Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 486 Occurrence In The Park

“Do you think they liked me?” Klaus asked Ashley as they walked through Central Park.

“My parents? Um… I don’t think so.” She said, causing his eyebrows to arch in surprise, and then she began to laugh. “Of course they liked you. Who wouldn’t?”

Her words made him feel quite relieved after his brief fright.

“I don’t know. I mean, now I’m more than sure that you come from a noble family, so there was a chance that they wouldn’t like me very much.”

“Wait, you really don’t know my last name, do you?” She inquired.

“Your last name? No, why?”

Ashley started laughing again and shook her head in the negative. “No, not at all. It makes me happy that you don’t know my name because it means that you have fallen in love with me for who I am.”

Klaus smiled, relieved at Ashley’s comforting words. “I fell in love with you for your character, for the wonderful person you are, regardless of any last name or status.” He squeezed her hand gently as they walked through Central Park, enjoying the pleasant weather and serene scenery around them. “You make me happy, and that is the most important thing to me.”

Ashley smiled back, her eyes sparkling with affection. “I have also fallen in love with you for who you are, Klaus. Your kindness, your determination, and the way you care for others are qualities that delight me.”

As they walked quietly hand in hand through Central Park, Klaus and Ashley enjoyed the serenity of their surroundings. A gentle breeze caressed their faces, and their rhythmic steps created a harmonious melody. The park was relatively quiet for a Saturday, with people enjoying leisure and relaxation. Suddenly, in the distance, they noticed a flurry of activity near one of the wooded paths. Klaus squeezed Ashley’s hand a little tighter, indicating his concern about the scene unfolding before him. Curious, they approached cautiously, keeping a close eye on each other.

As they approached, they could see a man running with a bag in his hand.

Amid the hustle and bustle, a woman looked frightened as she carried a baby on her lap.

“Thief! Catch the thief! He stole my purse!” The woman shouted.

Klaus felt an impulse to act, his protective instinct kicking in. Without a second thought, Klaus let go of Ashley’s hand and ran toward the scene of the crime. With his agility and physical strength, he quickly approached the attacker, cutting through the crowd like lightning. With a quick and precise move, Klaus grabbed the robber’s arm, preventing him from continuing to run.

“Give me the bag!” Klaus said firmly, his determined gaze fixed on the robber’s face.

His imposing presence and the visible strength in his muscles made it clear that he would not be easily intimidated. On the other hand, the burglar, surprised by the unexpected intervention, looked at Klaus angrily and tried to free himself with a punch in the boy’s direction. However, Klaus, using his dexterity and physical skills, kept control of the situation, grabbed his fist and threw it to the ground.

The thief fell awkwardly, stunned by Klaus’ skill.

Other men quickly approached and helped hold the thief until the police arrived.πžΈπ“‹π“›xt.π’žπ—ˆπ“Ά

The crowd that had gathered around them began to applaud Klaus for his heroic act after he took back the woman’s purse with the baby in it.

And the woman in question, still shaken, approached with trembling steps to retrieve her purse. She looked at Klaus with gratitude in her eyes and thanked him with a trembling voice:

“Thank you so much! You really are an angel!”

Klaus smiled humbly, satisfied that he had helped someone in need.

Amidst the commotion, Ashley approached, proud of her boyfriend and relieved that everything had ended well.

As the crowd dispersed and normalcy returned to the park, Klaus and Ashley continued their walk, now with a renewed sense of security and connection. Their hands remained tightly clasped, symbolizing the strength and support they shared.

“You were amazing, Klaus,” Ashley said, admiring him. “Your courage and your skills were impressive.”

“Being with you gives me the courage and motivation to act when I need to, and I couldn’t ignore something like that with you by my side,” he replied, looking at her affectionately.

Soon Ashley and Klaus arrived at the place where they planned to say goodbye in the early evening. It was a busy street, with cars passing and pedestrians hurrying by. They looked at each other for a moment, reluctant to part after what they had just experienced together. With one last tight hug, they parted. Klaus called a car for Ashley, and they nodded goodbye before she got into the vehicle. He watched as the car drove away, feeling a mixture of emotions.

Klaus then walked to a train station, and as he boarded the train to Long Island, he naturally pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and opened the web. While browsing the social networks, he noticed a flood of notifications. Curious, he visited one of them and was surprised to find a video of him confronting the burglar for a few minutes in Central Park.

The video went viral, with thousands of views and comments praising Klaus’ bravery and skill.

Klaus’ heart raced as he watched the video. He saw himself acting quickly, running with frightening speed and overpowering the thief. The words of admiration and support from the comments filled his phone screen.

“Wow, who is this guy? I would marry someone like that!”

“America is still alive!”

“It’s good people like that I want to keep believing in…”

“This guy should be at EWE.”

With a sigh, Klaus leaned his head back in his seat on the train and looked out the window as the cityscape gave way to suburban landscapes. He was somewhat relieved that his face only appeared for a few seconds in the video.

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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