Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1595

1595 The Might of Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha!

What a blatant insult!

Traveling Buddha had never been so angry in his life before. He was enraged, his eyes exploding with a murderous glint. He looked like he was about to get into a fight with General Dresden!

However, Xia Fan reached out to stop him, flashing him a look. Traveling Buddha was helpless, and indignantly turned his gaze away.

“General, we’ll listen to your orders,” Xia Fan said.


Dresden ignored Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha, leading everyone to take the path that he had chosen. In all fairness, this old general was not against anyone. He simply did not like someone challenging his authority. He had not wanted to bring Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha along in the first place, and had only done so at the insistence of the city lord. That was why he had spoken as discourteously as he did, given that he was already disgruntled with the current arrangement.

“General Dresden’s nickname is ‘Weights’,” a warrior in front of Xia Fan turned around and whispered, flashing Xia Fan a knowing look.

‘General Weights? To have such a nickname, he must surely be a very stubborn and bad tempered person,’ Xia Fan thought to himself, a helpless smile stretching across his face.

There was a large amount of air gathered in the Demon Palace, and as the passage dipped, seawater was blocked out by the air. The warriors took off their helmets, relaxing a lot more.

The presence of air was beneficial to Xia Fan. Sniffing the air lightly, he immediately caught the scent of blood in the air, as well as a stench that resembled the son of Flame Soul.

Obviously there were many demonic creatures in the Demon Palace. Due to the limited understanding Xia Fan had of them, he had no way of differentiating whether the smell came from a Demonic warrior or a group of beasts after they became demonified.

The group suddenly stopped their advance. They could hear words from ahead, “We’ve reached our coordinates and will now be entering the interior of the Demon Palace.”

With a boom, the grille of the vent was removed, and the warriors all leapt down.

After landing below, Xia Fan looked around. The dark room was completely empty, yet there were countless eye-shaped carvings everywhere. The huge demonic eye represented the gaze of the Demonic Emperor Harikane. When this place was in use, there were Demonic warriors praying to Harikane every morning, afternoon, and evening.

This was the Prayer Room of the Demon Palace; there were two doors leading to the room. One was headed to the floor above, which would allow entrance to the Great Hall of the palace, while the other door led deeper into the Demon Palace. Unfortunately, the map they had obtained from the Demonic Tune did not include the lowest level of the palace, which seemed to be where the powerful energy fluctuations were coming from.

General Dresden had sharp eyes, and he said in a deep voice after a quick glance at everyone’s faces, “From my experience, there must definitely be Demonic Eggs hidden here in this Demon Palace, and the son of Flame Soul must have been reborn through those Demonic Eggs.

“Scanners indicate strong energy signals below, so there might not be only one Demonic Egg. After the son of Flame Soul awakens, something else hidden underground here might also recover. What we need to do is fight it and kill it in one fell swoop, while it is still awakening and before it recovers to its full strength.

“That thing could very well be the brother or comrade of the son of Flame Soul, or it could be the Flame Soul himself. But no matter what, this is a good opportunity for you to contribute right now. If you hope to be like me one day, a name that will be recorded into the annals of history, then you better seize this opportunity you are given today.

“As for Nikai, everyone be rest assured. From what I’ve experienced, the so-called traps and self-destruction devices are concentrated on the upper level of the Demon Palace, and we’ve currently at the middle level. No matter how intense the battle in the lower level will be, it will not cause a devastating disaster. As long as we can accomplish this task quickly, Nikai’s safety will also be guaranteed.”

The warriors were all invigorated after hearing Dresden’s words. Killing the Demonic Dragon, making contributions, and having their names recorded into history! These were the dreams that many warriors had, even Dongfang He and Jia Yuntian. Though they were worried for Nikai, they also felt that killing the Demonic Dragon and then saving her would be the right choice.


An intricate probe was stuffed under the door. It was directly connected to a display crystal, allowing everyone to see the scene behind the door.

What they saw beyond was a group of creatures that looked like zombies. Their skin was as hard as rock and their eyes were completely black. However, they walked like humans, and each had a long sword made from white bones strapped to their back. The white spines were connected to one another, carrying a thick scent of blood that made people shudder.

“It’s the White Bone Regiment! They’ve been reformed!”

Dresden nodded, “Before an Emperor creature awakens, the White Bone Regiment will awaken in advance so as to protect their master. If I’m not mistaken, we will meet many more undead warriors with the white bone swords strapped to their backs ahead. We’ll need to make short work of these things, and then head straight into the main hall where the Emperor-rank creature is in the process of recovery.”

“Let me do it!”

“General, I can accomplish this task!”

The warriors were all raring to go. Nevertheless, Dresden had directed his gaze toward Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha.

“If you wish to be under my command, you’ll first have to prove your strength. Do either of you have the guts?”

Traveling Buddha tilted his head and proudly declared, “There’s no need for this young master to prove his strength!”

But it was too bad that Traveling Buddha’s biggest weakness in his life was Xia Fan. He had no friends beside Xia Fan, and even his relationship with his father was not the best. That was why he had a very strong sense of dependency to ward off others. No matter what Xia Fan did, Traveling Buddha would also follow without a moment’s thought!

“General, leave them to us,” Xia Fan said with a slight chuckle, revealing that signature radiant smile of his.

Dresden used his amazing ability so everyone could recover to normal. Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha limbered up and stretched. Upon ascertaining that nothing was off, they began to lean on the door and got another two warriors to hold the door handles. As long as they exerted strength, the door would open and Xia Fan would be able to charge right in with Traveling Buddha.

“Begin!” Dresden ordered, and the two warriors pulled open the heavy alloy doors on both sides.

Just as the doors cracked open a little, Xia Fan grabbed Traveling Buddha and with astounding speed, they disappeared into the darkness, while the other two warriors promptly shut the doors behind them.

Through their probe, everyone watched as XIa Fan and Traveling Buddha did not promptly launch an attack, but very cleverly hid themselves in a corner. About a hundred meters away from them was the patrolling White Bone Regiment. They had sensed something was amiss and were glancing about.

“The two of them aren’t bad. The White Bone Regiment are scattered, so choosing to first observe then deciding the best path of attack would be the best strategy to resolve this battle in the shortest time!” General Dresden nodded with approval.

“General, I don’t quite understand. Why didn’t we attack together, but instead send just Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha to deal with the regiment by themselves?” Dongfang He asked.

Seeing that it was the young master of his close friends in the Dongfang Clan asking this question, the general’s gaze softened slightly and spoke in a tone like he was educating the younger generation, “Because we have no idea to what degree the King-ranked creature has awakened!”

“If the King-ranked creature has already awakened, then what Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha do will draw him out. We can secretly watch them fight, and decide our tactics before actually engaging in the fight. This way we won’t be caught off guard when we do battle.

“If Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha slay the White Bone Regiment and there’s no reaction from the King-ranked creature, that means he has not completely awakened, which means it is the best time for us to strike!”

Everyone was shocked. It sounded as if Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha had been treated like bait!

Dongfang He had always regarded himself as a future king, and always did things openly and uprightly. He was not a fan of Dresden’s method of using Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha in such a manner, because the old general did not choose his bait according to their abilities, but by their heritage. The Demonslayer Clans were like nobles, and Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha were from humble backgrounds, making them the perfect sacrificial pawns.

“General, Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha are making their move!” the warrior in charge of observing called out.

“Damn, so fast!”

“They.. just how did they do it?!”

“Are those two even human?!”

Everyone was amazed. They saw Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha suddenly bolt out from the corner and with unmatched ferocity, Traveling Buddha’s body of golden light instantly flooded the darkness and drew the attention of all the White Bone Regiment.


A hardened fist was thrown, wrapped in surging holy power, and smashed the nearest White Bone Warrior into smithereens. Broken bones and flesh twisted in the air and exploded, completely destroyed!

Traveling Buddha’s entire body swelled as golden light burst forth, making him look even more thickset, like a golden monster.

The birth of a War Buddha, and golden light shall decimate everything around! Traveling Buddha’s combat strength was undoubtedly unparalleled, able to withstand ten thousand thunderbolts!

But that was not the most frightening display. What was the scariest was the one beside Traveling Buddha. There was a ghostly phantom that shuttled past at astonishing speeds. It was a speed that broke ten, twenty, thirty thousand meters per second, before ultimately transforming into black blurry lightning. Corpses were strewn all over wherever it passed, and countless White Bone Regiment soldiers went flying everywhere, heads separated from their bodies, beheaded without even realizing how they were killed.

Traveling Buddha and Xia Fan were undoubtedly experts among experts, but if their respective strengths were added together like this, they would immediately break all metrics and effectively became a devastating force to be reckoned with!

Everyone often said that pairing two suitable warriors together could create an effect greater than one plus one equal two. Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha together was more like one plus one equal a hundred!

It was perfect! A breathtakingly perfect combination!

A golden light had descended upon the land, together with a phantom that flitted about like lightning in an unstoppable torrent. They crazily pushed forward, leaving nothing in their wake!

In just a blink of an eye, Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha managed to push into the lower level of the Demon Palace in that manner, but it was like they did not have the notion of retreat in their minds. All they did was attack, attack, and continue attacking! They continued until the entire level Demon Palace was over and emptied out!

“Not good! Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha have killed too far in!”

“They aren’t being bait at all. They are two blades that have already killed their way into the Great Hall of the awakened King-ranked creature!”

“Oh my gosh! They have even thrown the doors to the halls open… They are charging in to find the King-ranked creature!”

General Dresden was livid. He could already imagine what was going to happen next…

“How could you two have killed your way to the King-ranked creature in one go?!”

Traveling Buddha rolling his eyes at the old general nonchalantly, replying, “You didn’t say we couldn’t!”

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