Stealing Spree

Chapter 2485 Aunt will come too

Chapter 2485  Aunt will come too

An hour later, Maaya and Himeko walked me out of the hotel. I’ve already changed back to my earlier clothes and had a quick shower, while they both looked fresh as daisies despite what happened. Himeko walked by my side with a skip in her step, and Maaya trailed behind us.

Due to this, we got more attention than when I walked around with them as a Special Consultant.

But none of us minded it.

Since I’ve already met their mother and their father should’ve been informed of my existence, nothing could hold them back anymore from showing a little bit of our relationship in public. Of course, not openly holding them both was still for the sake of their reputation.

“Ruki, since you haven’t finished your role for Special Consultation yet, shall we expect another visit in the next few weeks?” Maaya asked as we reached the front door of their hotel.

“Mhm. You know I will come as long as you ask for it, right?”

I said but Maaya and Himeko pouted before raising their view about it.

“Yes. You do… But we also have to be considerate of other girls. Rather than us choosing when to ask you to come, it should be up to you where you will spend your time. This is also why we don’t want you to have some kind of planner to list your schedule for the. Promises are fine like the one you made with Misa of buying her a phone but in cases such as this… we shouldn’t pressure you to always come.”

Alright. That makes sense but then again, when is it fine to make a promise when every event they have will hold certain significance for us?

I guess we have to look at it if it can be done on another day or if it’s not an occasion with a set date. In those cases, it’s up to me where I want to go.

But looking back, I tend to promise to come to whoever brings up an event first. Is it bad? Not exactly but those who may also be thinking of asking me at the same time of the day will naturally take a step back since I’ve already said I will go to another girl.

That’s a real dilemma and something that is really an issue for a relationship like ours. It’s inevitable to not have time for someone.

That’s why… Maaya brought that up again. That I should be the one to choose where to go.

“Mhm… I get your point. Well then, should I just switch to surprising all of you?”

That’s inefficient of course but at the moment, there’s no perfect solution to it.

I’ll come when they ask. And if I have free time in between, I can choose where to go. That’s how I currently operate.

“Ugh… Forget it. We’ll have to discuss this with everyone… But shameless guy, this is clearly your fault for making us fall for you.”

“You’re absolutely correct.” I grinned, causing the girl to pout.

Himeko, on the other hand, giggled at the side before stepping forward to whisper, “Either way, you have to remember, all of us want to see, Ruki. Also… there are some girls who will not openly speak out like us but they’re just the same. Any time they can spend with you will be precious so… I hope you do not forget about them.”

“Mhm. I’ll always remember. And it applies to all of you.” I smiled as I almost pulled her in my embrace to properly convey my feelings.

Maaya and Himeko reached in to pinch my cheek before sending me off with a wave of their hand.

Our time spent was precious but I still have things to accomplish today.

Despite the rain not letting up for the rest of the afternoon, I was instantly met by the eager enrollees who would be having their tenth and final lesson from my basic course today the moment I arrived at the Boxing Gym.

Sena, Marika and Ayu watched from the sidelines, clearly amused at how popular I was. Sena told me it was all for added publicity as some of the enrollees brought someone else with them. They’re those who’d look forward to getting a spot for my next batch of enrollees.

After that, I got escorted by the two of them to the changing room where we… obviously did more than just change into our training attire.

When I started with the graduation sparring event for them, the other gym members couldn’t help but watch. Unlike before where some found it disruptive, some of them even volunteered to be the sparring partner for some of them.

The kids were naturally excited to show what they learned but as I expected, most of the housewives or mothers declined to participate but some of them requested for me to spar with them instead.

Due to that, I also climbed up the ring a few times where I carefully sparred with them, making sure not to go all out but at the same time giving them a taste of what real sparring is like. The sweat, the occasional light pain and the realization that they truly learned something from the course I had them undergo.

It ended as a successful event, with the gym’s energy high and the participants feeling a mix of excitement and relief. As the final bell rang, the kids, the teenagers and the adults clapped for each other as I made my speech about them doing excellent on their final spar.

Thankfully there weren’t any accidents or surprises and the feedback I received was entirely positive.

I even spent another half an hour declining invitations from the adult enrollees for drinks or dinner after the gym closed. Even though I made them aware of my age during the first lesson, they already forgot about it after a few weeks.

When everyone finally dispersed, I found comfort in the arms of Sena and Marika. Poor Ayu had to stay at the front desk though as she’s going to take those who’d enroll or sign up for gym membership.

“Ruki, you should prepare for Coach to ask you to pamper her later.” Sena giggled as we moved to the quiet office of Ayu.

“Well, that’s to be expected besides… I’ll have bonuses again, right? Let’s all eat somewhere tonight. We can also tell other girls to join us.”

“Pfft. You want us to go to a restaurant? That won’t do. No one can host all of us in one big table. Besides… it’ll be much better to gather at your house. Eat dinner together on your extended dining tables.” Sena laughed as she recalled the last time almost all of them gathered at our house. That was when I introduced them to my parents.

The table was already long but we still had to extend it to accommodate everyone.

“My… I like that idea, Sena… Let’s do that, Ruki-kun. I’d like to meet Akane and Miwa-nee. Also, I want to your bedroom.” Marika had a dreamy sparkle in her eyes as she was probably already imagining what she was going to see there.

In that case… I guess this is now going to be the plan.

“Alright… Let’s go home later. Let’s inform Akane, Miwa-nee and the others who can come.” I said as I also started imagining the chaotic scene at home with everyone crammed in.

I’m sure some of them will also decide to stay the night… I wonder who…

“By the way, Marika. When will Ichihara-san and Koharu-chan come? I haven’t received a message from her earlier.”

“Oh… I think you also have to be prepared for that, Ruki-kun.”

“Hmm? Why?”

“Aunt Kagura will be coming with them.” Upon saying that, Marika stuck her tongue out cutely. “Aunt found out about your part-time job when Koharu-chan visited me.”

This… Looks like I’ll be having another student… or will she come just to observe me?

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