Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!

Chapter 491

Chapter 491: AGAINST GODS (2)

WHEN HANNA got out of the temple, West in his human form greeted her.

The White Tiger held the unconscious Jeanne Audley in his arms while looking up at the temple.

When she turned around, she realized that the white honeycomb barrier that covered the entire Light Temple was swallowing the Darkness oozing out of it. It was probably Paige Avery’s purification spell.

[Lady Paige is really strong.]

“Hanna Quinzel,” West yelled with urgency while running in her direction. “Get down!”

Hanna heard West, but when she felt a chilling presence above her, her head moved on its own and looked up…

… there, she saw a pair of red eyes literally ogling her.


[A god…?]


WHEN HANNA came to be, she found herself alone in a dark room while facing a pair of red eyes attached to the wall.

[This… isn’t reality.]

She was probably summoned into a different dimension. If not a Spirit, then only a god could do something like this.

A god.

Lukas mentioned his master enjoying his meal earlier, and the voice that she heard earlier thanked her for a delicious meal, too. If she wasn’t mistaken, the Dark Elf’s master was…

“Lord Helstor,” Hanna said in disbelief. “The God of Eternal Darkness.”

“I am more than that, Lord Helstor.”

“You’re praising me too much, my lord.”

The god laughed as if he was amused.

“It’s because of Princess Neoma, respect must be earned,” she said politely. She addressed Neoma by her title because she was talking to a complete stranger. “However, I’m only being polite because of my upbringing and not because I respect you genuinely, my lord.”

The god just laughed once again.

“Yes, my lord.”

“I respectfully decline, Lord Helstor,” she said without missing a beat. “I do not have the slightest desire to become your saintess.”

The god’s offer wasn’t something worth mulling over, to be honest.

She let out a sarcastic laugh. “My lord, is it natural to feast on the despair of the people you are “fond” of?”

“My lord, you’re mistaken about one thing,” she said, ignoring what the god said earlier. “It’s not you who gets to decide whether we are enemies or not- it’s entirely up to me. And the moment you tried to hurt Princess Neoma, we’ve already become enemies.”

“I am not Princess Neoma’s follower,” she said. “I am her family.”

“If you have nothing else to say, then do you mind sending me back, my lord?”

Helstor warned her.

“Don’t worry, Lord Helstor,” Hanna said, smiling. “The next time you summon me, I’ll be strong enough to fight you.”


THERE WAS a reason why there were gods who wanted Mona Roseheart to disappear from this world. 𝘯𝘰𝘷𝘭.𝑜𝘳𝘨

And the reason was simple.

“Genevieve, it’s been a while,” Mona whispered to herself while the rose at the end of her staff was glowing. “Come out and let’s punish those who break the rules.”

No longer than a few seconds, a gigantic right hand overflowing with divine power appeared beside her.

Long, slender fingers.

Pristine nails.

Fancy rings on each finger filled with pure Mana.

Ancient letters tattooed all over the back of the hand.

It was the divine hand of Genevieve- the Goddess of Divine Oaths.

Just like what her title suggested, she was the goddess that regulated the divine oaths made by the gods and the humans of the Ancient Period. One of the oaths made back then was the promise that the gods wouldn’t descend into the human world without the approval of the God Among Gods.

Genevieve had the authority to punish the gods who would break that particular rule.

[That’s why out of all the gods willing to lend their power to me, I chose Genevieve.]

And she chose the Goddess of Divine Oaths because she wanted to make sure that the gods wouldn’t be able to mess with the human world.

She smiled when she felt a warm air embrace her.

It was Genevieve who hugged her with her divine power since she didn’t have a physical body.

“I’ve missed you, too, Genevieve,” she said, smiling. “Did you have a good nap while I was away?”

When she was trapped in the block of ice at the bottom of the sea, Genevieve hid herself and entered a deep slumber to protect herself from the other gods. After all, the gods who wanted to go down to the human world needed to kill the Goddess of Divine Oaths in order to get rid of the oath that prevented them from descending.

Genevieve was powerless without the ‘Medium’ that connected the Upper World and the human world.

That ‘Medium’ was Mona Roseheart.

And why was she chosen?

“They said only a god can fight another god,” Mona whispered to herself, smiling. She was standing on the roof of the highest tower in the Royal Palace while looking at the pair of gigantic red eyes above her. “I don’t like the fact that you’re making me look up at you while you’re looking down at me.”

She pointed the end of her staff in the space between the two colossal red orbs.

Just like that, the enormous pair of red eyes fell down to the ground fast- creating an enormous crater as a result.

Now it was her turn to look down at the unnamed god.

“It’s true that only a god can fight another god,” she said, then she raised her hand to gently pet Genevieve’s hand. But since it was enormous, her hand was only big enough to touch one of the knuckles of her fingers. “Luckily, I have the ability to borrow the power of gods.”

Because only she among the Summoners in the world could actually wield the power of gods.

Thus, the followers of the gods who wanted to descend to the human world were adamant about killing Mona, too. If she disappeared, Genevieve would weaken as well. And once the Goddess of Divine Oaths died, the oath would lose its effect.

“Genevieve, that one can’t be a Major God, right?” she asked, while looking at the pair of red orbs. “It doesn’t even look like it has its own will.”

A Mid God was a god with average power.

Genevieve explained.

“Ah,” she said, nodding. “That explains the hundreds of eyes in the palace right now.”

Thankfully, William was there to get rid of the eyes that were literally looking for Nero.

That was the reason why she was calm now.

[I can entrust my son to William.]

“Genevieve, does the God of Recollection has the right to be here?”

“Is it possible that someone else has forced him to transform?” she said while looking at the pair of red orbs that remained unmoving while stuck in the crater they created on the ground. “It looks lifeless.”

“Then can we take it as the God of Recollection breaking the rules?”

That was all she needed to hear.

She grabbed the handle of her staff tighter, then she pointed the fully bloomed rose at the red orbs. Her unique pink Mana and Genevieve’s blue divine power gathered at the tip of the staff until the color changed into lavender.

The impact of her Mana and the goddess’s divine power combined together created a violent gush of wind around. In fact, the nearby establishments cracked, along with the roof of the tower that she was stepping on.

[Sorry for destroying your properties, Nikolai!]

“God of Recollection, you no longer have the right to stay in the human world,” Mona said in a solemn voice, then she swung her staff hard. “I bestow Divine Banishment upon you!”

Nydia, her staff, produced a lavender energy shaped like a curved blade.

It hit the left eye first, then it ricocheted until it hit the right eye.

Divine Banishment was a technique Mona would use to banish divine or transcendent beings and objects from specific places where they weren’t supposed to appear.

That was exactly why she and Genevieve worked together well.

Her thoughts were distracted when she heard a bloodcurdling cry followed by an earthquake.

The ground shook because the red eyes were resisting the Divine Banishment.

When Mona looked closer, she realized that the red eyes were brimming with what looked like “black” tears. But upon closer inspection, it became evident that the black tears were actually Darkness in its liquid form.


“The eyes are going to explode,” she said with urgency. “Should we kill him?”

She was about to say something when she heard a chilling voice of a man in her head.

She shut her eyes tight and clutched her head when the new presence forced a link in her mind.

When she closed her eyes, she woke up in another dimension.

There, in an empty white room, she saw an immaculately handsome man sitting on a plain white throne with his legs crossed, his elbow propped up against the armrest, and his cheek pressed against his fist.

Curly, violet hair.

Bored, red eyes.

Pale skin.

The man wearing a black turtle neck shirt with a white robe draped over his shoulders, pants, and boots looked like a normal person.

But his ridiculously strong divine power said otherwise.

Mona, much to her shock, was forced to kneel in front of the god. She couldn’t even raise her head because of the pressure crushing her body.

That was how powerful he was.

“The God Among Gods,” Mona said through gritted teeth, resisting the pressure crushing her in order to raise her head and meet the god’s red eyes. “Lord Levi.”

“Mona Roseheart, I summoned you here because I believe we have something important to talk about,” Levi said in a bored yet commanding voice. “As Yoan’s father, I refuse to accept Neoma de Moonasterio as my daughter-in-law- my kindhearted son is too good for your blasphemous and untamed daughter.”

Excuse me?

Did this man just insult her Baby Muffin?

Mona was offended. “Lord Levi, you should be honored that my precious daughter whose standards are as high as the sky has taken an interest in your son.”



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