Strongest Superhuman System

Chapter 498 Fire and Death

Mark dashed in for another clash, but Gunter suddenly shouted in anger as yellow flames surged out from his body!


Mark stopped as he noticed the flames traveling through the air and latching onto everything in the surrounding area.

‘Why is he setting the forest on fire?’

Mark tried to understand what sort of plan Gunter could be coming up with now, but there was nothing he could figure out before Gunter was in front of him again! Gunter started to lash out with a flurry of punches and kicks that were backed by the flames surging all around him!

The trees in the surrounding area burned with a yellow fire that resonated with Gunter’s magic, and Gunter drew from it, using it as a fuel source to increase the intensity of his flames!

Superhumans that had elemental-based blessings were able to figure out something interesting about their abilities. Although the source of their power is their mana, and they would need to burn mana to activate or increase the intensity of their ability, they could prevent the need to use excess mana by surrounding themselves with their element.

A lightning user fighting in a storm would find it easier to draw lightning from the storm rather than using their mana to create it, a water user like Luna fighting beside the ocean would find it easier to draw water from the sea rather than wasting mana to create it, and a fire user like Gunter or Taylor would find it easier to use their ability in a hotter region or near a large flame they could draw from!

So, right now, Gunter was using the fire he spread across the forest to avoid wasting too much mana!

‘Is he already finding it hard to create flames?’

Mark blocked two punches from Gunter and dodged to the side to avoid a third one. His hand blurred into motion as he aimed a punch at Gunter’s exposed midsection, but Gunter managed to avoid it by releasing a massive surge of flames from his body!

The flames slammed into Mark, and his Armor of Ares tried its best to absorb most of the damage, but it ended up getting scorched and burned as the high-intensity flames were too much for it to withstand. The armor was only S-rank, and Gunter’s flames were EPIC-rank. It didn’t even last five seconds against it!

Mark quickly jumped back from the fire when he noticed it getting through the armor. His hair was singed, and smoke was rising from it. There were burn marks on his arm and face. The armor had melted at various parts of his body, leaving him in a tattered and torn outfit.

But Mark didn’t pay it any mind as Gunter flashed forward, and the two of them tore the environment apart as they unleashed blows of unbelievable power on each other!





Each punch would have been enough to kill any S-rank, and they were so heavy that even the air around them imploded in miniature vacuums from the intensity!

Mark’s mind was still racing as he fought, using his backhand to redirect a punch from Gunter before lashing out with a body shot that made Gunter’s entire body vibrate! Gunter slammed his leg down on Mark’s foot and headbutted Mark, making him see stars for a moment!

Gunter delivered two body shots to Mark, but Mark tanked them as he tightened his entire body like a coil and lashed out with his left hand!

[Divergent Fist]!


Gunter didn’t know what warned him at that moment, but he knew that if he allowed this punch to connect, he wouldn’t be able to get back up! Gunter immediately dodged the fist and jumped back, and Mark’s fist only hit air!


A massive shockwave flew out from the fist, shooting into the distance and slamming into a burning tree behind Gunter! The tree was immediately eviscerated into a million pieces, and most of the flames burning in that region were extinguished! The sonic wave didn’t stop! It continued past the flames, taking down three more giant trees before finally losing momentum.

Gunter had never been more grateful for his natural instincts than at that moment!

‘He’s running out of mana.’

This thought suddenly came to Mark in the middle of the fight. His thoughts sped into overdrive as he tried to think of how to use this to his advantage. Gunter wouldn’t have set the forest on fire if he had enough mana to keep creating flames like before and if Gunter had enough mana, then he wouldn’t have even thought about dodging the attack.

He would have tanked it and defended with mana, so that could only mean Gunter was running out of mana!

Mark frowned when Gunter avoided the Divergent Fist, but he didn’t let that stop him as he immediately moved! He lashed out with a kick, and Gunter drew flames from one of the burning trees, allowing them to surround his entire body! Mark had to stop his kick at the last moment and jump back as Gunter sent out a wave of fire that almost burned him! Mark saw Gunter smiling from within the flames.

Gunter thought the fire would be enough to stop Mark from attacking as much as he wanted. Mark’s eyes narrowed, and he flashed forward faster than Gunter could react! Enjoy more content from empire


Mark slammed his fist into Gunter’s midsection, and Mark’s skin sizzled as it was burned by the intense phoenix fire! Mark didn’t even react as he lashed out with his other fist, slamming it into Gunter’s face before Gunter could recover from the shock! Gunter managed to plant his foot to stop himself from flying away and shouted out in anger as he tried to send a surge of fire at Mark!

Mark’s face was still expressionless as he dodged the worst of the flames, planted his foot, and delivered a wicked axe kick that threw Gunter into the distance!

[Critical Hit]!


Gunter flew back more than a kilometer, and Mark followed after the flaming man, allowing his [Healing Aura] to slowly heal his body.

[Mana: 1900/4515]

Mark couldn’t keep the Healing Aura on for too long since it took up a lot of mana every second, but leaving it on for five seconds was enough for his injuries to become ordinary bruises! Mark’s face was set into a hard look as he kept his eyes on the flying Gunter. Mark already figured out what Gunter was trying to do by setting the forest ablaze, so now, Mark knew he had an advantage.

Even though Mark was also low on mana, he only needed one chance to make Gunter lower his guard!

Gunter slammed into the mountainside far in the distance, and before Gunter could even get himself out of the mountain, Mark was there again with his arm pulled back like a fucking executioner! Gunter’s eyes widened, and he immediately dodged to the side!


The entire mountain rumbled as Mark’s punch hit, and a massive crack traveled through the structure, making one side of it begin to fall to the ground in an avalanche! Mark deflected a punch from Gunter, and Gunter frantically lashed out with a wave of fire to make Mark retreat.

Gunter was too stunned at that moment by Mark’s intensity, and he wanted Mark to give him some space, so he would have enough time to get himself back. But Mark didn’t even flinch as he activated his constitution’s innate ability!

[Reversal of Causality: Nullification]!

[Mana: 1700/4515]

Gunter’s fire died out, and Gunter’s eyes widened into something comical! Mark’s mouth was set into a wide grin as his arm blurred into motion!

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