Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 496 Yggdrasil (Part 4)

When Kaizen realized that he couldn’t figure out if Ratatosk was an NPC who knew too much, a player, or a moderator, he just sighed in disappointment.

“Sigh… Can you at least tell us what happened to the others who didn’t make it this far? Marcus and Elysia are missing. One has a small tail and big horns, the other is the exact opposite.” Kaizen explained.

Ratatosk wagged his tail negatively and clicked his tongue several times as if disappointed. “As I told you, only the worthy could pass between worlds. They were not worthy, so they could not complete the passage.”

Everyone was surprised and frightened at that moment. Marcus was one of the strongest Descendragon warriors, and Elysia was very skilled.

“But if they were so powerful, why were they not worthy?” Kara asked.

“You humans speak of dignity as Asgardians. Having power does not mean being worthy, quite the opposite,” Ratatosk replied wisely.

Kaizen narrowed his eyes. “And what makes one worthy?”

“Only Yggdrasil can determine that, and you know she’s not much for talking.” Squirrel replied. “Anyway, it was a pleasure to meet you. I’m sure our paths will cross again soon. See you!”

And as mysterious as he seemed, Ratatosk disappeared, leaving the party alone to face the new world of Niflheim.

With Ratatosk’s departure, the group fell silent for a moment, absorbing the information and pondering the fate of Marcus and Elysia. The desolate plain stretched out before them, the gray mist enveloping them like a dark veil.

Kara looked at her companions with determination in her eyes and said:

“We cannot waste time mourning. Marcus and Elysia are our friends and we will do everything in our power to find them. I know they are alive. Let’s go on and explore Niflheim. Maybe we can find some clues or help bring them back. Besides, Klaus, he’s our leader, right? I bet he has goals in mind as well.”

Samantho nodded, gripping the hilt of his sword tightly. “I agree with Kara. No matter how challenging this place is, we won’t give up.”

Xisrith, normally reserved, looked around cautiously, feeling the icy atmosphere of the kingdom envelop him. “Niflheim is certainly not a welcoming place, but we know that we have faced great dangers before and overcome them together. Let’s stay together and trust each other. That way we will find our friends and find answers.”

Kaizen, still a bit disappointed by Ratatosk’s vague answers, clenched his fists and felt a new determination.

“You are right. Let’s not let uncertainty stop us from moving forward. Besides, I read up on Niflheim before I came here for convenience. And if we want to go back to Midgard, I still have the key.” He said, holding the same key that opened the door in the hall.

[Item: Niflheim Gate Key (Functional)

This item connects the world of Niflheim to the original world of the item’s owner. Previously, it was a useless key, but when it came into contact with the matrix energy of the World Tree, it could be charged and used for three months.

Class: Legendary

Item level: 1

Attack: 0

Defense: 0

Physical Fitness level required: 1.]


A gray mist enveloped the desolate plain of Niflheim as the group moved forward with cautious steps.

The icy air bit at their skins, and there was a sense that a storm was approaching. The landscape, scarred by rocks and ice crystals, revealed a desolate world full of mystery and challenge.

As they continued, the travelers began to notice signs of life, such as lost objects on the ground, abandoned buildings, and other things.

Soon, they saw pale silhouettes moving in the shadows of the dense fog, and realized that they had unknowingly entered a small village.

With skin as pale as snow and eyes as bright as stars, the natives showed an elegance and harmony with their icy surroundings. Though somewhat different from their Midgard brethren, they were definitely ice dwarves, a hardy race that inhabited every region of Niflheim, much like the humans of Midgard.

With their natural resistance to the cold, their skills in mining and forging, and their dense bone structure, the Ice Dwarves have been known since time immemorial for creating high-quality weapons and armor. Their settlements in the middle of the mountains were a testament to their skill and hard work, with crackling forges and corridors carved into the icy rock. Many players made money by selling high quality items on the world market.

Kaizen wanted to approach one of the ice dwarves and ask him some questions, but his human features were too different and would alarm them. He had to stop for a moment and think of a solution that was not very different from what he was used to: wearing a helmet to hide his face.

So Kaizen quickly grabbed a helmet from his inventory and pulled it over his head. With his face protected and his body hidden, the only problem would be his size, but Kaizen was only slightly smaller than a normal ice dwarf, so maybe he would have no problem.𝒪𝒱𝗅xt.𝗇𝓔t

In any case, he cautiously approached a group of ice dwarves who were working in a forge in the village.

The dwarves, in their sturdy robes and long beards, worked with skill, hammering metal into flames and shaping it into shining weapons. Their skin was blue like dense ice, and Kaizen watched in awe at the dexterity, precision, and harmony with which they performed their craft.

With quiet steps, Kaizen approached the ice dwarf closest to him on the outside. He bowed his head in respect, and the dwarf raised his eyes, surprised by the presence of a masked stranger.

“Excuse me, noble blacksmith,” Kaizen said, his voice muffled by his helmet. “I am a traveler who has come from afar in search of knowledge about this place. Would it be possible for me to ask a few questions?”

The ice dwarf looked at Kaizen for a moment, judging him cautiously. Finally, he nodded and pointed to a bench near the forge.

“All right, have a seat, traveler.”

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