Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 383 Victory

The ability to ignore any defense might not sound very exciting to avid players of the MMORPG genre, but in Rise Online, it was a rare and very important skill, with the ability to determine the course of a battle. Maybe that was why Teshi had not used it against Kaizen yet, or maybe he was waiting for the right moment.

In any case, Kaizen didn’t think much about it, because now he was facing a player with more than 200 levels who considered him a worthy rival. In other words, even a moment of distraction could mean his defeat.

The battle between Kaizen and Teshi was at its peak, and the two players moved quickly around the virtual battlefield, dodging attacks and delivering powerful blows with their blades.

Once again, Kaizen acted adaptively and reactively to Teshi’s strategy. He watched Teshi’s movements carefully, studying and looking for an opportunity to use his new copied skill, the <Iminence of Chaos>.

Teshi was still confident, knowing he had the advantage, except that Kaizen didn’t seem determined to give up, no matter how visibly tired he was, and that was what Teshi respected about Kaizen, not to mention his stamina and agility.

Patiently, Kaizen waited for his chance, avoiding Teshi’s attacks with impeccable footwork. Eventually, the opportunity came when Teshi cast a powerful spell that turned everything around him into ice in an attempt to trap Kaizen’s feet on the ground and eventually finish him off, but this ended up leaving him temporarily vulnerable because his ice ability was as bad for him as it was for the opponent, as it also trapped his feet, and since Kaizen managed to block the ice’s advance with <Psychokinesis>, only Teshi was trapped.

At that moment, Kaizen secretly activated the <Iminence of Chaos>, moving forward with speed and swinging his sword once again at Teshi’s chest, only this attack was not like the one with the <Death Touch> or the one with the <Deep Cut>, this touch was beyond the natural defenses of Teshi’s spectral cloak, armor, and attributes, a direct blow to Teshi’s soul, combining Kaizen’s natural strength. The blow was devastating, causing an explosion of chaotic energy that shook Teshi and immediately deactivated the ability of his cloak, tearing it in half as well.

This was not enough to defeat Teshi, however, as he was momentarily stunned, allowing Kaizen to launch another powerful attack, this one aimed directly at his neck. The crowd watched in silence, stunned by the turn of events. Teshi tried to recover in time, but his knees were stiff and he could not even move, not because he had no more strength, power, or will, but because Kaizen was relentless and had already thought up to that moment when he used <Psychokinesis> to hold back Teshi’s movements for another second.

With a final, skillfully aimed blow, Kaizen defeated Teshi, who fell to the ground, defeated.

[You have killed the player ‘Teshi’.]

[You have gained +30000 XP.]

Just as Kaizen heard these messages ringing in his ears, he looked up to see the message that he had won the duel.

[Congratulations, Kaizen! You have advanced to the quarterfinals of the Three Great Human Nations Tournament!]

The crowd erupted in applause, acknowledging Kaizen’s impressive victory. He, who was considered by many to be nothing more than a great charlatan and a video forger, had once again impressed the world by defeating one of the most powerful players among the non-evolved races.


On the webnet, the reaction to Kaizen in the vast majority of broadcast forums and chats was nothing short of adoration, as the battle between him and Teshi was one of the closest and most beautiful that most had ever seen with their own eyes. They were undoubtedly living proof that there were many powerful, talented, and formidable players even among the unevolved, and Kaizen had proven himself to be a true master of the art of combat in Rise Online. His astute thinking, combined with his powerful skills and ruthless courage, had led him to victory against all odds.

As Teshi’s flaming orb lay on the ground, Kaizen took a deep breath, feeling the adrenaline of battle still coursing through his veins. He looked at the cheering crowd and felt satisfied that he had earned the respect and admiration of so many. Winning the Round of Sixteen of the Three Great Human Nations Tournament was a monumental achievement for him, not only as a player, but also as a person, for it had been a long time since he had felt such an adrenaline rush, the adrenaline rush of a championship, and in the past, it had been as natural to him as eating dinner.

In the forums and chats of the Webnet broadcasts, Kaizen’s fans celebrated his victory, praising his intelligence and his courage in the face of a formidable opponent like Teshi. Many recognized that Kaizen was not just a charlatan, as some had previously thought, but a talented and skilled player worthy of securing a spot in the quarterfinals against one of the strongest players in the tournament.

While Kaizen was congratulated on his victory, he knew that he still had a long way to go. The next battles would be even more challenging, and he would have to prepare carefully to face the best.

With the crowd still celebrating his victory and the eyes of the world upon him, Kaizen stood and raised his sword in a gesture of gratitude and determination. The crowd in the Valkyria Arena erupted in cheers. For Kaizen, this electrifying atmosphere was like feeding a juicy and generous piece of meat to a lion that had long since gone vegan. It was obvious that the lion craved more meat after tasting the delicious first bite, just as Kaizen craved another dose of that addictive championship adrenaline.

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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