Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 247 Third Party

While the ship advanced towards the south, the Risha girls curiously looked at the badge that came out of Daimon’s pocket and was now floating above the compass.

“What’s that countdown for, Daimon?”, asked Leslie as she saw the now remaining 54 hours, prior to Stella’s arrival.

Leslie’s question reminded Daimon that he forgot to tell them about the difference in time as well as the contents of the trial he went through, it wasn’t his fault though, the Risha girls were really tired yesterday and the battle against the creatures took place not too long after he found them, after that the storm hit the island too.

“I passed the trial, and that is the remaining time before vice principal Stella is allowed to enter the magic ruin… I forgot to tell you, time flows differently here than in the outside world, the month you all spent here was about half a day for me”.

“Damn, that means we’ll be trapped here for a whole year”, mumbled Yvonne.

The exploration was supposed to last for six days in the time of the Wonder Myriad stellar chart, but here that would be about twelve months.

“I wouldn’t worry about that, we’ll have to reunite with the others and the only way of transport here, are these ships, that blue skinned guy wasn’t from any race of our stellar chart, so there is chance that there is a civilization living inside this ruin”, said Daimon as he grabbed the black badge to keep it in his pocket once again, the compass already registered the exact coordinates needed for the ship after all.

“That, or there is another entrance to this place in another stellar chart”, added Liliana, they all met Dimas so the fact that there was a world outside the Wonder Myriad stellar chart was a truth for them.

The three girls remained silent for a moment, they already had to worry about the people from the other three galaxies, those strange creatures and now there was a possible third party to deal with.

And what’s worse is that they haven’t found any resource so far, the flora and fauna of this place was quite regular and although the sea had a decent mineral concentration, it wasn’t valuable at all.

Seeing those three getting a bit depressed, Daimon laughed.

“There is no point in worrying about that, besides we still have one more room to investigate, I think these creatures have a pirate like culture, and since they don’t have storage rings, that should be the treasury”.

As expected, those three’s eyes sparkled after listening to Daimon’s theory, since the ship didn’t need them to drive, they went downstairs into the body of the ship and walked towards the second closed room, the first one where the corpses were stored had magic formation engraved on the door, but this one had two extra locks placed right in the middle of the door, not that it mattered since Daimon had an “universal” key in the form of Demon’s light.

A small wisp of white flames burned down the whole door as soon as it touched it, making Leslie feel more curious about it.

Although Daimon already explained her, Demon Light was a combination spell, she still was marveled by it, it was true that fire was the element Daimon used to fuse the whole thing together, which resulted in the white flame appearance it took, so he understood why others had confused it with some special kind of fire, like that smiling ghoul back then and Leslie now.

Once the door was gone, the scene they expected didn’t appear, unlike the treasure filled room they expected there were only a couple of large coffers made out of the same kind of black mineral, Daimon saw in the black hall back at the trial.

Daimon used his infinity eyes to inspect the coffers, just in case, and was flashed for a moment similar to what happened when he sparred with Aleah, the contents were definitely metallic.

“At leas it’s not an empty room”, mumbled Daimon as he approached the first coffer, just like the walls of the black hall, it had strange runes engraved on it, he deciphered some of them and the result was something along the lines of “Tribute Arks”.

Knowing he wouldn’t be able to fully decipher the runes in the coffers Daimon drew them in a notebook, before he burned the lids of the coffers.

As Leslie and Lilia were about to lean out to see the contents of the first coffer, they were dragged backwards by Daimon and Yvonne, just in time to protect them from a large amount of black mist which came out of the coffer.

Yvonne was able to disperse the black mist using her mana to guide it outside of the ship, while Daimon simply ordered his magic core to devour it, which lately seemed to be a bit more cooperative as it followed his order.

The room was soon clean again, but Leslie and Liliana still coughed a couple of times to get rid of the slight uncomfortable sensation in their tongues.

“Cough… what the hell, was that a trap to protect the treasures inside the coffer”, said Leslie as she cleared her throat.

Daimon grabbed one of the things inside the first coffer and showed it to the girls, it was a piece of dark metal ore, which was letting out some faint streams of black smoke upon contact with Daimon’s hand.

“This metal whatever is it, produces that black mist, what you saw earlier was all the mist that as produced and stored in the coffer, it just exploded due it being liberated”.

“That being said, I don’t recognize this thing”, said Daimon as he went through all the metals that he knew off, as well as the metal section of the guide the academy handed them.

Daimon deduced it was some kind of refined version of the black mineral used for the coffers, and that black mist was similar to the one that accumulated in the black stone hall too.

Unfortunately, it seemed to not have breaking through properties, since Yvonne didn’t grab one and she also didn’t absorb the black mist, so it was more likely a material for crafting.

Leaving that coffer aside, the other one did have what they expected, it was half divided in pile after pile of black crystal cases and some weapons with the same strange runes engraved on them.

This time the girls did take one of the many black crystal cases and opened to see their contents.

“I have some kind of pearls”, said Leslie, the content of the case she took were some pearls which had mana stored inside of them, they were similar to mana crystals in the amount and quality of mana contained.

“Mine are bones of some kind of sea magic beast”, the case Liliana opened had bones with a fait blue tone on them, among them she could see some fin shaped bones, and a couple of skills which belonged to a fish like beast.

As for Yvonne, she had to carefully return her case to where she took it from, because hers contained a bottle of poison extracted from a magic beast, the smell itself was rather fish like which made her nose wrinkle a couple of times.

Yvonne took a second case as her finding wasn’t up to her linking, while Daimon on the other hand was interested in the poison, just like Haylee he had that affinity too, thanks to the manticore.

With the pass of the years, he learned that the condition to level up the skills varied, sometimes they were easy to guess and in other cases they were pretty random.

The poison he could produce on his claws was in the second category, Daimon changed one of his nails into a claw and then let a small drop of the poison in it, to fall in the bottle of poison, then he closed the lid of the bottle and kept it in his inventory.

“Now this is a decent discovery~”, said Yvonne as she giggled, the content of the second case she took was a small spyglass with some gems embedded on it, it was more of a decorative item, but it was rather expensive looking.

The other two Risha girls pouted and then looked at Daimon, they had “Yvi took two cases and we only had one” practically written on their faces.

Daimon bitterly smiled.

“You three seem to be having some fun opening the cases, so I’ll leave it too you”, said Daimon before he went upstairs, leaving the Risha sisters alone.

Daimon who just went upstairs was suddenly hit by a faint current of wind, he turned to see the origin and with his infinity eyes activated, he saw from afar that there were two ships facing each other, but unlike the ones he had seen before and the one he currently owns, those two had cannons mounted.

Still the currents of wind didn’t come from the explosions of the cannons, but from the clash of two figures who jumped using their respective ships as support.

One of them was easy to recognize, it was a three limbed creature with a strength equivalent to an early-stage Knight Lord.

But that’s not what caught his attention, but the one fighting against the creature, it was a similar to the light skinned guy, but this one had red toned skin and it was his fire attacks (explosions) which caused the currents of wind, unfortunately they were blown away by the creature using its bone arm enveloped in green flames.

“Boom!”, a loud explosion echoed through the sky as the ship of the creatures was sank in the battle, Daimon curiously observed how the creatures died screaming upon contact with the water.

As for the three limbed creature once it was forced to land on the water, it jumped out of it, a couple of seconds later, but there were black smoke streams coming from its feet.

,m ‘So, they can’t touch water’, thought Daimon as he frowned, after the three limbed creature died, the other ship suddenly turned towards them.

“What was that explosion?”, asked Leslie as she came out of the door in the deck which led to the interior of the ship.

“They are coming for us… prepare to leave the ship just in case”, said Daimon as he raised his guard, the other ship was clearly faster than the one he stole from the creatures, and judging by the greedy expression of the red skinned guy who fought against the three limbed creature, his didn’t come with good intentions.

The ship stopped a few meters away from them, and then the red skinned guy spoke in the common language of the Wonder Myriad stellar chart, but with a strange accent.

“Prepare to be boarded, take out your possessions and you will not suffer any harm… oh, look at that, guys, we have some found some decent “treasures” this time around”, said the red skinned guy to the others who were on his chip as he licked his lips.

Daimon frowned, judging by that guy’s speech, he wasn’t an adult and yet he was a Mage Lord.

The red skinned guy saw that the other party wasn’t obeying him and he snorted, then the cannons of his ship were pointed at the one Daimon.

“Fire”, with a single word, the cannons roared and two balls of fire flew towards the area where Daimon was standing.

But then under his surprised eyes, he saw Daimon punching the fire balls making them fly back at him.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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