Second World

Chapter 1653 Verremor’s March

Chapter 1653 Chapter 1653. Verremor’s March

When the Liguritudum army was sieging Messephyria, the Verremor army was marching through the Dorwin region. They had been trekking through this region for some time and they were about to enter Aurebor's border.

Grand Chief Kabaka and Four Winds led the march. They were composed of 1,400,000 native troops and around 800,000 outworlders. They also carried several siege weapons with them. These siege weapons were the cause for the delay in their march.

"Let's make haste!" Kabaka shouted to his troops. He had heard about how Jack was facing a siege from the enemy's overwhelming force. The chance of them winning was small. If his army could take down Aurebor swiftly, then perhaps he could go over and lend a hand.

"How is that guy doing?" Violent Blizzard, who was riding beside Four Winds, asked.

"I don't know. My last contact with him was yesterday. He said he won't be able to send messages for some time," Four Winds replied. "He must still be fighting."

"How many did he say the enemy's number again?"

"Probably ten million," Four Winds answered. "And that is only the zombie army."

"… Is he sure? How can the enemy gather so many?"

Four Winds shrugged. "There is nothing we can do for them. Hopefully, they can last long enough. We will do our part by winning the war on this side."

"Well, at least we can be sure we only have Aurebor army to worry about on this side," Violent Blizzard said.

After a few more hours of riding, they finally reached the border. Both the Dorwin region and the Aurebor Dynasty had wooded landscapes. While the jungles in the Dorwin region appeared wild and disordered, the forests in Aurebor appeared serene and orderly. It was as if every tree had been arranged with a purpose.

"Hold…!!" Four Winds suddenly called for everyone to stop once they crossed the border.

"What's wrong?" Kabaka asked.

"The guild members I sent to scout ahead have fallen," Four Winds answered.

"Which direction is the one that fell?"

"All of them," Four Winds answered. "Wait, I will ask the one who has revived."

Those who didn't wear the Amulet of Rebirth had to wait half an hour before they got revived, but those who wore the Amulet didn't have such a waiting time. Some of the fallen scouts wore the amulet.

Four Winds frowned upon receiving the reports from those scouts.

"Grand Chief, prepare for battle. I think the enemy army is ahead of us," Four Winds told Kabaka.

Unlike the other places where they had done battle, these wooded landscapes obscured their view. The enemy could be right ahead of them for all they knew. The scouts that Four Winds asked couldn't say clearly what had happened. All they knew was that they were suddenly bombarded by a hail of arrows. They didn't even see the attackers.

Kabaka gave the order for everyone to be on alert. They came down from their steed and advanced with caution. Before the enmity with the humans, orcs hated elves the most. This was the reason. These elves were always so sneaky and hid behind their trees. It was the opposite of the orcs who preferred an open and exposed confrontation.

"Filthy cowards," One of the orc soldiers cursed.

"Yeah. I heard they didn't even respond to the war declaration our grand chief had sent before us marching out of Verremor," Another added.

"If I see one of those pointed ears, I will cleave their pretty f*cking fa–"

The orc failed to complete his word when an arrow struck his head. He fell backward with a cry of pain. He should be grateful this was a game world. Otherwise, he wouldn't even have the chance to utter that cry if an arrow struck his head in the real world.

Before they knew it, uncountable arrows flew out from behind the trees. Those who had shields immediately used them to block these arrows.

"Cowards! If you are not willing to honor this battle by giving us a war declaration, then so be it. I, Kabaka Proudtusk, Grand Chief of Verremor, swear that Aurebor will fall before we return to Verremor. My warriors, chaargeee…!!!"

With that battle cry, the orc troops let go of their defensive stance and charged forward like they were possessed. The orcs were always battle-lust creatures. Now that their chief had permitted them to charge, they were more than happy to oblige.

Kabaka lifted a banner. If Jack saw it, he would recognize it. It was Verremor's national treasure, the Totem Banner. It shone with a reddish aura, granting every ally in its AOE with buffs that increased stats by 30%, movement speed by 50%, damage and damage received reduction by 10%. It also granted healing to every ally based on how close they were. The attribute buff could increase even more depending on how angry the affected soldiers were.

The banner didn't have a duration. As long as the bearer of the banner was alive, the buff would be in play. It also covered a very large area of 1-kilometer radius. The banner could also produce ten war banners. These war banners gave the same buff and had the same AOE. Kabaka gave these war banners to his officers and spread them out so the whole army could benefit from the buff. Even if they split into smaller armies, these armies could still receive the buff as long as one of them carried the war banner.

Yet, even as they charged forward, they still couldn't see the enemies. The arrows continued to assail them while the ones who sent these arrows were unseen. These frustrated the orcs a great deal.

When the front line was busy chasing their illusory assailants, they heard cries from their backs. They turned around and saw that an elven army had flanked their rear.

"Damned ambushing vermins!" Kabaka cursed.

Next to him was one of the lord chiefs, Kima Mountking. She was in charge of the war table. She set the war table and started it up. When the projection image appeared, they saw a large number of enemies represented by red triangles hit their backs from both the left and right sides.

The projection only showed the enemies who engaged their rear. The projection didn't show the enemies from the front since no one had laid eyes on these enemies. All they saw were arrows coming out of the trees. Whether there were more concealed enemies out there, they couldn't tell.

The enemy had perfectly utilized the terrain and put them at a disadvantage.

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