Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1222 - 10 TeV Collision

Chapter 1222: 10 TeV Collision

Actually, Lu Zhou expected this to happen.

Even if he tried his best, it was impossible to teach a cow mathematics. Or to teach a dog physics.

Galette Miro understood human nature.

He knew that proofs could only be justified towards intelligent people. For a humble farmer or bridge worker, it was easier to package the scientific theory into something fictitious and explain it to them in another way.

Miro also knew that he didn’t need so many people participating in his projects. Physics had always been a game for a select few. As for the others, contributing their spirits and beliefs were enough.

In this regard, Lu Zhou actually quite admired this guy.

In order to complete this experiment, he even sacrificed himself as part of the price. As far as he was concerned, he was implanting the seeds of the “spirit of the universe” into human civilization.

It was difficult to judge whether this was a worthy sacrifice.

Perhaps he thought it was…

All in all, the seminar was successful.

Inviting the hardcore believers of the spirit of the universe to come and listen to this seminar was just the cherry on top. Lu Zhou never expected to use his report to convince these believers otherwise.

The purpose of this seminar was not only to popularize science, but it was also a report conference for the physics community.

Lu Zhou gave a detailed proof process regarding the “Void” and his “extra dimension” theories.

As for whether he could end the controversy regarding the 5 TeV energy level collision experiment…

That would also depend on whether the ILHCRC could find the truth behind the higher energy zone and break through the obstacles set by a being outside the universe…

The physics world had turned into an exploding pot of boiling water due to the mass expansion experiment.

The ILHCRC was like throwing hot oil into the pot water.

Right after Lu Zhou walked out of the lecture hall, the news regarding this report began to fly around the world, appearing in major media outlet headlines.

[The Void Is Watching Us!]

[Huge ILHCRC Discovery! The Mass of the Expansion Might Come From Outside the Universe!]

[There Is a Ghost Hovering Above Physics, An Unprecedented Crisis Is Approaching!]

In some sense, physics was indeed facing an unprecedented crisis; otherwise, this report would not affect so many people.

Moreover, physicists weren’t the only ones who were heartbroken about this matter. Some civilian scientists had also stepped forward, arguing what the world outside of the universe was like.

Among them, the most passionate people were the believers of the spirit of the universe.

They had a half-hearted understanding of Professor Galette Miro’s theory. They firmly believed that the collision experiment would bring unimaginable disasters to the world and release terrible demons from the Void.

The second experiment was quickly arranged in the midst of the endless controversy.

Because the experiment was in a higher energy zone, the preparation took a little longer this time. All of the preparations were not completely ready until the middle of the month.

The day of the experiment.

Inside the ground command center, the staff in white coats walked back and forth, creating a nervous and busy work environment.

Soon, they would verify whether the theory of the Void and the extra-dimensional put forward by Professor Lu at the seminar was correct.

Lu Zhou was the focal point of this debate about mass expansion. He stood with a much calmer expression on his face than last time. Much calmer than most people here.

It was as if the experiment weren’t an experiment at all; it was just an announcement for the proof of his theory…

For a genius like him, he had nothing to worry about.

However, for other people, this was not so easy.

Luo Wenxuan, who was also standing in the command room, looked at his watch repeatedly.

He took a deep, slow breath and looked at Lu Zhou.

He hesitated for a moment before asking, “Are you nervous?”

Lu Zhou glanced at Luo Wenxuan. He thought for a second before asking, “Do you want the truth or do you want to feel better?”

Luo Wenxuan: “The truth…”

“The truth is, there is nothing to be nervous about.” Lu Zhou looked up at the screen directly in front of him and said, “In ten minutes, the Moon Palace will tell us that I am correct.”

Seeing how Lu Zhou was so confident, Luo Wenxuan had a surprised look on his face. He couldn’t help but ask, “You’re that confident? You are so sure that it must be good news?”

Lu Zhou: “Remember what I said?”

Luo Wenxuan: “About what?”

“Your eyes might deceive you, but mathematics definitely won’t.”

Luo Wenxuan looked at Lu Zhou with his mouth open.

After a while, he sighed.

“… Maybe I should learn more mathematics.”

Lu Zhou nodded.

“I would advise you to do so, you still have time.”

A 10 Tev energy zone experiment might be impossible for CERN, but it was not a difficult task for the ILHCRC.

After all, the engineering standards for the Lunar Hadron Collider were built in accordance with the standards for a 10 TeV collision experiment.

Lu Zhou looked at the large screen in front of him and felt emotional.

If we didn’t set such a high standard when building the collider…

Or if this collider was never built and we had to rely on the CERN collider…

By the time we reach a collision power of 5 TeV, the Void would have already destroyed us.

If a terrible failure happened at 5 TeV and there was no hope for the collision experiment to increase to 6 TeV or 7 TeV, the physics community might not have the perseverance to build an even larger collider and continue to walk down this road.

If it weren’t for the things Lu Zhou had witnessed, he might not have been able to pull himself out of this trap.

After all, many things couldn’t be solved by pure intellect and wisdom alone…

A voice interrupted Lu Zhou’s thoughts.

The commanding staff sitting at the control console gave the instruction to begin the experiment.

“All units stand by!”

“Beginning countdown!”







Hundreds of millions of volts of electricity burst out in an instant under the lunar crater more than 300,000 kilometers away.

The plasma was filled with terrifying energy, instantly filling the ring-shaped superconducting magnet, forming a huge magnetic field. It deflected the cosmic rays directly, hitting the lunar surface and forming a beautiful aurora!

A series of hydrogen ions were ejected from the muzzle. They were calibrated by sophisticated instruments. The ions collided at the junction of the two circular orbits, split into subatomic fragments…

In just a few seconds…

The beginning of the Big Bang was simulated on the Moon.

Lu Zhou looked at the data on the screen. He gradually had a smirk on his face.

He heard deafening cheers from behind him.

Except for the accounted errors due to accuracy, the data observed by the detectors were consistent with the estimated value!

The Standard Model was still close to perfect; it just needed some small adjustments.

As for his theory of extra dimensions…

There was no doubt…

That he was correct!

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