Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 754 Looks aren’t where their similarities end [Monthly Bonus 2]

Six of the Grandmaster Demons and gods were caught off guard by this sudden attack, even the one who was concealing herself with stealth and their legs were easily pierced by the blood beams.

Evansen fired a second barrage of beams, unfortunately, the Transcendents intervened and blocked his blood beams, preventing them from finishing the job.

Seeing his attack, the corner of Gabrielle’s lips curled slightly as she spoke.

“You’re not half bad.”

The young woman reached out her hand and caught the fist of one of the Transcendents who punched through her revolving aura blades and pulled him forward, before throwing out a punch with her other hand which sent him flying backwards.

She then used her liquid energy to wrap around the legs of one of the Grandmasters and dragged them towards her position.

The moment they saw that the Grandmasters were not sliced to pieces by the revolving energy, they realised that Gabrielle had deactivated the technique.

However, before they could charge in, the young woman slammed her hand on the ground and muttered under her breath.

[Pseudo-Authority of Creation: Geomancer’s Fury.]

The ground beneath their feet trembled and the earth rose to assail the Demons and gods with jagged spikes. This caused Earthquakes that collapsed the nearby buildings, sending the 100-floor high structures collapsing atop them all.

She then slammed her palms together and created a wall of her blue-black energy that sealed Evansen in with the Grandmasters and kept the others out.

“Handle these, Evansen.”

“With pleasure.”

The boy replied as he drew more blood from his body and combined all the blood spheres, reforging it into a one-handed sword.


Kicking off the ground, he dashed off to the first wounded grandmaster and faster than the poor woman could realise, he lopped off her head, spilling crimson blood into the air.

He then grabbed the demon’s wing with his left hand and flung her body towards a god about to cast a spell, using her as a flesh shield.


The spell hit the dead demon and blasted her body to pieces, spraying even more blood in the area.

“Why, thank you.”

Evansen spread out his magic power and manipulated all of the demon blood, shaping it into a sword on his left hand while he used magic to reabsorb his own blood, leaving only a little which served as the hilt of his blade.

He circled the god’s body and stabbed him in the chest with the demon blood sword, piercing through his flesh and bones with ease.

‘Hmm? His skin is peeling?’

Fire and lightning rained down from above and on sheer instinct, Evansen infused the dead god’s body with his magic power and created a shield of golden blood to block it, before firing off the blood as a beam of power towards the Demon who had used the magic.

Pressurized blood shot out from the orifices of the god’s corpse, launching three-sided golden blood beams that hit all his attackers.

‘As I thought…the blood of the gods deals more damage to demons and vice versa.’

Once he confirmed his conjecture, Evansen created a second blood sword with golden blood, and tossed the dried-out corpse aside, charging forward while dual-wielding the blood swords.

◇ ◇ ◇

Meanwhile, Gabrielle was duking it out with the Transcendents and Sovereigns. They showed impeccable cooperation, revealing that this wasn’t the first time they had fought together.

However, the young woman was still able to match their combined power with her own.

All the Epics present had been slaughtered and the Legendries were lying on the floor half dead, their bodies either lacking their heads and missing their legs respectively.

Gabrielle created spectral blades of her blue-black energy and she used these blades to clash with the weapons of the Demons and gods, countering all their strikes with minimal movements.

Another thing the Demons had to watch out for was her ridiculous speed that outstripped even theirs, something that even the god who specialized in lightning and speed could not perceive.

“Arcane Nova!”

One demon unleashed a burst of pure magic that erupted into a devastating explosion, however, Gabrielle held her hand out in his direction and released a surge of blue-black liquid that consumed the explosion in its initial stages, preventing it from rippling outward.

She then charged at the demon with her sword raised overhead and a dense amount of aura wrapping around the blade, to which the demon raised his weapon to block.

However, right before their swords clashed, Gabrielle suddenly vanished and reappeared behind one of the gods and swung her blade down, tearing through his aura barriers and slashing through him.


What followed was a massive explosion, with buildings blown to smithereens and a giant crater tearing through the earth.

As the dust cleared up, Gabrielle’s blade was revealed to have torn through the god’s torso from his shoulder down to his waist, slicing through his heart in the process.

Golden blood spilt to the floor as the Inferior Transcendent’s corpse dropped to the ground, but before they could even get over their shock at how easily she had killed one of them, Gabrielle disappeared once more.

One of the demons who had a danger sense skill widened his eyes in shock and turned his gaze around, throwing an attack towards the ground behind him.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t fast enough and Gabrielle’s figure had already manifested behind him, her hands pointed towards the back of his chest and a swirling ball of blue-black liquid condensing in front of her palms.

She unleashed the liquid as a pressurized beam that tore through the demon’s chest and created a hole in his torso.

Blood gushed forth from the Demon’s mouth and he dropped to his knees, however, his Tenacity skill activated and gave him the strength to hold on for a few more seconds.


Using sound law energy, he released a loud cry which created a shockwave that knocked Gabrielle back before screaming out his discovery to his companions.



He never got to complete his words as Gabrielle flashed in and sliced off his head at the last moment, but the message had already been passed on.

“Shado…? Shadows?”


The X2/X3 intelligence stats of the Transcendents were put to good use and they quickly deciphered the meaning of the Demon’s last message—the secret to Gabrielle’s speed.

“She’s using our shadows!!”


The young woman clicked her tongue when she noticed all the remaining Transcendents imbue their shadows with law energy.

It wouldn’t prevent her shadow teleportation, but it’d allow them to know where she was going to reappearandthey’d be able to react swiftly.

Suddenly, a massive explosion rang outandthe barrier she used to enclose Evansen with the grandmasters was shatteredfrom within.

The boy’s body flew outandhe flipped through the air, landing on the floorandhis feet dragged through the ground.

He looked at the burns on his hands, using Paladin’s limited healing to deal with them before jumping back to avoid the spears of light that rained down from the sky.

Coincidentally, he ended up back-to-back with Gabriellewhowas facing the remaining 5 Transcendents, allof which werestaring at her warily.

Evansen breathedheavilyas he looked at the last two Superior Grandmasterswhowerewielding spears of light while glaring at him.

The area went silent, save for the sounds of the collapsing buildings and flames burning until Evansen broke it with a question to Gabrielle. Saʀch* Th NvlFir(.)nt website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

“You know, I’vebeen meaningto ask this since earlier…”

Evansen bent forward as he spoke, allowing Gabrielle to send a slash to block the attack of the Legendary Demonwhotried to get him with a long-ranged spell.

Simultaneously, he manipulated the blood of the Dead Demon at her feet and launched blood beams towards the Transcendent’s eyes, aiming to distract them so they didn’t attack Gabrielle from behind.

As it was the blood of a Transcendent, manipulating it wasvery difficultandhe couldn’t even take a step forwardwhile doing so. It also guzzled half his magic power in one go.

“Since we look similar and all…”

The boy continued speaking as Gabrielle used her Creation Pseudo Authority to conjure a giant boulder in the sky and hurled it towards the Transcendents.

Naturally, they all dodged itsoshe used magic power to shatter the boulder to pieces and sent each piece flying as a supersonic speed projectile towards them.

It was then that Evansen finished his question.

“I just wanted to know if I had a chance?”


At first, Gabrielle was confusedas towhat he was asking her about.It was then thatthe first two lines he spoke resounded in her headandthe realisation dawned upon her.

“Seriously? Now of all times?”

She gave the boy a deadpan gaze, wondering why he chose a situation where they were fighting to survive to ask thatkind ofquestion.

“Well, I was gonna ask it earlierbutwe got interrupted.”

Evansen shrugged as he formed a finger gun and shot two bullets of blood at the Grandmasters, getting them in the legs before snapping his fingers and detonating the blood.

As their legs exploded and they fell to the ground, he turned towards Gabrielle and met her blue-black eyes with his grey orbs.

“Talking aboutcompletelyunrelated matters in serious situations.

I guess your looks aren’t where your similarities end.”

“Does that increase my chances?”

“No, it doesn’t.”

“A pity.”

Though he said that, Evansen didn’t look too disappointed at her replyandGabrielle didn’t shy away from pointing it out.

“Of course, I’m NOT disappointed. We just met a few hours ago.”

Just as Evansen replied, Gabrielle suddenly grabbed him by the stomach and slung his body over hershoulder,before teleporting from that position.

A mere second after Gabrielle whisked Evansen away, a cataclysmic explosion erupted from the seven Tier 5 Magic circleswhich had beenhovering in the air, unleashing torrents of devastating energy that cascaded downward with the force of multiple nuclear detonations.

The sheer magnitude of the blast razed everything in its path, obliterating structures and reducing them to nothing more than scattered debris and dust.

In a radius spanning 150 kilometres, the landscapewas transformedinto a desolate wasteland, with a gaping crater at its epicentre marking the point where the spells had impacted the ground.

Treeswere uprooted, buildingswere levelledandthe very earth itselfwas torn apartdue to the explosion.

If they weren’t in a Mirror Dimension, then the death toll would have instantly been in the hundreds of thousands.

Any living beings caught within the blast radius would have been instantly incinerated, their existence wiped away in a blinding flash of light and searing heat.

Thankfully,such a disaster was prevented.

Thousands of metres above ground, Gabrielle and Evansen looked at the devastation wrought by the explosion that had left behind a barren expanse of scorched earth and ashes.

“With how well they worked together, I thought they were close.

To think the Transcendents sacrificed them all without hesitation…”

The young woman muttered under her breath as she confirmed that the only life signs inside the clouds of dust and smoke billowing to the skies were those of the Transcendents.

The remaining Sovereigns had allbeen killedby the earlier explosion.

“What the fuck just happened?!”

“Five Transcendents tried to kill us, that’swhat happened.”

Gabrielle calmly replied to Evansen’s question, but before she could say anymore, a beam of golden light shot out of the clouds of smokeandshe quickly created a foothold with aura and used it to springboard herself higher into the air.

As the beam of divinity tore through where she had been earlier, Gabrielle turned around, andcreated more footholds using them to propel herself away from the pursuing Transcendents

“I wonder how large this Mirror Dimension is…”

The earlier explosion had destroyed more than two states worth of areaandyetit didn’t seem to reach the barrier line of the Mirror Dimension.

Gabrielle dashed forward for a few minutes with the Transcendents hot on their tail, eventually reaching a point where the space in front of her looked like shattered glass.

“Well…that’s the end. This thing is quitebig.

I’m guessing it’s being maintained by the power of one of those Race Lords.”

She muttered to herself as she put Evansendownon the ground before raising her hands and conjuring a magic circle.

Seeing this, Evansen silently summoned the last of his magic power and placed his hand on her back, using a skill to buff her.

“Our level difference makes this thing guzzle my energy by the secondsobe fast with your casting.”

“Oh…this is quite good.”

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