Chapter 685 The Worst Time
All over the world, different news channels were replaying Mark’s speech during the memorial service, and the citizens of the world were all having varying reactions to Mark’s declaration of war on the anima and his warning about a Syndicate. Many of them, especially those who lived in areas with very little anima appearance, found it funny and silly and simply ignored it since they couldn’t believe that there was any form of danger that was coming for them. So Mark was trying to say that there was an organization of intelligent anima working toward the eradication of humans?
That was the stupidest thing they had ever heard. Everyone knew that the anima were products of the same mana that gave the humans their powers! If anyone was to blame for the anima appearance, then it was the gods themselves!
But there were others that didn’t see it as funny at all! The citizens of America, China, and other countries with high anima appearances knew that the number of anima showing up lately had increased significantly over the past few months, and there was a very high likelihood that what Mark was saying was right!
By the next day, the Syndicate had become a common name in America as people started to speculate about what they could be and what their intentions were. Internet podcasters and journalists all desperately tried to get more information out of Mark, but Mark had returned to his normal self and he was not interested in honoring any of the invitations for an interview.
Mark, Luna, and Arit had retreated to Luna’s estate, where they stayed for most of their time, and they only came out when there was an anima attack they needed to handle, or if Pat called on Mark and asked him to come over for a situation that needed his attention.
Just like Mark had announced, Pat started to look into guilds overseas as well as the sort of anima activities that were present there, and he began to draw out a map of all the places in the world that had the highest amount of anima activities. In order to do this, Pat had to use the Mana Detection System and bounce the signal from the system off the cameras from some of the other satellites in the regions he was searching through. It was very delicate work, and Pat had to make sure he didn’t leave any trace of what he was doing because of how dangerous the MDS was in the hands of any other organization.
Grace, Luna’s employee who was now working with Pat, almost went crazy when she saw the MDS in action for the first time! The mere fact that it was something Pat made in less than two weeks all on his own only cemented Pat’s position as one of the most intelligent people on the planet to her, and made her even more desperate to try and beat him! But in her eyes, it was a task that seemed impossible!
The MDS was a stroke of genius unlike anything she had ever seen before, and when Pat finished explaining everything that it did to her and how it worked, she was stunned to realize that she didn’t understand a lot of it! There was biology, chemistry, programming, geography, and even some mechanical and aeronautical engineering present in the working of the MDS! There were just so many things to put together and she couldn’t get it all at once! That had never happened before, and she swore that she would keep studying it until she finally got it all!
When they started working together, there was a big argument between Grace and Pat about who should be the lead in the Vanguard Guild lab, but after hearing what Pat was capable of doing, Grace finally relented and allowed Pat to be the lead of the lab that they were both going to be working in together. Grace was the older one of both of them and she had stated that as the elder, she should be the lead with Pat as her assistant, but Pat’s sheer genius was able to subdue that desire and she didn’t see it as a big deal anymore to be working under him.
Mark was sitting in Luna’s living room, staring at the television in front of him with a faraway look in his eyes. On the inside, Mark was trying to reach out to Sozin again.
That shitty patron god hadn’t answered any of Mark’s calls since he got the mark from Freya, and Mark was getting pissed because he knew that Sozin could hear him! The bastard just didn’t want to answer him for some fucking reason! Stay connected via My Virtual Library Empire
“Sozin! Answer me, goddammit!”
Mark’s brows furrowed into a frown as he shouted in his head, but there was no answer for a while, and Mark sighed as he leaned back in the seat and glared at the ceiling. Mark decided that if Sozin didn’t want to talk to him, then he would just leave the bastard alone and focus on his work for now. There was too much to do, and talking to Sozin was just because Mark had a few questions that he wanted answered. Even if Mark didn’t talk to him now, there was still some time to get answers. And Mark could always just talk to another god if he ever got a chance to.
Ring~ Ring~
Mark’s phone rang, and he picked it up from the table in front of him to see that it was Luna calling. Mark picked up the call and asked Luna what was going on.
[Hey, babe. Can you come down to the guild? Patrick and Grace said there’s an emergency somewhere and they need to talk to us about it.]
Mark raised a brow.
“What sort of emergency?”
[Something about an anima off the coast of Australia, I think. Grace didn’t really explain it properly over the phone, but Arit and I are on our way there now, so they’ll tell me more about it.]
Mark hummed in understanding. Luna and Arit had gone out together to shop for some clothes and supplies at one of the only malls that was spared from the destruction of the country, and Mark knew that this must be important if they were even cutting their shopping time short just so they could go. Arit and Luna had been looking forward to the shopping trip for a long time now.
Mark was about to say that he was on his way as well, but he suddenly blinked in surprise as he found himself standing in the sky. Many white clouds floated around him, and when he looked down, he saw that he was somehow standing on an invisible platform. Mark looked to the left and his eyes narrowed as he saw Sozin sitting in the air with a shitty grin on his face. This bastard.
“You couldn’t wait five seconds for me to answer her?”
Sozin shrugged like he hadn’t done anything wrong. Mark knew that the bastard had been waiting for just ht right moment when Makr was int eh middle of something important to summon him here. At least he didn’t summon him in the middle of sex or something. Mark would’ve tried to kill Sozin if that happened, patron god or not. Sozin would probably end his life in a second, but that doesn’t mean that Mark wouldn’t try!
Sozin spoke up in that playful tone of his that never failed to piss Mark off!
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re the one that wanted to talk to me, and now that I brought you here, you’re telling me I did something wrong? Just how ungrateful can you be!? You should be thanking me for even bringing you here to answer the request of a lowly mortal such as yourself!”
A/N: Please Vote If You Can!