Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 371 Targeted Shots

In the view of the online viewers, Kaizen pulled the bowstring with grace and with his intense concentration. His dark eyes through the mask conveyed his focus and left everyone focused on the screen, even those who faithfully believed it impossible for Kaizen to miss. Their eyes looked sharp, calculating trajectory, distance and wind. His determined expression showed that he is confident in his ability.

The seconds seem to stretch out for everyone as Kaizen holds the pose, his breathing controlled. Then, with a smooth, fluid motion, he releases a Swift Arrow, which cuts through the air toward the distant human target. Kaizen was audacious, for instead of aiming at the weaker players who were fighting the stronger player many tens of meters away, he aimed at the powerful player.

However, the arrow grazes the target, narrowly missing it and hitting the snow. Kaizen frowns, annoyed by the result.

In the live chat transmission, the tension that everyone was feeling at seeing him focused quickly dissipates.𝒐𝒱𝓡xt.π’Έπ‘œπ‘š

[kayru88: Wow! He really did shoot! Is this guy crazy?!

soundsmad: He missed… Well, that’s a bit disappointing…

L0CKT: For a moment, I really thought he would hit OMEGALUL

WilIianTNC: Humph! It is obvious that he would get it wrong. There must be no one among the un-evolved who would hit a shot like that].

Kaizen is not shaken by not getting it right the first time. He quickly takes another arrow from his inventory, fits it to the string, and releases again, but this time the arrow also misses the target, going over the top.

The target player, who was fighting on the battlefield, saw the first arrow pass right by him, cutting the air with a sharp whistle. He instinctively lowers his head a little and looks around trying to identify the source of the arrow, but cannot see where it came from, since there are no archers in the trio he is trying to fight against.

Before he could recover from his shock, Kaizen unleashed another arrow, which also missed him, flying over him and landing on the snow-covered ground a few meters away.

The swordsman felt his heart race as he realized how close the arrows were to hitting him, and worst of all, he had no idea where they were coming from.

After two misses, Kaizen adjusted his stance, carefully assessing the strength of the wind, the direction of the wind, the distance, and the angle of the shot. He takes a deep, focused breath as he pulls the bowstring tighter, correcting his aim. With a fluid motion, he releases the third arrow, carefully watching its flight and adjusting it with <Psychokinesis>. The arrow flies, cutting through the wind with precision and hitting the human target right in the back.

The players who were fighting Kaizen’s target are momentarily surprised when the unknown arrow hits him in the back. The target, almost completely focused on his fight, let out a scream of pain and staggered forward, off balance.

“What was that?”

“Where did that arrow come from?”

“Someone is trying to steal our kill!”

The livestream also became hectic, with viewers sharing their reactions in the chat.

[garciacute: I don’t give a fuck that he actually got it right! This guy is awesome!

matheus_sens: Finally! I thought he would never get it right!

xmoraizx: This can’t be real, man

BigWolf1: He doesn’t mess around, huh?

Beniwilsonaj: #KaizenGOAT]

Wasting no time, Kaizen quickly prepared another arrow. Again, he assessed the strength of the wind and adjusted his aim with precision. With controlled breathing and a focused gaze, he released the fourth arrow, which sliced through the air toward the same player as before. The arrow hit the target again, knocking him out for good before he could even react properly to the first arrow. The arrows were consecutive, giving the trio of players no more than a few seconds to think, so they were stunned to see the powerful player begin to disintegrate into square particles, leaving only his flaming orb. Two arrows had been struck, and both had probably dealt enough critical damage to finish him off; who the hell was the mysterious archer capable of this, and where was he?

From the top of the cable car station, Kaizen continued to shoot arrows, now that he understood the correct parameters.

Of course, after defeating the strongest player, Kaizen would not let the weaker ones live. Targeting the adult bear was purely strategic, so that he could then get the cubs without anyone getting in his way.

Therefore, once Kaizen got the twelfth kill, the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth were easy because he just had to keep shooting in the same way as before, causing chaos on the battlefield.

His skill with the bow and his intense concentration were evident to all the spectators, and the kills in succession seemed to come naturally to him, quickly making him the center of attention on all of his group’s live broadcast channels, with viewers eager to see what he would do next.

[ProGamer99: Seriously, this guy is a monster! There’s no one to beat!

RapidFirer: Wow, I can barely keep track of how many slaughters he’s had! I left for a second and he’s already at 15!

Sn1ker: I’ve never seen someone so skilled with a bow among the un-evolved! Kaizen is amazing!

cofeewrzz: Now I’m sure he has some Hack!

Kame93: Kaizen must be someone amazing in real life to have that proficiency, because I have the archer class and I’m sure I’m not able to do that same thing!

GameOn87: I can’t blink my eyes! Every shot is perfect!

TheJungler: Is there anyone capable of stopping Kaizen? Otherwise, he might wipe out his entire group without moving from place!]

Ironically, at the same time that some spectators were wondering if there was someone as strong or stronger than Kaizen in their group, a player of the Guan Yu class, an extremely rare class specializing in spears, was walking when he saw a glow on the top of one of the mountains. Then he saw the arrow flying in the same direction as the glow, and he knew that someone very strong was up there.

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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