Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 565 - Transformation of the Ruins and Impending Danger

Chapter 565 Transformation of the Ruins and Impending Danger

As they spoke, they had already walked deep into the ice cave, and saw a dark building looming quietly in the middle of an enormous underground space.

The gigantic building was made exclusively of black rock. There were complicated carvings everywhere of various patterns and designs, and included figures and objects.

Old, profound, weathered and exquisite – this was the feeling that this magnificent building gave off.

Climbing the enormous stairs made from the black rock, Luke said in amazement, ‘This discovery will shock the world, won’t it?”

Neither of his companions said anything. They clearly thought so too.

He thought for a moment before he asked, “This thing looks like a pyramid, right?”

Stafford was the one who replied, “Yes. According to the specialists, it contains elements of the Aztec pyramids and of those in Cambodia and Egypt. This might be the very first pyramid.”

Luke understood what he meant.

He was implying that the other pyramids were simply copies of this pyramid.

Very soon, all three of them reached the top of the stairs and saw the magnificent stone entrance there.

Reading a prompt left on an apparatus next to the passage, Stafford said, “The exploration team has already gone down into the ruins and are at the core of the building complex. They’re now exploring the place. We have to hurry up and join them.”

Luke nodded.

Stafford and Weyland had just entered, but the exploration team was already in the heart of the ruins.

Without their bosses around, it was hard to say if they would do anything funny.

Luke, Weyland and Stafford moved more quickly as they made their way downward.

At that moment, Weyland realized that it was a good thing that he had hired Luke.

Luke was very strong. He could still move quickly while holding the buckle on Weyland’s back and taking half of his weight.

Weyland didn’t even have to use much energy. He only needed to take light steps.

He didn’t know that as per Luke’s usual practice, Luke was only using strength that was within a normal person’s range; otherwise, he could run while carrying both Weyland and Stafford.

After they went a hundred meters down through the twisting tunnel, the entire palace suddenly began to tremble.

Luke frowned.

It wasn’t an earthquake. His strong attributes gave him keen senses. From the vibration, he could tell that it wasn’t an earthquake.

Suddenly, a heavy stone gate behind them fell with a bang and blocked the way they had come from.

Part of the stone wall on the side also started to protrude out.

Luke grabbed Stafford who was walking in the lead and pulled him back.

Several seconds later, the way ahead was also blocked by the wall protrusion, but an opening had appeared on one side.

Luke waited for a moment, before he asked, “Stafford, does your navigation device still work?”

Stafford looked at his watch and compared it with the data on another device before he shook his head. “No, the map produced by members of the exploration team doesn’t match our current coordinates. It’s useless now, thanks to this change in the ruins.”

Luke: “What about your communication equipment? Can you contact the exploration team?”

Stafford activated the walkie-talkie on his shoulder and fiddled with it for a moment before he shook his head again. “No signal. There are too many obstacles here.”

Luke looked at Weyland. “Mr. Weyland, do we move on, or do we quit? It’s your call.”

The shake and the subsequent transformation of the ruins had significantly increased the risks of this operation. Luke had to make sure.

Pondering for a moment, Weyland said, “Let’s move on.”

Luke wasn’t surprised by Weyland’s choice.

A dying man often thought differently from a regular person.

Actually, Luke was curious about the underground ruins as well.

As for the risks? There was no place that was absolutely safe in this world. Chances were that an alien fleet would come to conquer Earth one day.

They entered the tunnel that had just appeared and walked for a few minutes. Then, Luke suddenly stopped and shushed his companions.

From a crack on the side, they could hear the faint sounds of screams and gunshots.

These were echoes from a location further away.

Luke listened calmly, and after the sounds faded, said softly, “At least five men opened fire, and the screams were from five to seven people.”

Weyland frowned and made a decision a moment later. “Let’s go and take a look. If we can help them…”

Luke nodded slightly. “I’ll help if I can, but I can’t guarantee that I’ll be of much use.”

Weyland didn’t say anything else.

If Luke had talked big with the situation still being unclear, Weyland conversely would have been doubtful.

After the transformation of the ruins, the previously broad tunnel was now narrow and twisted.

Luke had received a cutting-edge multifunction watch as part of the standard equipment for the exploration team. It could display a lot of information and record their coordinates.

He looked at the watch and said, “We’ve been going around in circles. We’re moving too slow. It’s hard to tell when we’ll reach the central area.”

Stafford asked, “What do you suggest?” Luke heaved a sigh. “I’ll carry Mr. Weyland and take the lead. Follow us at a range of two meters and don’t fall too far behind.”

He put Weyland on his back as he spoke. “From now on, please try to stay quiet and don’t say anything unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

Both of them simply nodded silently.

Without Weyland slowing them down, the three of them immediately moved much more quickly.

Luke wasn’t especially fast as he moved through the tunnel, but he barely hesitated.

He merely slowed down briefly at each fork to determine the right direction. Then, he would press on again quickly.

Stafford checked their position, direction and speed on his multifunction watch as well. He couldn’t help but feel amazed.

If they had maintained their slow pace from the beginning, they would be lucky to make it out of the ruins by midnight.

But now, it would probably only take them an hour or two to reach the central area at the bottom and return, provided that there were no mishaps.

Of course, that was impossible.

A mishap had already happened, and the underground ruins were starting to act up mysteriously.

The substantial transformation of the underground palace was very hard to accomplish, even with modern technology.

Yet tests had shown that these ruins were thousands of years old at the very least. It was truly incredible.

After running for a few minutes, Luke paused again and raised his left hand for them to stop. He frowned.

Neither Weyland nor Stafford said anything.

Luke closed his eyes and fully activated Sharp Nose.

The thick smell of blood, mixed with a strange sour and fishy smell, came from further down the tunnel.

But there was nobody and nothing there.

What made Luke even more wary was that the smell of blood and that strange odor came from more than one place.

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