Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 394 Reactions

In the past, Klaus Park didn’t have much to smile about. His family’s financial life was broken, the bills were piling up, the jobs were exhausting, and the future was uncertain.

But Klaus never gave up, always looking for ways to make things better. He worked hard to try to pay off the family’s debts, and at the same time, he learned a lot by becoming qualified in various fields. After years of struggle, he was finally where he never thought he would be in his wildest dreams.

After defeating Ryeis, he saw the thousands of people cheering him on in the Valkyria Arena and couldn’t help but smile. And Kaizen’s victory over Ryeis in the semifinals of the Big Three Nations Tournament was an event that shook the entire world of Rise Online. Not only the fans in the Valkyria Arena, but players all over the virtual world commented on the incredible battle and the surprising twist at the end.

Social networks and game forums were filled with messages of support and admiration for Kaizen, while Ryeis fans tried to understand what had happened. The virtual press reported on the fight and how Kaizen managed to defeat the heavy favorite, and as Kaizen raised his arms in celebration to the crowd, two players sitting in a Tokyo bar watched the broadcast on television.

“Phewwww! I knew Kaizen was good, but I never thought he could get this far. The finals, right?” said the first player, surprised.

“I was impressed too,” agreed the second player, who seemed to be a foreigner. “Ryeis was definitely my safe bet on who would win the tournament. Now everything has changed.”𝑂𝗏𝑳xt.𝗇𝓔t

The first player shook his head in agreement and added:

“But you can’t deny that Kaizen is a true warrior. He has a unique class, but I don’t know if I have the same stamina as him.

The stranger nodded and took another drink from his mug. “Yes, he’s an example of a player who thinks he’s a protagonist, but unlike those who dumb down that syndrome, he’s still cautious enough. Still, I don’t think he stands a chance against Bleeding Lily or Xanthea.

The first player smiled. “You really think so? I wouldn’t underestimate Kaizen. He’s already proven that he can beat the big favorites.”

The foreigner frowned thoughtfully. “Well, let’s see what happens in the final. Either way, it will be a great fight, and if Bloody Lily wins, it will be even more exciting. I’m looking forward to watching.”

At the same time, in a castle in the capital of the Kingdom of Mibothen, the Crown Prince was watching the tournament in his throne room through a magical projection. He had pinned all his hopes on Ryeis, the last remaining competitor and representative of Mibothen, but now he was clearly disappointed.

“This is unacceptable,” he said to his advisor standing next to him. “I cannot allow our glorious kingdom to be represented by someone as weak as Ryeis.”

The advisor tried to reassure him. “But, Your Highness, Kaizen is an exceptional warrior. His victory is well deserved.”

“I don’t care about merit,” the prince said impatiently, shaking his golden locks. “I want a winner who can honor the kingdom!”

Wisely, the advisor tried to find the right words to answer the prince. “I understand your position, Your Highness, but we cannot underestimate Kaizen. He made it to the finals for a reason, and his skills as a warrior are formidable, as you have seen with your own eyes, and, Your Highness, it was you who personally chose Teshi and Ryeis to be sponsored.”

“I don’t care about that, Alex,” the prince said impatiently. “I want a winner for Mibothen, and let’s make sure of that. Call the leader of the most powerful guild in our kingdom and make him an offer he can’t refuse. I want him to prepare a warrior who can hunt Kaizen, so we can show the world that we are not a weak nation.

The advisor hesitated, but knew he could not disobey a direct order from the lord. “As you wish, Your Highness. I will see to it at once.” And he retreated from the throne room to carry out his mission.

The indignation of the Prince of Mibothen was more fear than anger. It was frightening that there was a mysterious masked man out there with enough power to defeat the two best warriors of one of Midgard’s greatest human nations.

Meanwhile, Khalil, the leader of one of the most powerful Rise Online guilds in all of Europe and an Evolved, was in a meeting with some of his colleagues discussing Kaizen’s victory.

“This changes everything, guys,” he said. “Kaizen could be a threat to us in the future.”

His statement surprised most in the room.

“How so? How can an undeveloped one be a threat to us?” Someone asked.

“You know that the strength of an Evolved is directly related to when the player decides to evolve. A player who evolved at level 100 is definitely weaker than one who evolved at level 200, and even weaker than one who evolved at level 300, except that Kaizen would be especially dangerous even if he evolved at level 100, because he is like a wild card, capable of doing anything.”

“Anything? Ha… You can’t be serious.” Another guild member chuckled, but soon discovered that he was not joking.

“Kaizen is a Psyker. This is clearer now than ever, and if you don’t know, in the history of Rise Online, Psykers will be the great destroyers or saviors of all worlds. His class is certainly one of the most mysterious and far-reaching in the game, and it showed in this battle, when even bleeding against a much physically stronger opponent, he managed to win”.

A rapt silence fell over the room. They all felt that Khalil was right.

“What will we do now?” asked one member.

“We will watch him closely,” the leader replied. “And if necessary, we will act to ensure the safety of our sovereignty. But for now, we will just watch the finale and see what else he is capable of.”

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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