Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 387 Black Aura

The spectators watched the stones of the broken pillar stop in midair with wide-eyed amazement, unable to believe what was happening right in front of them. It was unimaginable for any player to have the power to do this as naturally as Kaizen did. Some mages might use wind magic to try to push the stones away, or <Telekinesis> to try something similar, but there was definitely no known mage, even among the Evolved ones, who had such control and strength in using <Telekinesis>.

Therefore, the theory that Kaizen was the unique bearer of the Psyche class was no longer just discussed by a few thousand people on the forums, but was practically given as an undeniable truth.

“I knew he was the Psyker!”

“Ow! That’s… unbelievable!”

“But bro, what surreal power!!!”

The voices of the spectators echoed through the arena as they watched in awe of Kaizen’s power. Some cheered for him, impressed by the new discovery, while others worried about what it meant for Evan. Evan, for his part, was stunned by Kaizen’s demonstration of power.

Kaizen looked at the standing stones in the air, suspended by his will, and seeing Evan’s surprised reaction, felt a surge of pride and satisfaction, for this was definitely a very powerful ability, but also difficult to control because of the concentration it required. In the past, Kaizen could not even lift a person, but he had trained hard to master this ability and reach this level of frightening strength.

Psyker looked at Evan and saw the look of shock and fear on his face. He knew that Evan wasn’t necessarily expecting this, maybe Evan knew about this ability, but not its true potential.

Kaizen smiled and said:

“Surprised, Evan? Don’t be. If you are in doubt, or if anyone else is, yes, I am the holder of the Psych class. One of the abilities is to be able to control objects of any size with my mind. And, Evan, now I’m going to start fighting back, so get ready and don’t die yet.

He raised his right hand and made a gesture with his index finger, pointing forward. The rocks he had stopped in mid-air immediately flew at Evan with incredible speed. They were like cannonballs, capable of crushing anything in their path.

Evan saw the rocks coming at him. He felt a shiver run down his spine, a cold sweat on his forehead, thought quickly and said:

“This is impressive, Kaizen! But don’t think that this is enough to defeat me! I still have a few tricks up my sleeve!”

Evan raised his staff and cast a water spell, causing the puddles on the ground to rise and turn into liquid shields in front of him.

The water shields managed to block some of the stones, but not all of them. Some of them crashed into the shields with such force that they broke through and continued on their way. Evan had to dodge quickly to avoid being hit. He felt some of the rocks scrape against his arm and leg, causing cuts and bruises. He bit his lip, ignoring the pain.

Kaizen was unimpressed by Evan’s spell. He knew that there was no way that Evan was weak enough to withstand a counterattack. Since Kaizen wanted to end this fight as quickly as possible, and since he knew that Evan would keep his distance anyway, he kept picking up rocks that were scattered around the arena and throwing them at Evan.

Soon Evan realized he couldn’t stay on the defensive. He had to counterattack somehow. So he looked around and saw that there were still many puddles of water scattered all over the arena, especially around the edges and in the center, which gave him a new idea. He ran towards the fountain, dodging and cutting the stones that were flying towards him, and when he finally reached the center of the battlefield, he touched the water with his staff.𝒐𝗏𝗅xt.𝓒𝐎𝗆

“Warm up, Aquaflamme!”

He cast another water spell, but this time he used a lot of the mana he had left. The water in the fountain began to bubble and swirl, and as Evan stepped back, the water began to rise into the air in small bubbles that seemed to defy gravity.

When Kaizen looked up, he saw that the small puddle had turned into a giant ball of water that hovered over the battlefield, casting shadows on his face. The moment Evan slammed his staff down again, that ball fell to the ground, forming a huge wave that spread across the arena. The wave swallowed the rocks that Kaizen could control and swept them away. It also hit Kaizen, who had no time to react. He was swept away by the wave and fell to the ground, drenched and a little dazed.

Evan seized the unique opportunity and ran to Kaizen. He pointed his staff at his face, who was still on his knees trying to get up, and said:

“It’s over for you, Kaizen! You underestimated my power, but now it’s time to pay for it.”

Kaizen, still dazed from the water wave, tried to get up, but he knew he was at a disadvantage.

“You got me this time,” Kaizen said with a sinister smile.

Evan recognized that smile, it was impossible to forget after seeing it every day for months. That was Kaizen’s smile of animation, the smile he made when he hadn’t given up yet, when he knew he still had a chance to win.

“Don’t you dare move again!” Evan shouted.

“Move? No, I don’t need to.” Kaizen just used <Intimidate>, and Evan saw a black aura form around Kaizen, as did all the bystanders, causing everyone’s survival instincts to whistle.

That second of Evan’s hesitation was all Kaizen needed as he lifted his head and threw him away with <Psychokinesis>.

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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