Generally, the method of devouring worlds to strengthen one’s understanding of Laws is looked down upon in the Universe.

Well, for the Low or Lowest Level Worlds that you have interacted with thus far, it may be different. But for the level above them, it is believed that if you need to devour Worlds in order to understand your own Law and breakthrough, then you weren’t

supposed to break through in the first place.

They believe that it is a shortcut that restricts a being’s ability to explore and comprehend things on their own.

It is considered to be a slow poison as it is said to produce ‘incompetent cultivators.

It is also considered wasteful since you are sacrificing an entire world just to get a slight glimpse of its law structure, instead of ruling that world as its God instead.”

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