Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 483 Meeting Of Brothers

The agreement between Klaus Park and Charles Richards, one of the lead developers of Rise Online, to develop a cure for Rhyzer Park’s condition was solidified, but considering the terms of the agreement, the benefits for both sides were yet to come, or at least that’s what Klaus thought.

When Klaus arrived at the Hospital Happy Life on Saturday morning to visit his brother and introduced himself at the counter, the receptionist raised her eyebrows in surprise. 

At first, Klaus didn’t understand the reason for this reaction, but he didn’t care enough to ask her about it. However, he was surprised by the much better service than usual. One of the senior doctors made it a point to greet him and escorted him to his brother’s room while telling him everything that had happened in the past month. 

This makes Klaus smile with a certain irony as he enters his brother’s room and closes the door. He knows that Charles Richards has probably used his influence to make it clear that the Park family is now of interest to him.

Rhyzer, for his part, looked exactly as he always did. It was amazing how he didn’t seem to age. The only thing that had changed since Klaus’ last visit was his beard, which now showed a few strands scattered across his face.

Klaus approached his brother’s bed, pulled out the chair that was on the small desk next to it, and sat down beside him.

“Where shall I begin? Ah, brother, I think you would like to know that I have a new girlfriend. Her name is Ashley. I haven’t made a formal proposal, but I don’t think that would have been necessary. She is nice, very nice. I have to admit that it was a little difficult at first. It seems that she is not very experienced, so I am also trying to take it easy.

Klaus always talked to Rhyzer when he visited him, because he had read somewhere on the webnet when he was younger that talking to people in comas could be stimulating for their brains.

“I think you two would get along very well…” …. By the way, she wants to meet mom and dad, and I will meet her parents today. I think it’s getting serious, more serious than I’ve ever been with anyone,” Klaus said. Klaus said. “I hope her parents are as nice as she is. I have to admit that I’m a little more nervous than usual. Is it normal to feel this way when you meet the parents of the girl you like? Dad said yes, but I don’t know, after all, he married Mom very young.”

The young man paused, glanced at his brother’s inexpressive face for a second, then back to his own hands, fingers intertwined with a rare sense of restlessness.

“You were the person who taught me the most about girls. I wish you could talk to me.” He said and stood up.

Silently, Klaus arranged the chair he had taken from the desk, looked at his brother and smiled.

“Rhyzer, don’t worry about me. I will come back here before I go back to campus so I can tell you how my lunch with Ashley’s parents went.” 

Klaus paused for a moment, as if expecting some sort of response or reaction from his brother, but only silence filled the room. He sighed softly and approached the bed again, holding his brother’s hand, feeling the warmth that still emanated from it. He felt a mixture of gratitude and sadness as he remembered all the moments they had shared together.

“I’m here for you, Rhyzer. I will continue to fight to find a cure for you. Charles Richards may have his own interests, but I know he can help us in some way. I won’t stop until I find a solution so you can live fully again.

Klaus looked at his brother’s serene face, left a soft kiss on his brother’s forehead, and walked away from the bed. 

Before leaving the room, Klaus took one last look at his brother, took a deep breath and said with determination: 

“See you later, Rhyzer. I’ll be back soon.”


“I wonder if Ashley gave me the right address. I mean, this doesn’t look like an apartment building for a simple lunch.” Klaus said, looking at the fancy building across the street, which was one of Manhattan’s.

He was a person of humble origins and was not used to such luxurious surroundings. As he looked up, his gaze settled on the grandeur of the building, with its gleaming facade and modern design. Still, Ashley insisted that this was the right address, so Klaus entered the foyer and was immediately struck by the grandeur of the place. 

Impressive chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, the marble floor shone, and the elegant decor gave the room an air of sophistication. 

The contrast to his humble life was undeniable, and Klaus felt somewhat intimidated.

A receptionist quickly approached him and asked where he was going. Klaus immediately said that he was going to the sixth floor, so the receptionist nodded and escorted him to the elevator. While waiting for the elevator, Klaus tried to calm down.

The elevator doors opened and Klaus stepped inside, feeling a slight flutter in his stomach. The elevator rose quickly, and he used the brief moment to take a deep breath and prepare himself for the meeting with Ashley’s parents. The doubts and fears in his mind were quickly silenced.


When the doors opened on the right floor, Klaus was confronted with a wide floor, even the thick columns were decorated. He knew immediately that he had been mistaken when he thought he would find Ashley’s parents in their house, because the entire sixth floor was actually a huge, fancy restaurant.

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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