Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 381 Rival (Part 1)

Wide-eyed, Kaizen saw Teshi’s giant fist and dodged it out of pure instinct.

The crowd watched in silence, tense as the battle unfolded. And Teshi didn’t take more than an instant to try another punch, which Kaizen knew he couldn’t dodge, precisely because of the short interval between blows, so the Psyker blocked with his left forearm. Blocking such a powerful attack was certainly not a good idea, but it was the only one Kaizen had during the few moments of thinking left to him.

Teshi’s punch devastated with the right side of Kaizen’s body, who was immediately thrown far into the arena.

[You lost 700 HP.]

As he stood up after the blow, with the damage notification stamped on his face, contrary to everyone’s expectations, Kaizen smiled.

“Only 700 damage? I was being very careful because I thought you were very strong, but you didn’t meet my expectations with that blow.” Kaizen said, making the entire arena, which was silent and tense, follow his unnerved mood.

The truth is that taking 700 damage was certainly something threatening to Kaizen, who had only 1600 HP, but for him the expectation was that Teshi was at the level of the Guardian of the Forest of the Lost, because of all his confidence and because he was one of the strongest players on Midgard, which was not quite true, considering that the Guardian of the Forest of the Lost almost defeated him with a single blow.

The crowds watching this fight, both online and in the stadium, were stunned by Kaizen’s words, for 700 damage was something that for the vast majority of players would be hitkill, and for other players with level 100 or even higher this would practically be a death sentence. Still, Kaizen scoffed at this and stood up after a tremendous hit like this, as if it were nothing.

Internally, Kaizen knew he was at his limit and knew he needed to make a decision. With his sharp mind, he devised a risky strategy. He should use <Psychokinesis> to create an opening in Teshi’s defense and, by abusing the attribute boost provided by <Giant’s Lungs>, he could quickly approach the warrior.

Therefore, before Teshi could even retort his earlier provocation, Kaizen activated his <Psychokinesis> ability, manipulating the energy around him. Kaizen concentrated intensely, channeling all this pulsating energy he could feel now into his hands. In his vision, this energy was burning like golden flames as he shaped it into a glowing sphere of pure energy, except that in the vision of people devoid of the ability to see the supernatural, Kaizen was just making some strange movements. Still, everyone sensed that something was about to happen.

Suddenly, with one swift movement, Kaizen launched the sphere towards Teshi, who received it with a look of disdain, because he was seeing only a deformation in the air. The energy flew at high speed, leaving a bright trail in its path, and by the time Teshi could feel the gravitational pressure of this sphere, it was too late to deflect.

The sphere of psychic energy hit Teshi full on, exploding in an impressive display of power. The energy spread out in several directions, enveloping Teshi in a golden light and causing him to recoil, stunned. At first, no one understood exactly what happened, only that within moments Kaizen’s ‘invisible’ blow seemed to begin interacting with the shadowy aura of Teshi’s armor cloak, momentarily dissipating his bestial appearance.

For a brief moment, Teshi was revealed in his original form once again.

With an explosive thrust, Kaizen advanced toward Teshi at an astonishing speed. The dark warrior tried to defend himself, swinging his sword forward, but Kaizen was determined to take advantage of the opening created by <Psychokinesis>. Without hesitation, he delivered a series of quick blows, targeting the weak points in Teshi’s armor. However, Teshi was not willing to give in easily. As soon as possible, he once again used the ability of his cloak, which enveloped him in a dark and bestial aura.

The battle became heated, with Kaizen and Teshi exchanging physical blows without stopping for even a second. Kaizen was using his bare hands, and the crowd watched this in ecstasy, amazed at the talents of the two players. Kaizen was trying his hardest, using every advantage his PR could provide to stay ahead of Teshi. However, the dark energy of Teshi’s cloak was proving to be an even greater threat than before, because this was not only a fortification for the warrior’s attack, but also for his defense.

Moreover, with each blow he struck, the shadowy aura strengthened, making him more powerful and more difficult to defeat. Kaizen was exhausted, and the fight was becoming more and more challenging. With his strength running out, Kaizen knew that he needed to once again try to find a way to turn the game in his favor. He concentrated deeply, searching within himself for a new strategy or a special skill he could use. The crowd held its breath, anxiously awaiting the next move.

And so, with a determined look in his eyes, Kaizen prepared to make his next and final attempt to turn the tide of the game for himself as Teshi continued to attack him with his bestial and menacing appearance.

The battle was far from over, and the fate of the two players hung in the balance. What would Kaizen do? How could he overcome Teshi’s growing threat? The answer was obvious, and it was a card that was all the time hidden up Kaizen’s sleeve.

[Activating Class Skill <Apograph of Skills>.]

[~Copy Condition~

The greatest determination for Teshi to keep fighting is his ambition to face his great opponent named Ryeis and defeat him, only the battles of the two have always ended in a draw for different reasons and situations. The rivalry bond between Teshi and Ryeis is practically unbreakable.𝒐𝗏𝗅xt.𝓒𝐎𝗆

Break that bond by becoming Teshi’s true greatest rival].

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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