Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 511 Romantically Speaking

“Now that we are here, what will we do?” Klaus asked.

Ashley smiled mischievously and pushed him onto his bed. “Well, we have this room just for the two of us. I guess we can take the opportunity to get to know each other better.” She suggested, with a teasing tone.

Klaus laughed as he fell onto the bed under Ashley’s urging. “Get to know each other better, huh?” Klaus teased, teasing Ashley. “That sounds like a great idea.”๐’๐‘ฃ๐“›xt.๐—‡๐“”t

Ashley moved closer, with a mischievous smile on her lips, and began to stroke Klaus’ face softly. His eyes were shining with desire and anticipation. The two shared an intense connection, fueled by the love and passion they had for each other. It was a moment of surrender and intimacy, when the world around them seemed to disappear.

Klaus held Ashley’s hand and brought her close to his chest, where his heart was beating fast. He lost himself in the depth of her eyes, knowing that there he would find comfort and complicity. In turn, Ashley slid her lips gently over Klaus’, deepening the kiss and intensifying the passion that existed between them. Their hands explored each other’s bodies, seeking to feel every detail and every sensation.

As they gave themselves over to desire, Klaus and Ashley knew that this moment was special. It was a celebration of the love and connection they shared, a unique and incomparable experience. And for Klaus it was a relief, because it had been months since he had last done this.

And so, wrapped in the magic of the moment, Klaus and Ashley explored intimacy and mutual pleasure. Ashley slowly slid down Klaus’ body, moving down to his legs. They gave themselves completely to each other, in an act of love and passion, enjoying the joy of being together.

In the warmth of that room, they wrote an unforgettable chapter of their story, reaffirming the love that bound them together and creating memories that would follow them forever. And as the minutes progressed, Klaus and Ashley lost themselves in each other’s arms, sharing not only a moment of physical intimacy, but also emotional and spiritual connection.

In that room, under the veil of night, they found a refuge where time stood still and only love prevailed. It was a moment of surrender, trust and fullness, where Klaus and Ashley lost themselves in each other, finding happiness in their arms.


The next day, Klaus woke up in his cramped room with a silly smile on his face. He was so happy that he didn’t even have the laziness to get up, and quickly went to take a shower to wake up fully.

While brushing his teeth after his bath, Andrew entered the communal bathroom, a little sleepy, but the moment he saw Klaus a smile broke out on his face.

“Look who’s already awake…” He said, moving closer. “Wouldn’t you rather rest a little more? I heard you expended a lot of energy yesterday.”

Klaus stopped brushing his teeth and rinsed his mouth. “Wait a minute, how did you…? Oh, Ashley told Helen and Helen told you, didn’t she?”

“Exactly. In fact, I thought you guys were past that phase a while ago. You were coming back so late that, you know, I thought it had already happened.”

Klaus blushed slightly, realizing that the news had spread among his friends. He sighed and shrugged, deciding to face the situation naturally.

“Well, we weren’t going that fast because we’re here and you know, if things go too fast, our relationship can get awkward, Andrew. However, Ashley and I grew even closer during the time off we had and I met her parents. So, it was her choice to take that next step yesterday.”

Andrew nodded, looking understanding. “I understand. I’m not judging you guys, it just surprised me a little. But as long as you are well and happy, that’s all that matters. You two are important to me.”

Klaus smiled, grateful for his friend’s understanding. “Thank you, Andrew. And by the way, you and Helen also seem to have had a good time together yesterday, right?”

Andrew blushed a little, but soon smiled. “Yes, we met and talked quite a bit. It was a great time, but of course we had sex already, I don’t take my relationships like the ones in clichรฉd teen movies.” He scoffed.

Klaus took little notice of his joke, and they continued to chat as they got ready for the day. As they walked out of the dorm toward their first class, Andrew arched his eyebrows because he remembered something.

“By the way, Klaus, when we came home from training yesterday, the leader of the fencing department was here at the door. He approached me, Nathan and David asking about you. He wouldn’t tell me what he wanted, but I’m guessing he wants to invite you to also be in his department during the competition.” Andrew explained.

“His department? But why would I participate with them and why would he think of me?”

“I don’t know. Possibly they are interested in your absurd reflexes or your fame. I really don’t know.”

Klaus was intrigued by the news that the leader of the fencing department wanted to talk to him. He had never considered the possibility of joining the fencing department. However, curiosity urged him on and he really wanted to improve his fencing recently, since the most he had to use his sword in Rise Online was the <Sword Art> skill, which made his movements a bit more fluid.

During the first class, Klaus could not concentrate fully, his mind wandering over the unexpected invitation. So, when all the classes were over, he inevitably invited Andrew to go together to the fencing department.

Klaus and Andrew headed toward the fencing department, curious to find out what awaited them in the dojo building. When they arrived there, they were impressed by the grandeur and architectural beauty of the place, which looked more like a classical oriental building.

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