Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1238 - King Fog Snake!

Chapter 1238: King Fog Snake!

Radix was taken aback at the words. He looked down and saw that all the Fiend Race weapons inside the chest really did have the very same small mark, seemingly that of a wing.

“They do have a mark, but what does that mean?” Radix asked curiously.

Xia Fei replied, “It’s very simple. It means that these soul weapons come from the same batch, very possibly even from the same Spiritualist. Look closely. The soul weapons are brand-new and show no signs of being used, completely different from the ones that we saw in the Fiend Race warehouse. This means that these soul weapons were only just taken out of the storehouse.

“There are rumors going around that someone has found some Fiend Race ruins and gained an entire set of soul weapons from it. It seems like the rumors are true. We managed to get our hands on some, but only a small part of it.

“Yuntian definitely knows the truth! Even if I don’t care about the internal affairs of the Bluebloods, how can I just ignore these Fiend Race ruins? I’ve been thinking about how to use Fiend Tears all this time, and I might find something if I looked around a place where the Fiend Race lived. Thus, I must get my hands on Yuntian and make him cough up whatever he knows!”

Radix understood. Xia Fei was so determined entirely because of the Fiend Race soul weapons. He wanted to get the truth from Yuntian and didn’t care about anything else.

He waited for a little longer, after which Merry walked out dejectedly, saying, “They say that Yuntian isn’t here.”

“Not here!” Xia Fei immediately scowled. It had only been ten minutes. They were clearly just making excuses! “I guess they won’t cry until they see the coffin!” Xia Fei narrowed his eyes and grunted.

Inside the Fog Fortress, Cebu Patriarch Yun Zahir sent off Merry and then quickly summoned Yuntian to his study. Xia Fei had torn off Yuntian’s outer layer, leaving him only with his soulgem, which had fled hastily back to the Fog Fortress. Yun Zahir naturally knew everything.

“Kneel,” Yun Zahir ordered coldly.

Yuntian dared not oppose his father, immediately kneeling and dropping his head with athump.

“Let me ask you, why are the Zadin looking for you? Are you involved in some sort of shady business!?” Yun Zahir asked icily.


“The Zadin have always been bullies! I’ve never offended him, and I have no idea where he found such a formidable human Spiritualist. Not only did he beat me, he destroyed our clan’s store in the city and killed our employees!

“Father, you have to set things right! I’ve never done anything that would wrong the clan! It’s all the fault of the Zadin Clan!” Yuntian professed his innocence.

Yuntian was in a very strange state. As an Azure Soulgem, he was in a form where no one could see the look on his face, yet his father could clearly see everything, and he knew that Yuntian was feeling guilty.

Yun Zahir was startled. As the saying went, no one knew the son more than the father. It was clear from Yuntian’s behavior that he had done something illegal, or else he wouldn’t be so nervous.

The Zadin were the most prominent clan of the Bluebloods, and while nobody liked them and were on their guard against them, the Zadin were tactful and focused only on the affairs of the Annihilator Universe, rarely asking about other affairs down below. If he didn’t have sufficient reason, Merry would not have come in the name of the Zadin to ask for Yuntian.

Yun Zahir’s face softened at this thought, and he said indifferently, “Our Cebu Clan guards the dark space, and while we haven’t done anything particularly meritorious, we have at least been diligent in our duties. No one can just bully us around, but you have to tell me the truth. I don’t care if you lie to others, but if you lie to me… hmph! Then I don’t have a son!”

These words were very clear. He naturally wanted to protect his son, but that was only if his son wasn’t lying to him.

Yuntian was seemingly convinced, and he clenched his teeth and began to talk.

At this moment, someone suddenly reported that Xia Fei was trying to break into the Fog Fortress and was battling with the Fog Snakes! The patriarch’s decision was being sought.

Yun Zahir was startled. He loudly said, “What’s gotten into this human that he dares to mess around in the territory of the Bluebloods!? So what if he’s a Spiritualist!? Do we Bluebloods not have Spiritualists!? He’s pushing us too far! Activate the Cloud Snake Fog Metropolis Formation! Don’t let this human in! I will let this reckless human know that it is the Bluebloods who are the strongest! No one can break the Fog Fortress!”

The subordinate left with his orders. Yun Zahir turned to Yuntian and sternly said, “Why is a human trying to push into our Fog Fortress!? You must have left him some evidence! Talk! What did you do!?”

Xia Fei had never been easy to deal with. The moment he heard that the other party was not handing over the criminal, he immediately led Furball and Little Goldie in a charge.

The Fog Fortress was famous, and it was not for no reason that the Bluebloods had tasked this clan with guarding dark space. If Xia Fei wanted to break in, the large number of Fog Snakes outside would be the first to disagree. They quickly assembled and began to battle Xia Fei.

The Fog Snakes had a status similar to demon chrysalises in the Law Realm, being top-tier combat beasts of dark space. Moreover, this was their base, and when it came to numbers and combat power, they were far above that group that Xia Fei had massacred earlier.

The Fog Snakes also had sensory organs akin to whale spouts all across their bodies. When these spouts opened, they released a very thick fog. This fog would rob ordinary warriors of their vision while leaving the Fog Snakes completely unaffected.

When Xia Fei attacked, it was with the intent to kill!

Large swaths of the snake horde were slain, Xia Fei tearing a bloody path through them to the Fog Fortress!

Suddenly, multiple passages opened from the Fog Fortress, countless more snakes slithering out of them. These snakes were clearly different from those outside. They had rainbow skins and were also much larger, some even several kilometers in length!

Moreover, these snakes also had crown-like protrusions growing from the tops of their heads.


Little Goldie was the first to roar. These snakes outside had been instinctively afraid of Little Goldie, only daring to attack him with their numbers. But these new snakes were different. They were more than willing to challenge Little Goldie!

The rasping sounds the snakes made seemed to be saying, “You are a foreign dark space king, and this is our territory! We are not afraid of you!”

There were thousands of snakes, a terrifying number!

Just when Xia Fei was about to lead Furball and the others in a charge, Merry shouted, “Sir, fall back! These are King Fog Snakes! They’re venomous!”

“Venomous!?” Xia Fei was startled. He had studied pharmacology, so he knew how powerful several thousand snakes releasing their venom in unison would be.

Just when he was wondering if the antidotes he had on hand would work, he saw these snakes making weird movements. The several thousand snakes coiled together into a giant chain that completely blocked the Fog Fortress, turning it from a regular fortress into a snake fortress!

One second later, all of the snakes turned to Xia Fei.

With a great bang, the protrusions on their heads fired off like cannons! They flew through the air like rockets, leaving behind long trails of smoke!

“Fall back!” Xia Fei shouted, after which he threw the Fiendish Blade Nirvana into the poisonous fog. The fiend blade was made of metal and Radix was a soul, neither of them fearing poison.


Xia Fei retreated swiftly, grabbing Furball, Little Goldie, and Merry and pulling them back with him. He instantly brought them to a safe area, but the Fog Fortress now had a dual layer of protection in the snakes and the poisonous fog! The land of fog and snakes was truly bizarre!

“Sir, the Fog Fortress and the Cebu Clan haven’t been able to occupy dark space for the Bluebloods for so long for no reason. What you’re seeing is their Cloud Snake Fog Metropolis Formation, one of their ultimate techniques. The Cebu Clan actually doesn’t completely rely on the Fog Snakes to rule dark space. They rely more on this poisonous fog!” Merry said with more than a trace of fear.

This was truly a rather frightening situation. One could hear the sound of slithering coming from within the black fog. It was truly enough to give one goosebumps.

Xia Fei said nothing, and the Nirvana Fiend Blade quickly returned to his side.

“It’ll be tough. This isn’t a normal poisonous fog. It can also corrode metal and armor,” Radix said with a shake of his head. He knew that Xia Fei had let him take a trip in the poisonous fog to gather information and see if Xia Fei’s pharmacological skills were enough to break through the fog.”

Xia Fei took out a set of chemical extraction equipment, removed a little poison from Nirvana’s surface, and then placed it in the equipment to test it. As the composition of the poison was analyzed, Xia Fei’s face turned grave.

Xia Fei grit his teeth and said, “This isn’t snake venom at all!”

Merry curiously asked, “How could the poisonous mist released from the bodies of the King Fog Snakes not be snake venom? What is it, then?”

Xia Fei glanced at the black mass in the distance and then said, “A powerful artificially-produced corrosive substance. Besides that, it’s mixed together with highly-filtered poison, making it both very poisonous and even more corrosive!”

Radix shrugged. “So you’re saying that you don’t have a way to deal with it?”

Xia Fei sighed. “The poison molecules are extremely small, such that they’re able to get through the filtration systems of armor suits. It seems that forcing our way in won’t work. But this doesn’t mean that I don’t have any way at all. If we had a soul cannon, we could flatten that accursed fortress!”

If close combat was no good, then use long-range attacks! Xia Fei understood this principle well. He simply needed to withdraw far enough that the poisonous mist couldn’t hurt him.

Alas, Xia Fei didn’t have any long-range soul cannons. He was a speed warrior, so he normally relied on close combat!.

Back then, Xia Fei had combined the Azure Dragon Soul Meteor and White Tiger Soul Meteor into a powerful long-range cannon that had garnered some incredible results, but alas, that super-long-range cannon had been destroyed, and had used Origin Crystals as energy. It was hard to say if it would work against Founders.

Xia Fei was wondering whether he should go back and get a soul cannon to blast down the fortress when Merry absently muttered, “Doesn’t Sir have a top-class soul cannon? Do you still think it’s not enough?”

Merry abruptly realized what he was saying and quickly covered his mouth.

“Say that again!?” Xia Fei looked at Merry suspiciously, wondering to himself, I have a soul cannon? When? How did I not know?

“It’s nothing, really, nothing at all,” Merry quickly tried to cover for himself. No matter what wrongs the Cebu Clan had committed, they were still Bluebloods, part of Merry’s race. Merry would not fare well if Xia Fei really did blast apart the Fog Fortress.


Nirvana pushed up against Merry’s neck!

“If you don’t talk, I’ll kill you!” Xia Fei declared coldly, the sharpness in his eyes making Merry shiver.

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