Stealing Spree

Chapter 1633 Lively Morning

Chapter 1633 Lively Morning

When morning came, my ears were greeted by the pitter-pattering

of our roof as a soft drizzle of rain poured continuously outside.

I had no idea when it started but the temperature had already

dropped slightly. It felt like we’d returned to the last week of


In any case, my silly wife cuddled in my embrace and slept soundly

as usual. The warmth of our bodies was enough to keep her from

sensing the drop in temperature. Add to that, the comfort of our

bed and being by my side was a perfect combination to make her

forget even the freezing cold of winter. .𝘦𝘵

The same couldn’t be said for my other girls though.

To tell the truth, I woke up from the vibration of my phone. It’s an

early morning call from one of them.

I picked it up and upon seeing the name of the caller, their image

while rolled up in the bed immediately popped into my head.

Casting off the remaining drowsiness in my head, I tapped ‘answer’

and the video call started to connect with the loading notification

spinning in the middle of my screen.

“Ruki… Good morning. I need help.”

With her beautiful pointy nose taking on a scarlet color, Miho

pitifully looked straight at me. A second later, she sniffed roughly

which resulted in a frown.

Not counting her nasally voice, that peach-colored nose alone was

enough clue as to what was bothering her.

Knowing her sleeping habit, the sudden rain pushed her immune

system past its threshold.

She’s someone who often sleeps without a blanket on. On top of

that, her room has AC which she seldom turns off.

It’s a habit born from her occasional hint of inspiration in the

middle of the night. She would sometimes wake up and run to her

piano right away.

What’s that got to do with her AC? Well, she wanted to keep her

room temperature stable like that.

Alas, the sudden shift in temperature would always catch her off

guard. Like today.

“Mhm. Good morning. Say no more, wait for me. I’ll sneak inside

your house. It’ll be my first attempt so… give me directions.”

“You know it’s impossible. I won’t miss school. Pick me up?”

Miho laughed before shaking her head and providing a different


Well, like I said, I had never been able to sneak to her room yet.

Whenever she would catch a cold like this in the past, I would bring

her home or somewhere we could rest – sometimes skipping a class

or two until her condition turned for the better.

It looks like today won’t be any different.

“Alright. I’ll be there but take your med right away and try to sleep

some more.”

Miho didn’t make it difficult for me to persuade her. She obediently

nodded and smiled. Then after demanding a kiss over the screen,

she energetically jumped out of bed to get a cold medicine.

When she returned I reminded her to wrap herself like a maki roll

with her blanket. Then I watched her gradually fall back to sleep

before ending the call.

With that, my first destination today was set.

Looking at the time, I also opted to close my eyes again, hoping for

another hour of sleep.

Thankfully, I was successful.

When I opened my eyes again, it was still a little dark outside. Akane

was already awake, greeting me with a good morning kiss.

From there, our day started as usual. The first half an hour was

spent in bed, our desire and affection overflowing. Relieving the

side effect of the tea was definitely just an add-on to our already

active lovemaking.

Then I spent the next half an hour practicing keyboard and

reviewing Mizuki’s lessons.

Akane made breakfast during that time and when I joined her

downstairs, we first did our regular exercise before eating.

Even though we used to only shower in the morning, we opted for

a dip in the tub today because of the rain.

When everything was done and we finished preparing for our day,

we went over our plans.

Not counting my promise with Miho, there’s still a lot on my list.

As for Akane, her day will mostly be spent with either her friends or

the other girls. They have plans to come and watch Fuyu’s match

and perhaps, Aika and Sena too.

She even teased that they might also show up at Satsuki’s match.

Well, I’m not against it. And Satsuki will surely be glad for more


I just had to juggle myself a bit more than yesterday, right?

Not a problem at all. I bought the Shadow Clone scroll and

mastered it in my sleep. I’ll split myself up into multiple clones to be

at different places at the same time.

As if!

Anyway, I’ll find a way to make it work.

If there’s a will, there’s a way. Right?

Fortunately, the rain let up when Akane and I started our walk to

the train station.

After my trip to the other school which consists of at least arriving

at their school gate four times escorting different girls – I also used

the chance to check on Sena and Aika, giving them an early

encouragement before their matches today – I arrived at our school

just a good minute before Shio entered our classroom.

She started by announcing that the same as yesterday, we only

have half a day of class and the rest would be free time.

Obviously, everyone rejoiced at it.

Also, those who were absent yesterday had returned except for

Satsuki and the silent guy.

Although his suspension hasn’t been announced yet, it’s already in


Well, no one cared whether he was there except for those who

knew him personally. Given that the guy only talked with Ogawa or

Tadano, they just treated his absence as the extension of his

sickness from yesterday.

And with the news of the Girl’s Basketball Club advancing to the

semifinals, most of those who didn’t come to watch yesterday

expressed their intent to cheer for them.

With Nami taking the lead, they started organizing a plan even

before Shio finished her announcements.

Well, she didn’t stop them. For sure, she’s in the same mood as

everyone, excited and perhaps proud of the grumpy girl who made

a name for herself yesterday.

“Onoda-kun, what about you? Are you not coming?”

Perhaps noticing me only quietly watching at my seat, Wakaba, who

looked like she was already over with her awkwardness towards me,


When the others heard that, attention instantly focused on me.

Welp. I wasn’t that proactive because Nami could already do that

herself and there’s nothing much to add anymore. But I guess with

how high-key we’ve become lately, there’s a lot of them who were

more curious how things would develop around us.

Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised to hear other students openly

discussing my vague yet clear relationship with the girls

surrounding me.

That sounded confusing but that’s probably how they see it.

Without confirmation, it’s very vague. And yet, with how

affectionate we often are, only those blind or disillusioned would

dismiss that as nothing.

“Is that even a question? Of course, I will. In fact, I’ll suggest that we

make some banners to show our support for them. What do you


And upon mentioning that, Saki, Chii and Aya produced materials

for it. They came prepared.

It’s something we talked about last night when I called them to

check in and say good night.

Some were immediately amazed and even got hyped at the


And obviously, some weren’t pleased that I was getting the

attention again.

Let’s not name them anymore. They’re irrelevant to what we’re

planning to do anyway.

With that, Wakaba could only shake her head at how absurd it

became before sitting back down.

Aya came to the rescue though and grabbed her friend’s hands,

asking her to help. Kashiwagi, who was nearby, laughed at the turn

of events.

Perhaps if she’s any closer to me, I might’ve been subjected to a

slap on my shoulder by her.

Not long after that, Shimura, Misumi and eventually Kanzaki also

sprang up to take the initiative.

In the end, Shio declared that our first period was another free

time. It’s her contribution to our class’s cheering squad.

That aside, she soon continued with her announcements.

It’s mainly about the camping trip, giving us the details and what we

should prepare.

Setsuna-nee, Juri, and another person from their department were

already here at our school, having a meeting with Hayashi-sensei

and the Principal.

As it’s something everyone was also looking forward to, that became

another topic our class discussed while making those banners.

What a lively morning. Right?

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