Second World

Chapter 1619 1619. Weak Point

Chapter 1619 1619. Weak Point

Master, who Jack was looking for, was still back at the field command base next to Linda and the war table. He was observing the ongoing battle from a distance.

He turned to Spring Crown and gave an order, "Go and look for the weakest part in their defense."

"… Right away, boss," Spring Crown replied. He summoned his foxmare and rode off.

"Should we attack?" Ronald asked. He was itching to join the battle.

"Wait. Let the enemies wear themselves out. We will attack once Spring Crown identifies the weak point," Master answered.


lightsΝοvel.cοm The battle continued. There were so many zombie troops that they didn't appear to decrease even after one day of fighting. The zombie troops needed no rest. They continued to fight even after an entire day had passed.

Jack and Aldryth knew this was going to be a protracted battle, so they arranged their troops into three divisions. Each division was one million strong. The first and second divisions comprised Jack's 2,000,000 troops which were composed of the Themisphere army and Palgrost outworlders. The third division was the remnants of Aldryth's force which had regathered after their recent loss. They were a combination of natives and outworlders that were 1,000,000 strong.

The arrangement was for the first and second divisions to fight while the third division rested. After eight hours, the third division joined the fight and the first division would rest. Another eight hours and the first division rejoined the battle and it was the second division's turn to rest, and so on.

With this setup, there would always be two million defending troops fighting while the other one million had their rest. this method allowed them to maintain their fighting pace at the maximum. Of course, as time passed, their number diminished because of casualties.

Against such an overwhelming force, they knew this was the best arrangement. If they used their full force at the same time, they would all get tired at the same time and the enemies might use the opportunity to create a breach. If they were swarmed, they would be done for. The key to their victory was to survive for as long as possible until reinforcements arrived.

On Master's side, the zombie troops numbered 10,000,000. As for his living army, the ethereal soldiers under his command and the outworlders who had joined his side totaled around 2,500,000.

Jack was at least thankful that the Aurebor army was not here. According to their intel, around 1,500,000 elven troops should be guarding Hydrurond. But after roaming the country for almost two weeks, he still hadn't seen an elven soldier.

He didn't have the time to worry about the Aurebor army. He just hoped that the army didn't appear here to add to the pressure, but he did wonder about Master's and his dragons' whereabouts. Those three had been confirmed to be in Hydrurond. He was wondering why they hadn't taken any action until now.

While Jack was wondering about Master, Master was sending Spring Crown a message.

"Are you still searching? One day has passed already," Master said. He was unhappy at the delay.

"Give me a break, boss. This capital is freakin' huge. Not to mention it wasn't like the last time when the wall had some cracks. The wall this time is as if new. They are perfect. I can't find any part that is weaker than the others."

"… Are you telling me you give up on finding a weak point?" Master asked.

"Boss, don't make it sound like it's my fault. There might be no weak point on the wall, but we can still find weak points in their army placement. The defenders in some parts are weaker than others. If we attack the spot where the strong defenders are far away. We can create a breach in that spot for our entry point before those strong defenders arrive."

"Where is this spot then?" Master asked.

"Give me one more day to study. You will get your perfect spot then," Spring Crown replied.

"No! I'm not going to wait that long," Master uttered. He knew the Sangrod army was already close and the second Themisphere army was probably on its way here too. They had to defeat the defending army in Messephyria before those forces arrived.

"You have three hours," Master declared.

"Sigh… I really hate it when you are pushy. Fine, boss. You will have your spot in three hours," Spring Crown replied.

"Prepare to engage in three hours," Master announced.

Linda nodded. Though there were Liguritudum soldiers mixed in with the zombie army, they were only a small portion. A majority was still on standby.

"Hah! About time," Ronald uttered. He had been resting on a nearby tree waiting for the order to attack.


Three hours passed, and Master still hadn't received a report from Spring Crown. In his mind, he was ready to have a serious talk with this guy once this war was over. After he started carrying out the massacre of the natives to bolster his zombie army, Spring Crown was different. Perhaps he had finally hit Spring Crown's bottom line with his action.

He didn't mind. Even if he had to let go of the guy, he still had enough assets to get his prizes. If this war was a success, he could even afford to let go of everything. 

He sent Spring Crown a message, "Are you done? Where are you?"

"I am here!" Master heard Spring Crown's voice. Master turned over and saw Spring Crown riding his foxmare toward him.

"I've found a perfect spot," Spring Crown said. He came to Linda's side. "Open the map. He instructed."

He then pointed at the Northwestern side of the capital.

"Are you sure?" Linda asked. "I've heard the report from players that they saw the Themisphere King and his lord marshall not far from that spot."

"You might not have noticed, but they divide their force so that some of them get to rest while the others fight," Spring Crown said. "I've studied their rotation since yesterday. Both the Themisphere king and his lord marshall have just entered their resting period less than half an hour ago. If you attack this spot now. It will be the most vulnerable. Even if they reenter the battle because you appear, they will be at their most tired. Not to mention, most of their big skills are not yet off-cooldown."

Linda thought about it. It did make sense to divide one's force between resting and fighting in a protracted battle. At least she would have planned that way if she had been in charge of the other side.

"Are you sure about the timing?" Master asked.

"Well, I will be surer if you let me study their resting cycle for another day," Spring Crown returned.

"No, we can't wait any longer," Master replied. "Everyone, move out!"

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