Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1567 - Satisfy Your Request, and Send You to Heaven

Chapter 1567 Satisfy Your Request, and Send You to Heaven

A fierce light flashed in the Enchantress’s eyes. “Talk more while your mouth is still intact; you won’t have the chance to use it later.”

“Huh? Do you like being scolded?” Luke was surprised. “I’ve never heard such a strange request before.” He coughed and said, “Then listen carefully: B*tch, b*tch, b*tch~~”.

After a brief silence, the Enchantress gnashed her teeth. “You and that Bat are indeed the same. I was going to let you live a little longer, but you can go to hell now! Little brother, kill him.”

Actually, Luke and the Enchantress had their own motives for the byplay.

The Enchantress was trying to buy time to complete her weapon; killing her opponent then would be a piece of cake.

Luke’s initial plan had also been to buy time, but the Enchantress’s actions made him suspicious.

If it was something the enemy wanted, he definitely had to destroy it.

Although it was unlikely that he could take care of the siblings on his own, he couldn’t let the Enchantress hide and cause trouble.

So, he decisively did what the Enchantress wanted, and delivered a critical triple hit.

At the Enchantress’s order, the Warlock, who was ten meters away, exerted strength and charged forward.

He was so fast that he turned into a dark orange afterimage and instantly appeared in front of Luke to kick him.

Luke swiftly stepped back.

Two silver rods appeared in his hands and, like magic, turned into two long whips.

Like a viper that had come to life, a long whip lashed out at the Warlock.

Since Luke didn’t have the absolute advantage in strength, he had to bring the strength of his opponents down to the same level.

With a crack, blue and white electricity sparked on the whip.

The other whip spun and generated a strong electromagnetic force to deflect the Warlock’s kick as both people were pushed back in two different directions.

A red light flashed in the Warlock’s eyes, and he threw out thick tentacles at Luke.

He didn’t care about the other whip that was coiled around him at all.

The next moment, the Warlock was sent flying.


The tentacles weren’t able to hit Luke either. Instead, they were deflected.

At the same time, the whip around the Warlock exerted a huge repulsion force.

With the added push from the whips, the force of the Warlock’s failed attack sent him flying through the roof of the station.

Luke charged after him. The long whips in his hands didn’t stop moving, and the electromagnetic force around the wizard increased.

Of course, Luke couldn’t fight this guy at the station.

The Warlock didn’t care about human life or death, and could devour the civilians to recover his strength at any time, while Luke had to do his best to keep the thousands of civilians alive.

Also, with the Warlock around, his teammates themselves may not be injured in person, but the special androids might be swiftly destroyed.

Luke didn’t have many of them.

Except for him and Selina, the others only had one each.

He had a lot of the original robots, but they would be useless against the Warlock.

The best solution was to get rid of this guy.

This was also the plan he had just discussed with Frank.

Frank saw two figures fly out from the top of the station in a huge arc.

Luke also signaled “clear” on the internal comms.

“Attack at full speed.” Frank immediately gave the order to the other members of the team. “Head right for the central station and rescue the civilians there first.”

Everybody moved quickly.

Only the Dark Knight and Selina were slightly slower and fell behind in the firepower support units.

But that wasn’t a problem.

The tanks fired at full force and quickly eliminated the humanoid monsters in the area to ensure that they couldn’t stop the team members from advancing.

It took less than ten seconds for the special androids to cover a distance of less than a kilometer.

A guided missile arrived on time and hit the northeast corner of the station at an angle.

The missile exploded with a loud bang, and the enormous shock wave sent a large part of the wall flying dozens of meters away from the station.

A hole seven to eight meters wide appeared in front of the team.

Angel didn’t stop as she stuck close to the ground and rammed into a dozen humanoid monsters and sent them flying as she charged into the station.

Alice followed her.

Frank then arrived, but didn’t follow them in. Instead, he waited for a moment.

At that moment, the tanks trundled over.

Selina didn’t stop and simply charged in as the tank made the hole bigger.

The Dark Knight, however, got out of the tank and jumped through the hole

Frank, who was waiting on the side, immediately jumped up into the tank. At the same time, he ordered, “System link.”

Several wires instantly connected to ports on his armor, and his suit was locked in place.

The humanoid monsters who had been caught off guard by the surprise attack finally came back to their senses.

Most of them had been escorting the residents, and thus escaped the earlier barrage from the tanks.

They reacted quickly. Some of them charged into the station, while the others surrounded Frank.

Frank’s expression was the same as ever as he quickly inputted instructions into the firepower support unit’s interface with his left hand.

He fired the assault rifle that was in his right hand and took down the guys that had been the fastest to react.

The clip was empty. Frank tossed the gun away and gripped the control handle with both hands.

At that moment, the humanoid monsters pressing forward were just over ten meters away.

In less than a second, the tank would be buried under the swarm.

When Frank gripped the control with both hands, red targets locked onto all the humanoid monsters on the light blue virtual screen.

With a thought, the tank retreated nimbly in a direction without any monsters.

The twin autocannons on the tank also instantly switched directions.

Thump thump thump thump thump thump!

These fierce humanoid monsters were no different from ordinary humans in the face of 20mm-caliber bullets.

They exploded like balloons filled with black dye, sending black fluid and broken parts flying everywhere.

In just a few seconds, the ground around the station turned into a wild jungle with black flower blossoms.

The humanoid monsters that had charged forward too quickly were turned into sludge.

A number of them still charged over, but they no longer had the overwhelming air of locusts.

As Frank cleared the area outside the station, the people inside were already fighting.

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