Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 724 - Girl, Do You Need Strength?

Chapter 724: Girl, Do You Need Strength?

Today, Claire had personally participated in two large-scale gun battles, and her mentality had changed.

When Robert and Luke massacred the Carlos family’s fifty armed bandits in Shackelford, she had naturally heard of it.

But Luke hadn’t wanted to tell her what happened that night. He would always dismiss her with a few words.

Claire could only pester Robert.

Robert loved Claire very much. After all, she was his only daughter.

He didn’t go into detail, but under the little monkey’s persistent questions, he roughly described what happened that night.

Since then, Claire understood that even in a peaceful town like Shackelford, being a police officer was a dangerous job.

With the two gunfights today, what she had only ever heard about turned into something she saw with her own eyes.

The only difference was that the people who rescued her weren’t good partners like in the movies or on TV, but two superheroes.

They fought the armed robbers like kids fighting dolls.

It was very cool, but the situation was far less dangerous than what Robert had told her.

Claire was wearing Luke’s special bulletproof vest, which even gave her the illusion that apart from their ability to fly, the only difference between her and them was perhaps… the helmet?

Given the chaos, Claire inevitably encountered danger.

When they saw that a bunch of hooligans had gotten hold of a flustered young woman and were trying to drag her away, Claire and Karen rushed over without hesitation.

When they raised their guns and shouted “LAPD,” the seven or eight guns that came up were a warning to them that Los Angeles at night wasn’t the same.

Right now, Los Angeles was the criminals and thugs’ home turf.

Claire, who was standing in front, reacted quickly. She immediately grabbed Karen and ducked behind a trash can next to the wall.

Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

The gangsters on the other side fired without hesitation.

It was a chaotic night. It was time for them to do whatever they wanted.

Even if they killed people, nobody would be able to track them down.

The fact that there were only two police officers on the other side made them even braver.

Crouching in a corner, Karen couldn’t help but cry out when she heard the trash can rattle. “Are we going to be killed? I don’t want to be disfigured.”

Claire rolled her eyes. “They have a hostage. We can’t shoot randomly. Also, if you’re killed and your face isn’t disfigured, are you sure they won’t do something even more disgusting?”

Karen shuddered. “B- but I don’t want to die, and I don’t want to be disfigured.”

“Then shut up and curl in on yourself so that you don’t get hit by a stray bullet.” As the monkey spoke, she deftly stuck out a mirror for a look. “The issue now isn’t about saving the hostage, but that they’re not running away and are closing in on us.”

Karen’s gun trembled. “Then, what should we do?”

The other side had more guns and a hostage. Things didn’t look good for them.

Claire stuck out her gun and recalled the key points of mirror shooting which Luke had explained to her. After a brief calculation, she pulled the trigger.

She had to decisively stop them from approaching, or they were doomed.

Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

The first two shots were for testing the trajectory of the bullets, and the last three shots were for real.

A criminal screamed and fell, clutching his crotch.

The criminals shouted, “Ah, Black Dog was hit!”

“Damn, his bird’s gone.”

“Kill those two b*tches!”

Looking at the criminals who were closing in on her through the mirror, Claire didn’t panic. Instead, she was unusually calm.

Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

“Ah!” Shot three times in the chest, a second criminal fell.

The criminals were shocked. What kind of marksmanship was that? Two people hit after two rounds? Had they run into a tough enemy?

“Boss, use this,” one of the criminals shouted.

Claire cursed inwardly when she saw what the other party took out.

The two criminals behind them were carrying AK rifles.

The metal trash can could only just block bullets from a regular pistol, but wouldn’t be able to stop a rifle bullet with a strong penetrative force.

Although both of them were wearing bulletproof vests, Claire’s head wasn’t bulletproof, and Karen’s bulletproof vest only covered her vitals. It was equally dangerous for them to retreat.

What should she do? She grew anxious.

“Girl, do you need strength? Call my name!” A deep voice rang out in her head.

Claire asked, “What the hell?”

“Apologize! I’m not from hell! Also, just talk to me in your head. You don’t have to say it out loud,” the deep voice that sounded like a demon king from a game instantly roared angrily.

Claire: …Okay, sorry, what are you?

“Say my name, and I’ll give you strength!” the deep voice continued.

Claire: Then you have to tell me your name first.

A deep voice said, “Er… Glutton!”

Claire: Er-Glutton!

“Stupid… that ‘Er’ isn’t in my name!” The voice sounded exasperated.

Claire couldn’t help but curse. “WTF!”

“Apologize! Don’t you dare curse at me!” The deep voice was unhappy again.

Sorry, but can you hurry up? Haven’t I already called your name? Claire roared inwardly.

“You didn’t say it right! Say it again! Repeat after me — Glutton!” The deep voice was very persistent.

Claire’s chest hurt with anger, but she could only recite: Glutton!

“You already have my strength. Fight, girl chosen by fate!” said the deep voice.

Claire was dumbfounded. Wait! What kind of strength is that? Why don’t I feel anything?

“Stu… girl! Relax and don’t resist,” the deep voice scolded.

Claire suddenly felt her hand raising her gun.

She exclaimed and tried to control it.

“Idio… Girl, that’s my power. Don’t resist it.” The deep voice almost cursed again, but like earlier, it didn’t dare.

Claire’s mind whirled, but in the end, she still chose to comply. After all, she didn’t have any good solutions right now, and it was too late to call for Luke.

Under her gaze, her right hand stretched the gun out smoothly.

Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

Without even making a sound, five criminals fell to the ground with headshots and died on the spot.

“Girl, you can go and clean up the battlefield now,” said the deep voice.

Claire, on the other hand, was still looking at the mirror in shock.

She had only been able to see her right hand just now and couldn’t see the five criminals at all, so she couldn’t aim.

In the end, all five of them were shot, and they all collapsed.

A few seconds later, she came back to herself and gestured at Karen in tactical sign language. The two of them covered each other and slowly approached the bodies of the criminals.

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