Stealing Spree

Chapter 407: Surprised

Chapter 407: Surprised

When the train arrived at the first station, all three of us disembarked to walk Aya to her house. šØš˜ƒš—¹.

Because Aya was already with us, Rae thought that she would have more time with me if we walk Aya to her house.

With that suggestion from Rae, the adorable girl who was somewhat down when the train stopped at her station immediately became lively.

Walking under the darkening sky, even though Rae was with us, Aya still happily clung to my arms whenever the street would be devoid of other people who could see and judge us.

For her, this was like a dream come true.

Although thatā€™s kind of shallow if viewed by others, her happiness was always like this. Simple.

As long as itā€™s about me or the two of us, thatā€™s enough for her to be this lively.

And this was why I was always spoiling her whenever weā€™re alone. I appreciate Ayaā€™s positivity.

It already saved and comforted me not just once or twice. As long as sheā€™s with me, I feel like being depressed would be a sin to her.

After a few minutes of walking wherein Rae didnā€™t copy Aya and just walked beside us, we reached the street where the Rindou Householdā€™s house was located.

Perhaps afraid that her neighbors would tell her parents they saw her clinging to a guy like this, Aya released my arm after asking for a kiss.

Well, sheā€™s still the shy and introverted girl. Itā€™s not completely cured yet. She could only be more cheerful and outgoing whenever sheā€™s with me or us.

Besides, more than being shy, itā€™s more about her being conscious of herself. She tends to think about what others would think of her and that ended up with her being afraid to interact with anyone or even meet their gazes.

If not for us sitting next to each other in class, I doubt we would have the same relationship. She would also not see me as someone cool soā€¦ the possibility of her falling for me or liking me would be low.

Perhaps, I would see her as Harukoā€™s new entrapped girl because of that Lion Cub book if we didnā€™t have that initial interaction in the classroom.

Thatā€™s how introverted she was.

At the moment, sheā€™s already on her way to open up to more people and I was there to witness all of that.

After a short bout of kisses on a dark corner, we entered her street and traversed the last few steps towards their house.

Fortunately, since itā€™s already night, what Aya feared didnā€™t happen. There was also no one outside at that time after all.

When we reached her house which was a traditional Japanese house, the night had already fallen and it was already too silent.

Aya already had a fill of my affection right before soā€¦ we only watched her enter her house with a sweet smile on her lips.

Looking at her eyes, she was actually thinking about inviting me inside. But when her gaze passed on Rae and remembering how Rae pass up on being close to me for her, she bit her lips and stopped whatever she wanted to say.

Instead of that, Aya ran towards Rae and thanked the glasses girl before running inside.

ā€œI think Iā€™m liking Aya more. Iā€™m glad you introduced me to her, Ruki.ā€

Rae flashed a smile as she watched Ayaā€™s retreating back disappear into that small house.

ā€œI get you. Sheā€™s adorable andā€¦ sheā€™s treasuring every bond she made. Youā€™re more than just a friend and a sister to her now.ā€

ā€œTo think that I could even make a friend even if weā€™re supposed to be rivals in loveā€¦ Itā€™s my turn now.ā€ Rae shook her head while maintaining the smile she had earlier.

Following that, taking, Rae took Ayaā€™s place as she clung tightly to my arm as we went back to the train station.

The rush hour had already passed which led us to get a seat somewhere with less eye that would see our closeness as an eyesore.

After settling on our seat, Rae fixed my hair again for her preference and I took out the glasses I promised to wear for her.

Well, itā€™s not that she wanted me to always take on this kind of appearance but like the others, sheā€™s just trying to fulfill her desire to see me in her preferred look.

Nonetheless, as soon as she did that, she immediately followed up by saying that she liked this appearance second only to the original.

After admiring it for a good few minutes, Rae grabbed my arm and placed it over her shoulder before using my shoulder to lean her head on.

Itā€™s been a long day for both of usā€¦ or maybe only for me.

In any case, the 15 minutes ride towards her station became filled with us savoring that little time we had wherein those judging eyes were all ignored by us.

Like whenever she would find a chance or she just wanted more intimacy with me, Rae would lift her head from my shoulder to ask for my kiss wordlessly

And naturally, I always answered those with eagerness. Kissing her and being indulged by her affection to me.

Apart from that, we also reminisced about our past.

The time that passed since we first met each other wasnā€™t that long yet, however, Rae told me that those memories of meeting me and interacting with me were the turning point of her life.

Truthfully, we were talking about this topic almost every time weā€™re together. However, since Rae didnā€™t seem to be getting tired of it, I always entertain this topic with the same eagerness as our kisses.

She was living a knowledge-driven life after all. Just like my past self with my life only driven by my desire.

Thatā€™s the reason why I ended up going after her. Perhaps, the desire to steal her from someone who hadnā€™t appeared yet was just a minor reason and our likeness was the greatest factor why I ended up pursuing her.

We might not have the time to do what we planned for today but the time we spent starting from school up to here were all filled with memories we found precious.

She understood that even without doing it, my feelings for her werenā€™t false.

I introduced her to that subject but I also became the one who ended up restricting her from being too indulged in itā€¦ and being the smart girl that she was, she thoroughly understood that I was doing it for her.

In any case, that would still happen in the near future so thereā€™s no need to rush. Weā€™ll arrive there before we knew it.

After leaving the train station. We only needed to walk for at least five minutes before we arrived at a somewhat desolate neighborhood where big houses and mansions could be seen.

And before we arrived at where she lives which turned out to also be a mansion of some kind… Rae pulled my arm as we circled around this rich neighborhood, trying everything we could try and introducing the places she could introduce.

Without any eyes watching us, Rae wanted to have fun with me, something she hadnā€™t done before because of being the knowledge girl, before ending the day and make this day a memorable one for her.

A memory of her wholeheartedly playing without any care in the world. A memory wherein sheā€™s not using any knowledge she accumulated but only her whims as a child that she had forsaken before.

We ran through a vacant lot. Played on the playground that was meant for kids and lastly, sat by the nearby river to play skip a stone.

During all that, I captured those moments with my phone, taking pictures of her happily playing and enjoying the time like a little child who went to the playground for the first time.

When we returned in front of their mansion wherein a huge plaque which read ā€˜Fujiiā€™ could be seen, Raeā€™s uniform was already drenched in sweat.

Nonetheless, what could be seen on her lips was her brightest smile to date.

ā€œRukiā€¦ I think I also liked this better than us resting in a private room.ā€ Rae pulled me by my collar and whispered teasingly.

Before I could answer her, the metallic gate of their mansion opened and someone whoā€™s wearing a black and white maid attire respectfully bowed towards Rae. ā€œWelcome back, Mirae-ojou-sama.ā€

I already had my guess ever since we passed by here earlier but it only felt real right now.

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