Second World

Chapter 1621 Divine Treasures’ Ultimate Skills

Chapter 1621 1621. Divine Treasures’ Ultimate Skills

The notification gave Master enough surprise that he missed an incoming attack. Jack's God Annihilating Sword in its lightning version pierced into Master's thick earth armor. The armor cracked under the pressure.

A giant illusory fist followed next. It slammed into Master from above. It was Heaven's Fist conjured by Arther.

Jack and Arther didn't let up. After Master was disoriented by the two powerful attacks, they came into melee range and continued sending hit after hit. The cracks on the Titan suit spread as it endured the punishments.

Inside the titan suit, Master analyzed the situation quickly. He sent a message to Linda, informing her about this surprising turn of events. Linda was no less shocked by Spring Crown's betrayal.

Linda quickly called for the soldiers who stayed behind to form a perimeter. If Spring Crown truly had betrayed them, he would not stop at only giving them bad intel. He would surely hit them where it hurt the most. On this battlefield, she couldn't think of a better target than her and the war table.

Linda looked at the projection above her war table. She couldn't see any blue dots. Since Spring Crown was no longer part of their force and he had not yet laid an attack on them, he should be considered a neutral player. He should be the only blue dot in the vicinity, but there was none. It could probably be he was not yet seen by any of their force or he was using a disguise or concealment item. For this number one gamer, she didn't find it strange for Spring Crown to possess such an item.

While ordering the sentries around her to be vigilant and not let anyone approach, Linda continued to study the projection. Spring Crown truly had caused them to lose the opportunity for a push. The full force they had been reserving was now halted before they could land any meaningful blow on the enemy's defense.

To make it worse, additional forces appeared near the defenders and helped with the defense. Linda easily guessed that they were the guild armies. On their side, their guilds had just summoned their guild armies a few days ago when clashing with Aldryth's force, so their guild armies were not yet available.

The Hydrurond guilds were the same, but she knew the Themisphere King brought with him the guilds from Palgrost. These should be the forces from those guilds.

Linda continued trying to maneuver her force under the unideal circumstances. Their large zombie army still gave the enemy huge pressure, but the area where their elite force was fighting was facing a force of equal power. With the protection from the wall and its armament, success in breaking through the defense was not that great.

Still, she did her best. All the while, worrying about when Spring Crown might appear.


Linda had guessed correctly, Jack had indeed asked the guild members in the throne room to call their guild armies, but only three out of the eleven guilds. They had to save some force in case this battle continued for more days.

Master's Earth Titan Suit was finally destroyed under Jack and Arther's combined attacks. When they were about to resume their attacks on the exposed Master, a violent gust of wind blew them away. Even Lightning Jack was unable to resist the pushing force.

From inside the shattered earth titan suit emerged a being that seemed to be made entirely from raging winds. Its main body was a miniature twister. It had two upper limbs and a head that was made out of smoky air.

"Wind God Incarnation!" Peniel exclaimed.

Master had used the ultimate ability of the Wind God Blessing. He swung his smoky arm and a violent gust of wind blew forth. The gust hit Arther and sent him tumbling further while dealing wind damage.

Jack turned into a lightning bolt and slammed into Master, but his forceful advance was stopped by a magic shield which now looked to also be made of swirling wind. Master cast Chasing Arrows. The arrows were made of winds, increasing their speed and sharpness.

Jack used his sword art, creating a dense lightning field around him that destroyed all the wind arrows.

Master continued casting one spell after another while Jack dogged after him with one slash after another. Under divine protection, the damage both of them received from one another was greatly mitigated.

"Your Lightning God Incarnation will end soon. We will see how you fare then!" Master exclaimed.

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch!" Jack fired back. At the same time, a silver beam hit Master from his back.

Master was surprised by the attack. He didn't sense the attack before it was too late. Turned out it was a dragon-form Jack who had sneaked to Master's back using mana concealment. Jack had cast Double Clone earlier but he sent those two clones to support the army below. Dragon Jack secretly returned and fired his soul breath in close range so Master didn't have the chance to escape.

With that opening, Jack's sword art danced, complete with additional swords from Soul Asura, Phantom Blade, and Dances of the Brave. Uncountable lightning blades battered Master's wind body. Jack also added a couple of Nine Yin Phantom Swords in between. Even with the enormous damage reduction, Master's HP fell fast.

Master used one hand to cast Priest's recovery spells on himself to keep him alive. His other hand cast Chaos Black Hole.

The Chaos black hole appeared right behind Jack, but Jack dodged it before it exerted its pulling force by using Teleport Slash. He appeared before Master and combined the slash with Brave Slash.

"Rargh! You've truly made me angry, you insignificant worm!" Master cried after receiving the slash.

Jack sensed powerful mana converging. "Back!!" He shouted.

He and Dragon Jack flew back in a hurry. Arther, who was about to come back to engage Master, listened to Jack's command and stopped advancing.

A huge sphere made of raging winds appeared with Master at its center. The winds within this sphere cut everything.

While everyone was forced back by the Wind God Rage, thundering roars were heard from high above. Following the roars, two thick beams of fire and wind hit the defending army below. The two beams were breath attacks from Uddroth and Eurdrasill who had just descended from the sky,

While the defenders were still in turmoil from the breath, a colossal earth titan suddenly appeared. This titan was approximately one hundred meters tall. They were even larger than the two zombie dragons flying down from the sky. Master was hovering on this titan's shoulder.

"Oh, no… He has also fully upgraded his Earth God Blessing," Peniel said. "That is the divine treasure's final ability, Divine Earth Titan."

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