Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 481 Castle Of King (Part 5)


“So, Klaus, as king, I must ask: What do you hope to gain by denouncing this? What do you hope to gain?”

Kaizen felt the weight of the king’s words, but he maintained his respectful posture and looked directly into the eyes of the monarch who was now at eye level with him.

“My intention in denouncing this situation is to protect Vrikhodour and the integrity of his royal line. My goal is to ensure the safety of all citizens and the stability of the kingdom. I seek no personal gain or advantage in this denunciation.

Klaus paused for a moment before continuing, choosing his words carefully.

“I understand that an alliance with the Descragons may be viewed favorably by some people, and I agree with that; it is not surprising that Duke Frugold may be using this alliance as a front for his own selfish interests. Besides, the reputation and trust of the kingdom could be damaged if the royal family fails to keep its promises. Klaus said without lowering his head or shaking his voice. “As an agent of the kingdom, my loyalty is to you, Your Majesty. My goal is to protect your interests and the welfare of the kingdom as a whole. If there is any danger or threat to your authority and the safety of the kingdom, it is my duty to bring this information to your attention.”

King Walkul Dragonsbane looked at Kaizen with a serious expression, pondering the guard’s words. After a brief moment of silence, he approached Kaizen and placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Guard Klaus, I appreciate your devotion and sense of responsibility to the kingdom. I trust your intentions. Indeed, we must carefully examine this situation and take the appropriate steps to ensure the safety of the kingdom and the fulfillment of the promises made.”

The advisor to the left of the king’s throne nodded briefly. “Your Majesty, with your permission, may I assemble a team of experienced investigators to assess the veracity of the allegations and to obtain more information about Duke Frugold and his possible alliance with the Descragons? Furthermore, the guardian must be true to his word and present the victim of the case.”

King Walkul Dragonsbane nodded, trusting in the experience and skill of his advisors.

“Do that, Dorth.” He continued to look at Kaizen. “But first, there is something I would like to ask my faithful agent…. Klaus, that is an unusual name. So unusual that I am sure I have never seen or heard it before.”

Kaizen felt a shiver run down his spine as he realized that King Walkul Dragonsbane was not only questioning his name, but also demonstrating that he was aware that his true identity was not that of a Guardian. He knew immediately that he was in trouble, and that his chances of escaping unscathed were slim. However, he was determined to face the consequences.

The undercover guard took a deep breath and replied in a firm but respectful voice:

“Your Majesty, I apologize for my deception. You are right. The name ‘Klaus’ is indeed a pseudonym I usually use. However, this does not change the need to investigate Duqe Frugold.”

At that moment, the young king’s eyes twinkled, and a simple smile broke out of the corner of his mouth.

On the other hand, the king’s advisors were very surprised, frightened, and outraged by Kaizen’s confession. After all, what kind of person could so easily admit to breaking into a private state estate, disguising himself as a royal official, and infiltrating the king’s large throne room?

The advisor to the left of the throne stepped forward and protested:

“How dare you, impostor? Infiltrate our court and try to deceive our king? That is an unforgivable crime!”

The advisor to the king’s right also spoke up, his voice filled with anger. “A spy! An infiltrator! This is an outrage against the principles of our nation. How can we trust someone like you? Guards! Guards!”

Kaizen remained calm, even in the face of the wrath of the advisors. He knew that his actions could be misunderstood, but he was willing to face the consequences in order to protect Xisrith’s clan.

“Your Majesty, I ask you to understand the need to honor your brother’s agreement. Personally, I believe it will be to your advantage. My first thought was to investigate Duke Frugold’s activities and discover the truth about his alliance with the Descragons, but when he himself sent assassins in the direction of the clan’s intermediary with your kingdom, I knew I had to speak with you directly.”

King Walkul Dragonsbane listened to Kaizen’s words in silence, pondering the situation. After a brief moment, he looked deep into Kaizen’s eyes.

“Though your actions may be questionable, I can see that your intentions are sincere. However, I cannot ignore the fact that you have infiltrated our court and kept your true identity a secret. This betrayal cannot be ignored, no matter how much I believe that there is something more you have not yet revealed.”

The advisors nodded in agreement with the king’s words. It seemed that Kaizen’s fate was sealed.

The king then raised his hand and motioned for the advisors to calm down. He turned his eyes to Kaizen. “Your actions are unacceptable, but I also recognize the courage and dedication you have shown in your mission. As king, I must make a difficult decision…. You are sentenced to pay one gold coin for every hour you impersonated an officer of the kingdom, and that money will be used to compensate the guard from whom you stole the uniform.”

The old men in the seats a few feet away were stunned by the sentence, which did not reflect the seriousness of Kaizen’s actions. The advisor to the left of the throne intervened in indignation:

“Your Majesty, this is an outrage! This undercover impostor should be arrested and tried for high treason! This punishment is ridiculous!”

The advisor to the king’s right also expressed his dissatisfaction:

“I must agree with my colleague, Your Majesty. This sentence is an affront to justice. We must show that treachery and intrigue will not be tolerated in our kingdom!”

The advisors began to argue among themselves, their voices rising in pitch, while King Walkul Dragonsbane remained calm and thoughtful. Finally, he raised his hand again, silencing his advisors.

“Um… Was I too lenient in my punishment? Very well then, Klaus, I sentence you to reveal your true name to us!”

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