Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 523 Barrier

“Apparently, you are right. The new attack on the Tretidian Capital is already trending topics worldwide.” Andrew stated after the logout he made to check if what Kaizen theorized was right.𝒐𝑣𝒍xt.𝗇𝓔t

“I knew it…” Kaizen muttered.

Immediately, Kaizen began exploring every inch of the barrier, touching it, studying it with his eyes and looking for possible flaws or weak points. He didn’t have as much knowledge as Alina, but when under pressure, Kaizen seemed to be able to double his capacity for cognition. He scanned the barrier, looking for signs of energy or patterns that might reveal a way to break the barrier. However, every scenario he imagined for trying to penetrate this magical barrier went wrong in his mental simulations.

Andrew joined Kaizen, offering his own sword to try to break through the barrier, but even with his strength not a mere scratch appeared on it, nor in his illusion. He then used all his physical strength to try to break down the barrier, pushing with all his might, only nothing worked either. It seemed that no matter how hard he tried, the barrier remained intact.

Discouraged, but determined not to give up, Kaizen and Andrew sought help from other nearby players, who seemed as confused as they were. So they formed a small team, each bringing their own skills and knowledge. Alchemists, mages, warriors, all came together to face the challenge of the magic barrier.

Together they tried out various strategies. They used disintegration spells, special potions to try to break through the barrier, and nothing… All their attempts were in vain. The barrier remained impenetrable, resisting all efforts.

Frustration gripped the whole group now. They were exhausted from trying without success. They sat on the ground, panting, as they stared at the barrier before them. A feeling of helplessness hung in the air.

Kaizen looked at Andrew, his face showing uncertainty. “Andrew, nothing seems to be working…. Can I trust you?”

Andrew looked at Kaizen with a serious and confused expression at the same time. “Of course you can, Klaus. I’ll share a room with you. It’s okay that I also share a room with those idiots Nathan and David, but believe me when I say that you are a great friend to me, even though we’ve only known each other for a short time.” He said and put his left hand on Kaizen’s shoulder.

Kaizen smiled and nodded his agreement. He knew that Andrew was serious.

In this way, Kaizen decided to use a trump card he had stored in his inventory: his Legendary Ragnarok sword. If a Legendary Rank weapon could not break this barrier, nothing could, and if nothing could, this barrier would make no sense to the story. With a quick gesture, Kaizen drew Ragnarok, displaying the shining blade in the moonlight. The gray metal seemed to pulse with an intense energy, as if eager to be used.

The gleaming blade, shrouded in a magical bluish glow, emanated an aura of power and mystery.

The gazes of the other players turned to Kaizen on the spot, attracted by the aura of this weapon.  They looked in awe at the legendary weapon, but said nothing, for they were too busy being impressed. Still, the hope that was reborn in their hearts was stamped in their eyes.

Kaizen paid no attention to anything else around him. He raised Ragnarok above his head, his eyes fixed on the magical barrier in front of him. The pulsating energy of the sword radiated in his hilt, enveloping him with an intense glow. Kaizen concentrated his mana on the sword, and the magical energy now pulsed through his arms as well, flowing into the blade with increasing intensity. The glow of the sword increased, illuminating the scene with blinding intensity.

Andrew and the other players watched expectantly, keeping a certain distance to avoid being hit by the power Kaizen was about to unleash. Silence hung in the air, broken only by the mystical hum of the sword.

Then Kaizen channeled all his power, all his will and determination, into Ragnarok’s blade. With a shout of effort, without any hesitation in his voice, Kaizen landed a powerful downward blow, with all the strength and intent to break through the barrier.

Ragnarok’s blade cut through the air with astonishing speed, leaving a trail of silvery light in its path.

The impact was, quite simply, overwhelming. A wave of energy spread out from the point of impact, creating a brilliant flash of light. The roar of the collision echoed throughout the region, causing a ground earthquake that was felt even in the confines of the hunting area where they were, scaring the saber tiger flocks.

Then a deafening boom echoed through the air as the magic barrier shuddered under the power of Kaizen’s blow. Ripples of magical energy spread across the point of impact, as if someone on the other side of the barrier was struggling to contain the relentless force of the legendary sword.

Still, nothing could stop Ragnarok. The legendary sword sliced through the magic barrier with unstoppable force, breaking it into glowing pieces. Fragments of magical energy dispersed through the air, dispelling the illusion that covered the city.

The moment was so impactful that all the players present were stunned, unable to believe what they had just witnessed. Those who were a few meters behind, and watching the scene from afar approached cautiously, witnessing the destruction of the magic barrier and the power of the Ragnarok.

Kaizen lowered his sword. His breathing was heavy, but his face exhibited a mixture of triumph and surprise.

Andrew approached Kaizen with his eyes shining with excitement as he watched the barrier slowly fall across the city. “You did it, Klaus… You really broke through an event barrier.” He said in a tone of disbelief.

Kaizen smiled humbly, appreciating his friend’s support.

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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