Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 455 Lisa

After a few minutes of silent walking through the woods, Klaus and Mark arrived at the place that Mark said was the meeting place where he was supposed to meet the leader of his group at the end of the day. 

It was a quiet, secluded clearing surrounded by tall trees that filtered the sunlight, creating a shady and mysterious environment.

Klaus looked around, checking every detail of the place for any sign of the girl who had sent Mark to spy on him before entering the clearing. Silence hung in the air and tension mixed with anticipation. Suddenly, a faint sound echoed through the clearing and caught their attention. Klaus and Mark quickly turned in the direction of the sound and were surprised to see a young woman slowly approaching with a tall, strong boy beside her.

“Sigh… I can’t believe Simon hasn’t caught any fish since yesterday. If we have to survive on blue berries for another two days, I don’t know if I’ll make it.” The girl said after a small sigh.

She was small in stature, with dark hair that cascaded over her shoulders and a piercing gaze that conveyed intelligence.

Within moments of seeing her, Klaus emerged from the dense bushes with a neutral expression, holding Mark by the collar of his blouse. His sudden, unexpected movement silenced the conversation between the boy and the girl in the clearing. The sun’s rays highlighted his tense face as he turned his gaze to Lisa, the leader of the group.

Surprised by Klaus’ sudden appearance, Lisa raised her eyebrows abruptly and immediately cast a suspicious and wary glance in his direction. Her body stiffened and the air in the clearing became charged with the tension of the unexpected encounter.

Then Klaus released the collar of Mark’s blouse and raised his hands in a peaceful gesture. His serious and determined face tried to convey the seriousness of his intentions. Obviously he was not angry with Lisa, he just wanted to see for himself who had tried to place him as a piece on an unknown board. His piercing eyes roamed over Lisa’s expression, carefully watching her reaction.

Lisa, cautiously evaluating Klaus, ran her analytical gaze over Klaus’ facial features and posture. A mixture of surprise and curiosity mixed in her expression, indicating that her initial suspicion was gradually being replaced by an openness to hear what Klaus had to say.

While only a few seconds passed, the clearing seemed to hold its breath, waiting for Lisa’s reaction to Klaus’ unexpected presence. The surrounding trees seemed to bear witness to the unfolding encounter, their leaves softly rustling in the forest breeze. The boy who accompanied Lisa, with his thick blond hair and piercing gaze, was no stranger to Klaus, for this boy was the same one who had participated in the cafeteria stage during the selection process for the Special Program. At that time, Klaus did not exchange any words with this boy, but he knew that he was strong.

In that tense moment, emotions were mixed in the air. Klaus and Lisa faced each other in a silent duel of glances, each trying to decipher the other’s sincerity and intentions. It was a delicate dance of trust and mistrust where the future of their relationship was about to be decided.

Suddenly, the blond boy stepped forward, longing to step in front of Lisa to protect her, but she held out a hand to stop him.

“No, that’s not necessary. I’ll listen to what he has to say,” Lisa said, and it was she who took a few steps forward.

The tension in the air was palpable as she finally stopped a few steps away from Klaus and Mark. Their eyes met in an uncomfortable silence for a few moments before she broke it again.

“Klaus, I presume?” the girl said, her voice conveying a slight tone of suspicion.

Klaus nodded and stood his ground. “Yes, I am. And you’re the one who sent Mark to spy on me, right?”

She nodded with a determined look. “Yes, that was me. My name is Lisa. Please know that I have my reasons for doing this, and it’s important that you understand them.”

Klaus crossed his arms, listening to every word she said. “So, Lisa, why did you choose me to play your game? What were your intentions?”

Lisa took a deep breath before she answered. “Of course, you already know the answer to that, but that’s okay, I can reveal it to you without any problems…. I believe that you have unique abilities that can help us defeat our opponents in this game. Of course, I’m willing to use all available strategies so that my group gets as many golden tickets as possible.

Klaus stared into Lisa’s eyes, analyzing every word and expression. He could feel the sincerity in her words, but he also knew that there was more to the story.

“You say I could help you, but why did you not reveal your true intentions from the beginning? Did you assume that I wouldn’t cooperate?” asked Klaus, his voice full of suspicion.

Lisa sighed and looked at Mark who remained silent next to Klaus. “Mark is here to prove my sincerity. He could have said anything to deceive you, but he chose to reveal the truth. This shows that he knows that I am forgiving, but also that I am not an idiot. I know very well that you would not help me, no matter how much I could offer you.


“Yes. You want credits? I can offer you that. Contacts on and off campus? Too.”

“Why would you offer me all this for a few pieces of paper?”

“Pieces of paper? Klaus, do you still not understand what the Special Program is all about? It’s about prestige, and since I’m ambitious, I want all the prestige there is for me and those beside me.” Lisa said firmly.

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