Stealing Spree

Chapter 805 - Dodge

After dropping that kind of question, Auntie Yayoi gave me a sidelong glance, clearly waiting on how I would answer that.

The first thing that flashed in my mind upon hearing that was to reflexively say ‘yes’. Bluntly telling her how far Mina and I had gone with our relationship.

Like most couples, everything started with holding hands, hugging each other, kissing and from there, the intimacy would get more sexual.

As of now, there were only two instances that we’ve gone beyond kisses. Moreover, the first time it happened was inside Edel’s room and we were not alone. It’s more of a lesson; given that it happened after Haruko and I had sex in front of them… The next time was when we were in her room.

No doubt. Auntie Yayoi would be devastated if she learned of those occurrences. She’s probably expecting that if something were to happen, it should be that day Mina stayed overnight in our house.

Anyway, given that this question was something that I feel like I shouldn’t answer truthfully, I settled with an answer that would dodge it completely.

“Uhm… Auntie. It’s not that I don’t want to answer you but… this concerned Mina.”

It might just be me but I suddenly felt Auntie Yayoi’s piercing gaze intensifying. If she could shoot a laser with it, it would already bore a hole in my cheeks.

Perhaps if I turned to face her, she would press me for an answer by saying ‘I’m her mother, Onoda-kun. Don’t I deserve to know about my precious daughter’s relationship?’.

Anyway, that’s just my assumption.

I only kept my eyes on the road, watching the vehicles crossing the intersection.

As for Auntie Yayoi, she didn’t utter a follow-up response and only waited if I would change my answer.

Whether she actually wanted to hear about her daughter’s circumstances or it’s just her way to not have any dead air around us, I had no idea.

Eventually, with the traffic light turning green again, she eventually gave up.

For the rest of the trip, silence reigned over us. Only when she would ask me where to turn the vehicle would she break the silence.

And with that, it didn’t take long for her car to reach the Boxing Gym. Even from afar, I could already see my students from yesterday coming in one by one.

I was a little early today, thanks to not having the hassle of waiting for the train to arrive or the minutes that were being used whenever it would stop at a station.

But because I didn’t want her to know that I wasn’t just a regular gym-goer, I had her stop the car a few blocks away from it.

Well, at this point, I was just avoiding more questions from her. Besides, I’m aware of it if I ever start becoming interested in a woman. Regrettably, that’s what I felt for Mina’s mother ever since last week.

Mina was right with her concern. If I continue being involved with her mother, that interest would just pile up to the point of becoming a full-blown interest. For now, it’s not at that level yet and I truly respect her as Mina’s mother and someone I wanted to help.

Although they’re mother and daughter, complete with the resemblance with each other, their personality differed from each other. Auntie Yayoi could be playful enough to shamelessly boast about her past with her bitter struggle confined in one corner of her mind, only serving as a reminder. Mina, on the other hand, learned to be distrustful and not expect anything from someone else given that the friends she thought would take her side all turned their backs to her when she needed them the most.

“I could’ve dropped you in front of the gym though.”

“Here is enough, Auntie. Thank you for the ride.”

“Hmm… Alright. Do visit our house again, Onoda-kun. Too bad that you’re pressed in time, I could’ve brewed another of my specialty for you.”

“It’s the thought that counts, Auntie. Hopefully, everything goes smoothly for the case. Do remember what I told you. Don’t hesitate.”

“There you go again… Alright, I’ll say yes here to satisfy you, happy?”


Upon saying that, Auntie Yayoi puckered her lips in dissatisfaction. That’s adorable, to say the least. I laughed and waved my hand to her before getting out of her car.

I stood a few steps from it and waited for her to drive off. But when she did that, I saw her window rolled down, her cheeks bloated as she threw me a look of someone who would definitely get back at me on the next instance.

Nonetheless, I kept a smile on my face, playing innocent until the end.

When her car disappeared from my sight, I pulled my phone out and updated my girls, especially Mina who was currently playing some kind of card game with Edel and Haruko in my adorable koala’s apartment.

Haruko’s overnight stay in the house for this week was actually pushed to tomorrow night. Edel is going to accompany again but for Mina, it’s still unclear whether she will choose to go back to their house or accompany the two.

Well, the girl missed her mother and wanted to be there for her after the incident. In fact, that incident and my visit to their house strengthened their bond. Mina started becoming more open with how much she wanted to show her gratitude for her mother. And at the same time, she also wanted to spend more time with her, to bring back the liveliness they both had years ago.

Now, that’s something I wanted to watch in person. The mother and daughter bonding moments.

After updating them, I walked towards Sena’s house to pick her up and go to the gym together.

Yep. That’s one other reason why I didn’t get off right in front of the gym.

Around twenty minutes later, Sena and I arrived at the gym and like yesterday, another set of mothers was inquiring about the program. It’s not as bustling as yesterday and no loudmouths were nagging at Coach Ayu.

Looking at her, Coach Ayu’s complexion still hadn’t returned to normal. The flu she caught yesterday might’ve been cured but less than a day of rest failed to return her to her best condition.

I mean, she should’ve taken a day off today. But no. She’s still here, tending the front.

Sena and I looked at each other with a wry smile. And after a little urging from her, the girl went ahead of me to enter the gym while I helped Coach Ayu send away the mothers and their children. .𝘦𝘵

Like yesterday, I introduced myself as the Instructor and promised them that we’ll reserve a spot once the new cycle starts in three weeks or a month’s time.

Once that was done and the front area of the gym cleared up once more, I heard Coach Ayu’s silent murmur from my side. “T-thank you for yesterday, Onoda-kun.”

Well, it’s audible enough for me to hear but what’s this? Is this still the same Coach Ayu that I know? It’s unnatural for her to act like this around me.

“Oh. I just did what I had to do, coach. It’s rare for us to fall sick but you shouldn’t have tried to brush it off as nothing. Look at what happened.” I shrugged and acted disappointed at her to rile her off and pull out the Coach Ayu I got used to.

And it was successful.

“I know that! It won’t happen again!”

“There. That’s better. That’s the Coach Ayu I know. I’m glad you recovered quickly, Coach..” I met her outburst and laughed before showing a relieved smile.

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