Strongest Superhuman System

Chapter 643 The Lock In

“Raphaelia, please stop delaying the meeting. And as for your concern about the former demon lord, I think it is safe to say that he does not have any love from the demons anymore and after what they did to him, I doubt he had any love for them either. So he’s the perfect person to stand in as the mediator.”

Raphaelia glanced towards Mark once more and narrowed her eyes at him in suspicion before she finally nodded in agreement to King Richard’s words. She walked back to stand behind the king. The king turned to his left, where Ephraim was still standing calmly, and he saw that Ephraim had gained a small smile as he saw the way the king handled things.

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Ephraim was not happy about them meeting with the demons and trying to strike a new deal for peace and eh was also not happy that the king had come here even though Ephraim warned the King about how dangerous this meeting could be, but seeing the king grow and mature as he handled this situation gave Ephraim a sense of accomplishment that he couldn’t hide. It was obvious to everyone in the Angel Kingdom that the king would grow up to be very wise.

“Well then, if no one has anything else to say, I think it is about time we began.”

Mark spoke up loudly for them to start the meeting, and everyone gained serious expressions as they officially began. The meeting that was about to take place would become a legend in the world of Rosario over the next few years. And as generations looked back on it, they would all remember it as the catalyst that brought about a peaceful coexistence between the Angels and demons.

For the next few decades, all the races of Rosario would refer to this meeting only as ‘The Lock In.’

But for those present during the meeting, there was nothing peaceful or legendary about the meeting. It was a battle of wits and egos that threatened to tear the entire world apart at the seams the longer it drew on.

The meeting started out simply, with both sides presenting their terms to Mark and having them read out to the other side for their consideration. Mark had told them all to write out what they wanted in order for there to be peace, so there was a long list of things written out on large parchments, and the moment Mark laid eyes on it, he adjusted his collar and leaned back with a sigh.

The first shout came from the demons.

“Two hundred thousand acres of land!? Have you gone mad!? Where do you think we will give you so much land!? You won’t even be getting a single grain from the desert!”

And the angels were not far behind as they shouted right back!

“You want the Myriad castle! Ha! How about you ask for the wings off your back!”

“You birds are not getting back the slaves we captured! They attacked us, and we are not giving them up! They are spoils of war!”

“They are prisoners of war, not spoils! You have to give them back to their families!”

Mark interjected here.

“The prisoners are going back to their families no matter what! Both the angels and demons!”

The demons clicked their tongues before shouting again.

“Fine, but we had an agreement about the number of trade routes to leave open! Why are you changing it now!? Are you trying to monopolize the mana stones that grow in the human settlement!? You should be ashamed to call yourself an angel!”

“This island over here belongs to the demons! We are not giving it to you!”

“It’s on neutral ground! We only want to share it!”

“There is no such thing as neutral ground, birds!”

“I want that produce! You already destroyed our fields, and you think you can get away without replenishing it!”

“You burnt down the rice paddies and gave us cholera after poisoning the water supplies! You aren’t getting that produce, not over my dead body!”

It was a madhouse of shouting and yelling that would make anyone go mad! And worst of all, even Mark realized in the middle of the meeting that neither side was particularly wrong. They had all written out sensible requests as well as absurd ones, but even the absurd requests looked sensible when looked upon from a different perspective! A hundred years of war had obviously left many of them in a lot of pain, so they wanted those things to be paid for before they could have peace!

At the twelve-hour point, chairs were brought in for everyone to take a seat after Mark realized that this meeting was not going to be ending anytime soon.

At the twenty-four-hour point, meals were brought in by both the angels and demons, and Mark had to halt the meeting to allow them all to get some refreshments. The child king had fallen asleep sometime after eighteen hours, and he was only waking up now to get something to eat. Mark understood the boy. Honestly, Mark wished he could leave this place and get some sleep too. He hated these fucking people!

At the twenty-five-hour mark, the shouting continued once more.

“What did you say about the Nevada desert!? You want half of it!? You think you haven’t desecrated that land enough after killing our demon lord there!?”

“You killed our king! There is no way we would let that go! The Nevada desert is a link between the port on the east and the human settlement! It is useless for moving goods!”

“Go swallow knives! We’ll never give it to you!”

At the twenty-seven-hour mark, a fight broke out!


“You fucking demons and your bullshit! Don’t you dare talk about my wife like that!”

“Fuck you and your whore wife!”

A demon had hit an angel, and the angel retaliated with his own punch that sent the demon to the ground! The two races quickly came over and tried to separate the fighting men, but some of the demons and angels started to laugh at the situation as things de-escalated quickly.

Mark sighed from his place at the table as he watched everything that was happening. Mark knew that the races were not at odds with each other right then because they weren’t using serious magic, and even their punches were not at full power, so he didn’t feel the need to intervene.

At his left-hand side, Arit had fallen asleep on a chair, and she was resting her head on his shoulder. Mark decided to let her sleep for a while, and he turned back to the fight as he heard the angel call the demon’s wife a whore as well, and Mark chuckled as he heard the demon’s response.

“How did you know my wife was a prostitute!?”

The meeting continued in this manner for a long while as the two races shouted at one another and disregarded conditions while setting up their own conditions for consideration. After a while, Arit woke up and smiled as she saw she had been resting on Mark’s shoulder, and Mark gave her lap a squeeze as he continued watching the proceedings.

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